Response to MTX Store

I like Magic the Gathering. I stream and play the online version MTGA every day. I’m currently ranked top 1,000 out of over 10 million registered users. I don’t mean to just rag on this game. Clearly there are things about the game I like, otherwise I wouldn’t be here. So here you go, I like the customization in active and passive skills, although I wish they would make it more balanced. I like the crafting system, and love the fact I can upgrade uniques with legendary potential. However, without a trade system finding the right ones seems impossible. I like how fast my mage moves with haste and movement speed bonuses, and I really like having spells that seems to have homing and targeting potential. The gameplay seems great, but without a trade system and PVP, I find there’s not much to do at level 100.

I am pretty certain they just took the already existign screenshot and just adjusted the prices of the individual items, but forgot to change the Point Count

No offense, but did you read the OP?
They literally answered your question in the post.

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Gonna be honest I don’t know how I managed to miss the sale bit after having read through it, my bad :sweat_smile:.
Also yeah im assuming thats the case in regards to the image given the similarities, but its still worth asking to be sure given the previous image also had an error in regards to the price of one of the items.

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This is positive and it’s good to see not only a fairly quick response but one backed up by an actionable plan. Well done and thanks. Hopefully this is a lesson learnt to not try to make use of underhanded or predatory tactics in the future and for players to continue to call out similar issues as while this issue has been addressed, it does not in any way remove the undeniable fact that Eleventh Hour Games as a business is more than prepared to (and in-fact would have preferred to given it was formally announced as their fully intended plan) use these methods if they don’t face some sort of heavy backlash or similar consequence.


Blizzard could really learn a lot from your company


No sure if you have seen this Trade development update - Introducing merchants guild and circle of fortune factions. If however you are looking for a game with wide open trade that is vulnerable to 3rd party site loopholes and RMT, then you are on the wrong game site.

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In the past decade or so I have never understood why companies need to push microtransactions into a game that you already have to pay.
Eighter make it FREE TO PLAY and an MTX system that gives no power, just pure cool cosmetics or (the worse way) make the game cost 30-60USD and get everything free or pay extra for expansion packs.
Its not rocket science. I mean yes it is scary to make your game free to access but I think by now it has been proven strongly, if your game is good, then you will make a lot of money from cosmetic microtransactions.
Right now why I have been fine for paying for LE is because of the “Early Access”, you get to play now.
By launch of 1.0 I fully expect the game to go freetoplay… if its to survive. There is a very small market for games that ask money and then more money via microtransactions… you lose A TON of people by moneygating them away. Make it freetoplay and the amount of extra people you find to play your game will pay more then 30USD over the next few years. So its a better business move in the long run, which is what actually matters.

Fantastic changes! I was disappointed in the previous announcement as many others were, but this fixes everything I was concerned about.

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This is precisely why you guys continue to earn my respect and my attention.

Rock stars.

Thank you. And thanks as well to the community for being mostly polite, concise and factual about it with only a minor bit of ‘speculation.’

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Great response. I’m actually someone who really likes grittier, down-to-earth styles and colors. For example, in Grim Dawn, I tend to almost always pick from the first two tabs of any transmog category. I’m not into the gigantic Warhammer 40k style armor or WoW or Anime style stuff.

I hope there will be a wide range of different styles but it’s not really a game-breaker for me either way.


Excellent news!
Thank you for listening.

Now it’s much more likely I will throw money at you if something catches my fancy.



If there’s no inherent difference in the cost to create, maybe they’re trying to do a package like the Kickstarter/Alpha/Beta levels had (Gladiator/Champion/etc) so that those who want to be the High level pay a bit more.

Maybe what they could do is keep those levels but offer you a choice of what element you want from the four styles. Mix and match?

That said, they also may have other reasons we’re unaware of so take this all with a grain of salt. :smiley:

And see, I love being like on fire and having badass skins to really punctuate that my character/toon is max level and in the endgame.

But I also dislike wings and prefer capes or cloaks.

Subjective cosmetics is crazy lmao, poor devs gotta tow that line or someone will end up complaining one way or the other.

I think it’s why I could never enjoy PoE, because you had to fork over the big bucks in order for your endgame toon to look like they weren’t wearing old rustic iron straight out of the first 2 acts.


I do get a little nuttier from time to time with my weapons, but generally, base PoE is probably what I’d end up transmogging to if I played PoE. :joy: :rofl:

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Good fuckin job EHG. No other studio listens to their customers and has solutions anywhere close to you, thank you for reviewing the mtx shop and considering how it affects us.

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About supporter packs:

From old link
When new supporter packs are launched, those packs will only be available during the current Cycle in which they were introduced. For the Eternal series, this timeframe will last from the launch of Rising Flames until 30 days beyond the launch of 1.0.

Sorry I do not understand english well… :hot_face:
Is this “available” means about “buying pack” only?

Or includes “using MTX”?
in other words, can I not use Eternal MTX after 1.0?

That was disappointing. They have given us an impossible task of finding the right gear for our character with 4 legendary potential. The drop rates seem so low that if I ever did find such an item with 4 potential it would almost certainly be the wrong item. Being able to find the 4 uniques for my build with 4 legendary potential is no longer a reasonable or fun prospect.

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Available means available to buy.

Once you have bought the pack, its yours to use forever :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I will buy all packs! :smile: