Remove Sets from game

  • All you do in LE is killing and looting mobs. All you do in endgame is clearing Arena levels or Timelines which basically means resetting mob-areas to kill and loot them. How can this be changed by something you just need? Or how this can be changed by unfinished set?
  • Why do you think you need every next tier at all? If 1st bonus is to weak and last one is to strong? But this is a balancing issue - not set mechanics.

Does no see what i see in my head… Lets say you get 2 uniques at level 40 which works perfectly for your build idea… then you get set after set after set with useless affixes towards your build. It would be very frustrating to keep getting the same set never completing the set. or if it was all uniques every drop would be a chance to expand your ideas on build development…

I didn’t even think of that, but I guess it is similar. One HUGE difference, though, is that LE doesn’t have a cube and you would be required to wear the item to get its bonuses, thus taking a slot from your build.

It would be cool, maybe, if they opened up the possibility to roll a unique or set into another random unique or set. Unique item-> Random Unique, Set item → Random Set item. Maybe remove the possibility to gamble for Unique and Set items to somewhat balance it. This would hopefully take care of the people complaining about how hard it is to complete a set. (I don’t find it particularly hard to find any item in this game yet with the gambler).

My suggestion would be to have set items for multiple character levels. Make the lower level ones less impactful and easier to get. Make the higher level items far more impactful and with a lower drop rate.

No mate, you have to go fast if you want to farm sets. You have to go fast if you want to farm anything. The real issue is that set drop rates are a little too low and most sets are not gambleable/do not involve a specific farming spot.

I don’t like the complete changeing of some of these sets, particularly Halvar not having its 1 avalance per second, boardmans losinf its totem focus, and i really do not like the self poison in your zerrick set(better off with just losing the healing and getting marked for death, as that sounds like a “you just die when you drink a potion”)

Maybe 2 uniques → random unique
2 set items → random set
1 set item ->random OF that set
All of which cost 10k per roll, so you cannot spam it

Most sets can be gambled, it’s only those that drop from the monolith end bosses (Shattered Lance, 2 pieces), or the base is not gambleable (Last Near/Isadora helms, Last Bear chest, Halvar’s relic) out of 29 (assuming I can count). 6/29 IMO is not “most sets”.

10k is still pretty spammable, especially is you have a 1 in 2 or 1 in 1 chance of getting the set you want.


You still need to get an item of said set in the 1 in 1 version for it to work, it is just so that if you have 3 set items but 2 of them are duplicates, then you can get the last.

but maybe 50k then

Here we’ve been discussing crafting uniques and sets. And my points is: best equipment is crafted equipment - it is good LE’s approach. At the same time uniques and sets should remain unique, so they must not be available for crafting from zero, but should be available for upgrading and modifying. So, I’ll repeat myself …

  • uniques and sets are dropped items only
  • most of them are low / mid rank items for you being able to discover them early
  • all of them should have non-maximized affixes (amount and grade)
  • you may shatter uniques and sets you don’t need for to gain upgraid rune instead
  • you may upgrade unique and set items to higher ranks
  • you may modify their affixes using existing method

That means that sets and uniques should drop regularly because you need them to shatter and upgrade those you kept to higher ranks.

On the subject of sets, and thus Halvars set, I notice that the 1 second cooldown on the boulder is quite weak, especially given that the avalanche skill is a high cast rate skill.

Apparently Halvars did not have a cooldown in the past, so avalanche probably needs a skill point option that slows down the cast rate and makes each individual boulder much more impactful.

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