Reply here to show our support to EHG! (DO NOT COMPLAIN HERE)

thanks for the amazing game!!!


Such a fantastic game so far! This game hits all those ARPG notes that I have been looking for!


Thank you EHG for the transparency and willingness to communicate. Also, thank you for the offline mode!
I wish this was the standard that everyone lived up to.


I like the positivity in this thread


Having a blast, despite all the flawsā€¦thats an exelent sign^^


I have to say this game is already amazing. I have been playing ARPGs since back during Diablo. I remember waiting feverishly to get my hands on Diablo 2. I played so many hours in that game.

Then all the way back in April of 2018, I found a Kickstarter for this little ARPG game that looked to have really good potential. I have been following Last Epoch since all the way back then. I have been excited for each of the updates that have occurred since all the way back then.

I will admit that the launch has not gone as anyone would have hoped. I will say that I professionally very complex customized systems. And they all have challenges when they go live. No matter how much you prepare, things will never go as you expect. But I will also say that anything worth having is going to come with challenges along the way.

I want to say a huge thank you to a team that wanted to make something great out of love and passion.

And to those that want to complain about the issues, please feel free to jump onto the next AAA title that will be forgotten in a month. The players I want to share a community with will be here supporting the Eleventh Hour team and patiently waiting for the issues to be resolved. Take the time to make the game you wanted. the real players will be hear waiting to play it with you.


Congratulations on almost 200k concurrent players!


I just want to make the devs know that Iā€™ve had a great time playing this amazing game before and after release! Despite the server issues, Iā€™m having a great time and if Iā€™m unable to play I do something else productive. I know there are a lot of angry people, but just know there are those like me silently enjoying and loving the experience. Thank you for being transparent as well!!!


29 posts hahahahahahaā€¦your support is invaluable :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


ā€œKind words are like honey sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.ā€ -King Solomon

Iā€™d rather see 1 positive post than the flood of negativity stemming from the lack of patience.


I am enjoying the game for the $34.99 buy in! Go EGH Go!


Thanks for this fantastic experience.


So happy to see a thread like this!

Iā€™m having a great time and if Iā€™m unable to play I do something else productive.

Exactly my thoughts! Life isnā€™t riding on this and it will get better. Definitely will be supporting these devs not just in this thread, but moving forward as well!


Why do you see frustrated and totally let down people as negative and say that they lack patience ā€¦

If you would be stuck in a 3 hours long line to beta test a game and by the time you reach the end line they told you that the game boot is shuting down, and you would have to come tomorrow for a 6 hours wait time and the next morning you get the same treatment, would you be patient enough to keep on coming every day for double the wait time in hopes you will get to beta test a game or will you end up going down with frustration ? If you are not into beta testing just swap for whatever example you want, like anything that gives you pleasureā€¦

Stop cataloging people into inpatient people when all they do is frustrate themselves because they expected a bad scenario but not the dump fest that came afterā€¦ They had patience in the first day, hoping the devs get a good night sleep and come back fresh to tackle the problem, they had high hopes this will not take more than 24 hoursā€¦Now you are telling them to have patience another 2 more weekend days, and probably for most of them another week of waiting because of daily activities like work family and so onā€¦You sir are delusional for thinking that even you have that kind of patienceā€¦most of them will just walk way if they donā€™t care enough while the rest of them will go mad in anticipationā€¦

Stop quoting big things if you on the high end do not understand basic humman psychology.

Offline mode is great! Should have been the default mode. Though, it wouldnā€™t do much for the MTX strategy.


:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


Iā€™m enjoying myself. I love Diablo, but this is a very nice alternative. The skill tree system is the best of any ARPG I have ever played. Leveling is an actual challenge, which I like. Iā€™m still learning my way thru the systems. I also love the option of offline SSF as I have no interest in playing with others. I hope you are able to get your servers fixed for those that do like multiplayer because you have a very good base game to build on for the future.


Loving the game! You guys are doing GREAT! Donā€™t mind the haters in the other threads. Youā€™re nailing the game! Everything from character diversity, down to the mechanics of loot/crafting and skill trees! Having a blast on me Warlock! And the spell/attack visuals are true eye candy. Loving it all! Youā€™ll get the kinks with the zoning/servers sorted outā€¦we have faith! Looking forward to YEARS of fun playing this one!

Keep up the great work!!! Much love!!


Huge CONGRATZ on almost reaching 200K concurrent players on Steam EHG guys! You deserve every success guys, youā€™ve even converted this Grumpy Old Bastard (GOB) Gamer ā„¢, as Iā€™ve become more and more jaded with online gaming these past 10 or so years. Sure, Iā€™d love to be able to play with the Mrs offline LAN co-op, but itā€™s a small price to pay to have to be online, especially as the server are becoming visibly more stable and reliable, on the 3rd day already. All the best for the future guys!
(P.S. career IT geek here of 40 years - where do I apply for a perm WFH job lolā€¦?)


Only 180 love hearts? Surely they deserve more! :wink: