Reply here to show our support to EHG! (DO NOT COMPLAIN HERE)

Sure they deserve way more :heart:, but I decided to further show my appreciation by playing the game :smiley:


And EHG is backed by one of the largest publishers on the planet.

I’ll be the first in line to congratulate them if they come through all this in one piece, but blindly fawning over them just for doing their jobs like they can do no wrong is exactly the kind of mindset that has kept people from holding companies like Blizzard responsible a long time ago.

Dismissing valid criticisms out of hand does nobody any favors. Toxic positivity is a thing, too.

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:smiley: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

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Idk, just wanna toss my 2 cents in again.

Personally I think they’re doing great. Game is great, communication is great, community over the last several years has been great (even though I didn’t really participate in it myself much). And I just… idk… I feel a lot of warmth in my heart for what they’re doing and continue to do to make this a fantastic game. They have my appreciation. This is a really great, solid, all around fun game.

But I also understand the other perspective. And the servers SHOULD have been better than they were on launch. I don’t hold anything against anyone who wants to complain. I’ve complained, I’ve participated in that. Not with as much vitriol as some and I do think a line is crossed sometimes and people can come across as sounding entitled and harsh to the developers. But no, generally speaking, I get it.

I also don’t like how whenever someone has a criticism of the game (like saying they’re gonna refund) and then someone says “okay bye”. Like someone else above said… there can be toxic positivity. I do believe in holding businesses accountable and if you feel like you didn’t get what you expected or paid for, you should be able to refund. No ifs ands or buts about it. It’s software, it’s not a sandwich you ate and then are asking for a refund.

I don’t wanna be “that guy” who doesn’t pick a side but there is danger to both.

If the developers are flooded with overwhelming support and love for them, they’ll become like “we’re superstars, we can do no wrong!” – Blizzard employees had that kind of superiority complex for YEARS and it really, really took years and for Wow to fall down the toilet for them to finally become humble and to say “maybe we should listen to the players…”

If the developers are overwhelmed with hate and mean or even threatening messages to them, then they’re gonna start to hate their job and the players. And the regular innocent players don’t deserve to be lumped in that category by the developers. And again, back to Blizzard again, like… Dude… there were times where, as a player, could literally feel the hatred they had for their players.

At the end of the day, the people working on the game need to be working on it because they love the game and its vision, and the players need to be playing the game because they want to play it. It’s as simple as that.

I assume you mean Tencent?

They actually own 5% shares in Activision Blizzard as well. With their market cap of 74 billion dollars, that means Tencent has 3.7 billion dollars invested in the studio behind Diablo 3. That’s over 100x the revenue LE has made so far, ignoring any and all costs EHG has made, ever. Even if they bought in straight from the start, they would have made 3-4x the revenue from PoE in the last year.

Plenty of musicians are ‘backed’ by studios like Sony, doesn’t mean they got snorting-coke-off-hookers levels of money though.

Using the term ‘backed’ is also deceptive, because Tencent didn’t give them any guarantees for future support, which is what that usually entails. Tencent invested when they couldn’t find enough money to continue otherwise, doesn’t mean they would save EHG if they crashed and burned afterwards.

It’s worth more than I paid for it, I’m having a blast. Now, as I posted elsewhere I do have a couple of tiny issues (Dual Wielding Animation doesn’t seem to be working for anything other than the basic combo and the LMB move/Interact unable to change) but they’re not enough to make my not want to play this game. I WANT MORE! And I’m willing to pay for it.

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Look - I am just trying to be honest here. I remember D3, it was playable after three days, I still cant load monolith today after waiting for 10 mins.

I love this company, i love this game, but I am also fair - this was a terrible launch and I think factoring in that people understand its an Indie company, they have been relatively gracious.

People complaining is very understandable given whats going on.

Keep up the good work peeps. Thank you for your prompt responses and whipping those servers into shape.

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I feel some (not all) of the posts are more tantrums than criticism.
I mean, if you wonna vote with your wallet, and are able to get a refund from Steam, go for it, really! Fuck, I’ld take a polite “I’m severely disappointed and will advise people to wait to purchase for now” post over the mouth-foam stuff we’ve seen in the last few days.

Slinging insults at the people actively trying to fix the issue isn’t gonna help anyone. This isn’t some suit that decided $70 for what’s essentially a mobile loading screen is a good deal, these are the people that WANT to give you what you want. And for all of the complaints people have about GGG no longer hanging around the forums, this type of behavior is exactly why they don’t.

In short; If you can’t voice your opinion politely, take a walk around the block before you press “Post topic”, or just … don’t play. Steam analytics will speak louder than the 138th “I want refund” post ever will.
I mean, Wolcen’s peak was nearly 130k CCU (compared to the 200+ LE has now) I think they just hit 5k with their last patch and they are down to <300 since last summer.


Gonna live my best live till the servers stablise then no life Last Epoch.

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Wow, insults are normal here?

Well, I had to play offline, but still had fun. That’s because it’s a fun game. I look forward to playing online, though.

All great things takes time , be patient.

Don’t panic and always carry a towel.

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Is there a site that shows server status somewhere? so i dont have to keep trying in game?

YES! THIS! EXACTLY! What do people expect?

Do you really think that a company is just going to fork out the cash for a million player server capacity, when none of you bothered to show any financial commitment there before release day? what a joke! So you all decide to wait for release date then you all gangbang the shop and buy it all at once and magically expect all the servers to be there already setup and paid for by? whom? and all before you decide to make the purchase! Server capacity costs money! There is no infinite credit line for server capacity! Welcome to reality!

HAHAHA listen EHG, ignore these kids, take their money and mute them. Do what you do and we have faith you will get the job done.

I also think you should put an ‘a$$hole’ award on the forum of every account that smeared and attacked you guys from a position of childlike entitlement. So we can all see who they were. The whinging simp cuck squad forum tag.

THANK YOU FOR THIS GAME! Been with you guys for years, been experiencing the issues since launch like everyone else. I upgraded from base (joining back in 2020 or so) to ultimate today not because I really wanted any of the cosmetics but because you guys are great and any little win I can throw your way I’m happy to. I bought my friend a copy too.

This game is great, the team is great, issues be damned…the company has been amazing for years and hiccups like that past couple days don’t change that. Professional is NOT EQUAL to perfection; this game is damn near perfect though.

PS: Friend has been an ARPG player since Diablo and loves the game too.


The patch is amazing. The visual improvements, the new masteries, the factions - it’s all super well done. Everybody , who’s been around here for a little while, can see how much work and dedication has gone into 1.0.

I wish you good luck and good nerves going forward!


It’s frankly heartbreaking to see that the devs are not logging in to Discord due to all the negativity. Launches are hard and there’s no way to prepare for these problems. They’ve done a great job with regular updates and keeping us in the loop. I have had some long waits and a few issues logging in, but overall I’m impressed with the speed that issues are being fixed.

Keep up the great work! I’m loving the game.


Much Love from Austria.
Having a bläst :heart: