Service Outage - 07/18/2024

Hello Travelers,

We are aware of a current service outage and are working with our service providers to restore service as soon as possible. We will be back to update within the next hour and apologize for this interruption.

Latest Update

Update 2024-07-19T04:59:00Z

We are starting to re-open servers. Please be aware there may be some initial turbulence as the gates open and more servers start to become available. Thank you very much for your patience through this outage, and we will be continuing to monitor stability as players populate the servers.

Previous Updates

Update 2024-07-19T04:28:00Z

Tests are currently looking mostly positive. We’re seeing some latency on requests as things come back online, and are continuing tests to ensure a level of stability we’re happy with before re-enabling services. We will be back again within the next hour with any status updates.

Update 2024-07-19T03:27:00Z

We are starting to see some services restored, and are beginning testing of services before bringing servers back online. We will keep everyone updated within the hour on the outlook of the tests. Thank you all once again for your patience, and we hope to be able to restore service soon.

Update 2024-07-19T02:27:00Z

We are continuing to work with our partners on restoring services to players. We are currently hopeful to start seeing movement on services within the next hour, and will keep everyone updated as the status develops. Thank you for your continued patience and we will have our next update within the next hour.

Update 2024-07-19T01:27:00Z:

Our team is continuing to work on potential options to restore service to as many players as possible. We will have an update as soon as we have more information regarding any start of availability, and will check in again within the next hour concerning progress with partners on restoring service from the outage.

Update 2024-07-19T00:27:00Z

The team is currently investigating options to bring services back online for as many players as we can. We are still working with our providers to bring services back online for all players. Thank you for your patience, and we’ll be back with another update within the next hour.

Update 2024-07-18T23:29:00Z

We have discovered an outage within our servers for character data. As this can result in character data not saving during the outage, we are temporarily taking servers offline until we can restore the character servers to prevent potential signifigant rollbacks. Existing characters and data are not lost. We apologize for the inconvenience and will keep you updated within the hour on the status of the resolution.


I can login after about a 2min wait, and all my characters were gone on cycle and legacy. Figured it was a server issue. Thanks guys!!

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Same thing happened to me, I’m sure they will show back up once the server issue is resolved. Don’t worry :sunny:

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I just got to the character log in screen and everything was there. But couldn’t actually get into End of World. I seriously hope people can wait to see this get fixed before deciding to claim the sky is falling.

All except 2 of my online characters were missing when I logged in… I logged off, and checked her and it says outage, and I cannot log back in… i was freaking out

I have NO characters showing when I log back in. All my characters both Cycle and Non-Cycle are just gone! :scream: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Thanks for the information. Now I realize why I can’t get in the game and characters etc… Keep us in the loop. Ill bounce to another game in the down time.

Seems to be back up.

EDIT: Well, scratch that.


Whew! I was freaking for a bit when I saw my lone Forge Guard was gone :wink:

I get so little time to play. I finally settle in for a longer session and get kicked on my 4th echo due to online not available. So frustrating. I know you’re a smaller team and want to love this game so much. Please don’t make it so hard and prioritize stability over anything else.

Phew, had me worried for a second that all my progress was wiped somehow. Good to know

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Bro i got my T7 affix and 5sec later DC i hope this is in my bag! O.o

oh man P.C. nation up in here

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similar situation for me, hoping it’s still there. uggg

Are servers down again? Was DCed here and can’t go back in

what’s happening ? make your network and authorization servers work, or hire me as a network engineer))))))

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durante o dia já não apareciam os itens do chão, tive que reiniciar o game, agora acontece isso

gonna rage if rollback :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you guys host with MS Azure? I’m not able to work right now because of their massive outage in central America, so I thought I would play some Last Epoch and turns out its not available either, lol.

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LE-52 … what a horrible message. Take a beer meanwhile… time for shooooort break