Season 2 and Beyond - Closer Look

Does this mean its just a faction augment after 12 levels thats it couse if it is than its just a posponed buff and lazy design that will not be interested as soon as skill tree is done, or will we be able to decide what buffs do u want to do to monolith like lets say POE end game skill tree where u invest in certain buffs which are decision making buffs

" Last Epoch Season 2 launches April of 2025!"
So much for Q1 of 2025. Even a whole year after launch and the game won’t even be in its second official season. I expect some sort of compensation for the long wait.


Going the Halo Infinite route. So much for that Tencent money.

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Hope you can finally fix the russian translation. No more ‘cast speed’ = сброс скорости lol :smiley:

April is really far away. I would much more prefer shorter update cycle with less content per update than wait that long. Amount of bugs on launch will be… just swarms.


I can neither confirm nor deny any changes to arena echoes at this time.


Looks like it will be at least one year before I come back to Last Epoch, probably more.
Might as well uninstall for now to save space…
So long, and thanks for all the fish.


It would be helpful if you could make the skill tree respec free until a certain level, so players can create their own builds through trial and error, at least for the upcoming season if not permanently.


Weaver Faction Tree sounds interesting, it sounds like some deterministic way to influence our echoing to some extent?

Is there chance that the endgame crafting additions include idol crafting? Currently it’s such a hassle to store every single one that MIGHT be good for a different char, because we cannot just craft what we need


I love LE and the progress you have planned for S2. What I don’t love is what amounts to an 8-month wait between seasons and new content.

I understand there are significant under-the-hood improvements needed to address the technical debt you’ve built up, but I’m really concerned this might portend the death of the game.

The average ARPG has a 3-4 month cyclical season rotation, which is what players have generally come to expect. LE is already pushing the boundaries of what’s considered “normal” with a current 5-month season. The game has already lost 99.3% of its player base in the 10 months since release. Many players, like myself, are waiting on the sidelines for exciting new content to jump back in, but many others are likely moving on entirely.

It’s important to note that LE isn’t just competing with the same games it faced at launch (primarily D4 and PoE); now, PoE2 has launched in early access, surpassing one million pre-orders and drawing significant player interest with 2x the peak players. None of these games are halting development to wait for LE to catch up with their release cycles. Few enfranchised players in the genre will turn to the game with the slowest content schedule.

The updates, bug fixes, and content sound incredible, but I’m worried.


All I can say is I hope all the hard work and wait was worth it. Hope you guys pull this off EHG!

We all know how terrible 8 months are for an update to drop. We as players don’t like it, and EHG has said: they don’t like it either. I’m 100% confident they had immense discussions and sleepless nights over this single issue. Either you trust their decision on this, or you don’t.
I miss LE, especially after PoE2’s disastrous short-comings. I wanna play, but I’ll survive another 4-5 months. We might get an event or something in the meantime, who knows?
What’s important to me is, the next experience I have with LE needs to be glorious. And I really hope they’re cooking and delivering.
Wish 'em the best of luck and godspeed


Any news on the engine upgrade? Can we expect any changes to combat feel, etc?


Excellent! :heart_eyes:
LE is more fun for me!

I’ve recently started watching your weekly streaming.
I think your game development philosophy is great.

Keep awesome working! :+1:

Good to hear updates even if the timeline is abit further out than what I would have expected. Hoping to see a much improved LE in Apr next year!

You say “average”, but seasonal ARPG’s are LE, PoE, Torchlight Infinite (I think?), Diablo 3, and Diablo 4 (I could be missing some, but these are the seasonal ARPG’s I know of). Conversely, we have Grim Dawn, Titan Quest, Torchlight 1 and 2, Diablo 2, and Chronicon (again, that I know of). So it’s 5 to 6, which is effectively 50/50, not really fair to say that the average arpg has a 3-4 month cycle when half of the major ones don’t have a cycle period.

Edit: I should say that I’m biased against seasons/cycles. I honestly wish LE didn’t go the seasonal route and tried to stick to the traditional experience and have expansions to the story and new areas to explore while still having monoliths and dungeons for endless content. Incentivize new characters through updates rather than resets.


Wasn’t expecting news so soon after poe2 EA launch. Thank you! I’m still blasting LE and can’t wait for April. Something about LE which makes it unique and my favourite ARPG.

Are there any plans to add tiers to idol affixes? Would be great for the loot filter.

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I am also going to have to go with this is BEYOND unreasonable - I left this game once because of loosing faith in the devs, came back to give it another chance, and the game is in worst state now than it was before, not to mention season 2 is a year and a half. You are just killing your own game.


At least they are looking at the problem points and addressing them unlike a certain other game that is within the “diablo-like” genre. it does suck i do miss LE but i’d rather have actual changes over “changes” that do nothing for the game

I really hope the late release of Season 2 will pay off. If EHG actually manages to fix most of the bugs (especially in the skill and skill interaction area) I will be very happy.
I don’t know if this is a smart moves business wise, maybe if they invest heavily on marketing again and push content that can live up to said marketing.

I hope for the best but only time will tell.

Concerning factions: I like them as is already. These progression systems that you automatically advance while playing the game normally are great. I don’t think having more of those is in any way bad.

I’d like to see some of those taking a more active approach in customizing the gameplay experience. Stuff like the GD will do with the new addon or PoE does with the Atlas. CoF already does that to some extend with “prophecy hunting” but this is a very short term gameplay change. Something that changes up the regular gameplay.

Anyway, looking forward to the next patch! I’ll probably try it.