Right Click to Move?

Yeah this is a real issue coming from other games where I am able to rebind these functions.
I understand the devs want to limit how many skills you can have equipped. but its a huge burden for me who wants to hold RMB to move my character around and using left click is extremely unnatural especially when playing different games all the time like Dota, POE, D4, GrimDawn the list goes on.

Hopefully we could swap the functionality of these buttons by our own accord. I had to brute force it through my mouse software. Some people will not be so lucky.

also LMB + attack/interact is also gone (you could assign 1-4 on lmb move + attack in beta) i think its BOTH unintentionally gone

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guys please PLEASE let us remap the right mouse button for movement and left for attack …
its so confusing why we cant rebind the right mouse button wtf xD

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I don’t personally care but my spouse was really unhappy the other day that he couldn’t do this and he doesn’t forum, so just putting a word in here on his behalf.

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is easy clik in restore defaults is good game

Here you go.
Just tested after patch, nothing changed, everything still works as before.

Hi All,

I wanted to share that this looks like this has been recently addressed by EHG. See their response below regarding this issue:

“With how the engine works, there’s a lot of functionality which directly references LMB rather than being able to go through bindings. This may come in the future, it’s just a surprisingly large task to do, and so hasn’t hit the top of the priority list.”

first of all i dont understand what you say because your sentences makes no sense.
and second of all “restore defaults” is rightclick attack and move left but i want it the exact opposite mate …

thanks but having to need it to be changed in registry in the 1.0 full launch is borderline unacceptable … but i thank you alot
i tried it and with having all interactions then on right i think i stay with default :frowning:
maybe some day they make it possible to just walk on either if you dont force attack or click on a unit like basicly other other arpg handling it xD its just the proven way they dont need to reinvent the tested good stuff

same issue here

this is really disappointing, unplayable

I personally wouldn’t want anything changed, but maybe the devs could add a “left-handed” mode option to flip the keybinds for the left and right click. That might be a relatively simple fix.

bind left shift for move bro this easy way)

why can’t we just bind right click for moving wtf

there is the solution, gl ig

What really frustrates me is that his is antithetical to melee builds. LMB can only be used to move, and RMB to an attack?

As a Primalist in 9.x, I had Swipe to LMB, so I could move and attack, and Upheaval to RMB. Now, I die because I keep forgetting the LMB is useless in combat. Or that RMB keeps you in place and mobs that have longer reach will murder you, because you keep whiffing your strikes.

Meh, I’ll just go play an Acolyte, at least most of the skills are Ranged,

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I managed to make it work on right click move, changed the windows mouse left to right priority then enter game, remove both mouse buttons, click the right click on force move, then it will not allow you to use atack on left click or use the mouse. will only allow you to move on right click after that restore settings to default and it should work, without blocking the left click.

This doesn’t fix the issue, but I think I understand how things are supposed to work with this config.

I’m so used to have to click to move that I didn’t even think of doing this, but if you hold down left click it will continue to move but what is new to me is being able to hold rmb while clicking lmb.

I was so used to clicking one or the other that my initial impression was to want to swap the buttons, but with this it’s a bit more bearable to melee since you can attack and move at the same time. (I still want to swap though)

I HAVE FOUND THE ANSWER. All you need to do is go to your mouse settings on windows and change your primary mouse button from left to right (should be at the top). So now the game thinks you are clicking with left mouse anyways but its actually right click :slight_smile:

and what’s the point ? …we don’t want to use every other ingame interaction with the right click…we just want to move with it