Granted POE2 is in EA, i did enjoy POE2 a great deal. i enjoyed playing mace which was seen by most as the weakest playstyle in the game. I actually felt the mace gameplay was awesome and MOSTLY i felt it was balanced. I do recognize that there are a lot of things still bad against mace, and mace becomes absolutely shit tier once you compare it with “almost everything else”. i still enjoyed it.
but why am i coming back to LE? one thing i realized from my time in POE2 is GGG is sitting on a goldmine that they created. but the issue is i think they will take the gold and steer the game in a direction i dont like.
i’ve played POE1 for over a decade, but there are 2 major factors that LE/EHG does way better.
Which is giving players options/respecting our time more.
Why do I say this? POE has a complex and powerful crafting system. A lot of POE fans would cheerfully flaunt the complexity it has and the potential power players can get from wielding it. but the sad reality is crafting currency drops are SHIT. literal shit. i finished the entire campaign recently and i got like what? 20-40 alterations? WTF am i supposed to do with “just” 20-40 alterations. it takes sometimes hundreds just to get a good combo. i played 10 years and no mirrors dropped. ZERO. so when do i actually craft?
heres the neat part! i dont. most players dont craft. the best way of getting upgrades is just to trade. LE does things differently. i get TONS of crafting materials. i can even shatter stuff to get more. CRAFTING is not inaccessible. everyone can craft and sometimes it amazes me how i start crafting VERY EARLY in the game in LE.
this also alludes to another feature, which is item progression. since players are able to craft somewhat reliably and frequently, players tend to be able to have a smoother campaign experience. lacking resist in one area? you have tons of ways to add resistance. you have a lot of options!
That reminds me of another thing. I HATE relying on trade, in any diablo like, trade will simply become better all the time. SSF is the “silliest” feature in all diablo likes. I say that simply because SSF is just a badge of honour, just there to legitimize a players claims that “i didnt trade with anyone”. back before SSF existed and the internet was in its early days, many played solo. we were all SSF… We didnt need the tag, and even with the tag you gain no benefit from it.
EHG gave us COF. you want to SSF? now you have a real solid reason to SSF. SSF and COF go very well hand in hand.
So now i’ve given the appetizer, here’s the real main dish.
EHG respects “the old way”. wtf is the old way? Permanence. Standard league, Eternal realm, Legacy cycle. GGG kicked things off with temp leagues. Blizz followed suit with temp realms. I know that temp leagues are a primary way for modern diablo likes to survive. The promise of a fresh economy and competition/challenges can keep players coming back.
i am/was a poe1 standard andy. everything i did was for the benefit of my standard league characters. i HATED going into temp leagues refarming everything but i knew that that was the best way to bring power to my main account with out farming mirrors worth of goods. also some of the items simply never make it to the core game, making these temp league items extra valuable.
I was so used to begrudgingly delve in then one day EHG said. hey guys, for our cycles, you guys get to enjoy it on permanent cycle too.
if players wanted to play in a fresh cycle, they could. if they wanted to continue with their own stuff they could too!
i m more or less 10 years older than when i first played poe. things are much different now. i dont have as much time as i did before. i get tired more easily. i m FUCKING DONE rerolling every new league. i m so sick and tired of refarming everything all over again. if i dont my FOMO will force me into it. for example crucible weapons. my crucible weapon is significantly stronger than most and would cost mirrors to obtain.
i m done with this silly rat chase. i want to finally “retire” and ENJOY the game. i dont see myself doing that in poe1. a new league will release and if my FOMO kicks in, i would be compelled to jump in.
i find it so bloody ironic that a smaller/newer company has come up with so many different solutions to solve existing problems. but to that effect i actually learn to appreciate EHG a great deal more.
there are many other reasons why i choose to come back to LE. suffice to say i dont trust GGG enough.
as mentioned earlier i like the mace playstyle. but the only way to make the mace playstyle shine is to nerf everything else down. as to the recent interview, EHG has mentioned theyre going to do some rebalancing on the outliers. IMHO in poe2 everything besides mace is the outliers lol. i truly believe that nerfing tho hurtful is better than buffing. nerfing things down so its in line with others is better to me because it allows the devs to balance the end game better, and the gap between good players and weaker ones can be made smaller.
ggg has yet to make any announcement and i might have to eat my words lol. but i would say i m guessing GGG is more likely to buff maces rather than nerf everything else. i m not a fan of this as it will only escalate into power creep where the devs have to keep creating harder content and we’ll end up with POE1 gameplay all over again.
i’d also highlight how ggg refuses to learn from lessons they themselves learned. they removed melee totems from poe1 to give players more power and to reward a more active playstyle without relying on totems.
poe2 melee totems is a thing. like wtf? you found it bad in poe1, took it away and now reintroducing it in poe2?
anyway, i’ve been rerolling a new character in preparation for the next cycle.
quite hyped for it and all the upcoming changes. i might even start a new cycle character too. i havent played too much since LE’s open beta/ea