Service Outage - 07/18/2024

well they just used 1/2 of the yearly downtime today, with a 100m$ gain EHG made on open launch figure they could do something better for their online players.

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Microsoft’s servers are down.

How the hell are you blaming EHG for Microsoft’s servers being down?


So wait, I’m not able to play offline either because… the online service is down? I click “offline mode” and I get the same error about the log in server. How do you figure that its “offline mode” if I have to be online to play it.

Companies that embrace the public cloud do so so that they can “save money”. In other words, they can get rid of their good engineers and trust a third party to host their hardware and software. If there is an outage, however, they can literally do nothing but sit around and wait for the services to come back up…and yes, there should always be a Plan B (for example in this case, replication to another zone or another cloud provider), but this is rarely implemented in real life because you are doubling or tripling your costs for an insurance policy that has a 0.001% chance of being needed. Well, today is the 0.001% day. Keep in mind that EHG is a small company with a product that people have already purchased. There are thousands of companies that depend on sales and they are losing tons of money due to this downtime.

And as far as communication is concerned, few companies will flat out say “hey guys, Azure is down so it’s gg until it comes back up” because:

  1. They don’t want to divulge what infrastructure they are using
  2. They don’t want to divulge that they have no business continuity plan in place

In the case of an online game, they would literally need real-time database replication – otherwise, they could restore last night’s backup to another server and repoint their servers to that database, but then all the items/progress players have had in the past 24 hours would be gone.

This practice is widespread and companies take the risk all the time – so do governments. “We don’t need a disaster recovery plan because we are in the cloud” says the stupid IT manager who knows nothing about IT.


Yes you can. Right click and go into properties and launch it offline from there.

Relying on third party cloud service without any kind of redundancy ( emergency server) is not smart , yes its mainly microsoft fault but , EHG have some responsability too

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Back in

Tell me you know literally nothing about how the internet works without actually saying “I know nothing about how the internet works”

The idea that EHG used Azure to ‘save money’ as opposed to your suggestion of what? Completely inventing a new internet architecture infrastructure for their own studio?

You know that AWS is the only reason Amazon is profitable right? And you suggest that EHG just do what Amazon did with AWS instead of use Azure because they made money on launch.

That’s insane.


According to the Azure status page, it looks like the issue might be resolved. Login servers are still offline though.

Edit: back in just moments after my comment.

Corrupted or missing data detected, steam will verify the game files on next launch.

“Thank you to all the adventurers who have loved The Last Epoch so far. After much consideration, we have closed the service. We hope everyone enjoys the new season of POE, which opens next week. :grin:”

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Just gonna leave this here for all the armchair quarterbacks.


Events like these are a woeful reminder of how awful a significant segment of the gaming community is. Worldwide outage affecting airlines, governments, phone systems, etc? “Your game sucks! I can’t wait to play <insert game X, Y, and/or Z here>!” Even after discovering the root cause of the issue, to see so many people transform into every multiversal incarnation of Captain Hindsight, soapboxing about how EHG should have setup their infrastructure and service providers is both laughable and lamentable. All just so you can play a video game.


Stuck on loading screen! Any fix for this?!

I would like to express my sincere feelings and apologies for so many negative comments, but please don’t feel bad, as there are many people just like me who understand the problem they are going through and we are looking forward to the resolution of the problem. Going a few days without our favorite game is not the end of the world and no matter how much these people make negative comments, they have to understand that problems exist and it is very easy to criticize, but giving a solution is very difficult.


This was not EHG’s fault. I feel horrible for people trying to travel. Imagine being stuck somewhere because the computer systems are down. Yikes. Or having to use a public service (everything is shut down). They got the game servers up pretty quick all things considered.

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As a career software engineer, I actually laugh out loud reading all these comments from people who have obviously never worked in tech a day in their lives talking like they could have prevented any of this.

Like, yes - squints at nametag - Robert?, tell me absolutely everything about your fully on-prem, fully in-house developed servers and architecture that would not be susceptible to outages, it’s fascinating. Just please don’t let it distract you from getting my order correct.


good job i got my t7 Affix, today i logged in after the work and nothing but my prophecies was used. thx for nothing. How can i play the boss but the Game is not online and how get the prophecies used but the items are not here. WTF

Ah ah,
The entire thread is quite funny, but I think this line is the top.
This is absolutely correct, GrimmDeath, wisely observed. Of course small amateur players like banks, healthcare services, airlines, some governments will be defenseless against a global outage, but real pros like EHG with their 100m$ should breeze through it.
I am sure these losers don’t even have their own completely independent satellite network yet, refund my 20$!

Now can we go back to talking about llamas? The rest of these forums has really become pathetic…


I whole-heartedly encourage, and endorse, that thread. :joy: