Registry files to change Right mouse button bindings (swap RMB+LMB or binding RMB to 1-4th skill slots)

You are the best !!!


@faraddox I’m thinking about using your script for the entire left-click and right-click reset before 1.0 release. Just in case it could come into game with 1.0 and you no longer need the file. Can I use the “reset” file without any problems and if the feature doesn’t come with 1.0, use the original file again to swap the mouse buttons again?

You can reset only mouse bindings to defaults with last file (it won’t touch your keyboard settings) or just restore default bindings ingame. If game will continue to save bindnings same way, then files will be usable. But i really hope that mouse bindings will be fully customizable ingame.
I will, of course, recheck if this still works/still needed, on 21th or 22th.

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Thank you for this, it works great.

I know it seems silly but after years and years of League of Legends and last couple years of Lost Ark, I literally cannot get used to left click to move again like the old days of Diablo 2. Being able to right click to move with left to attack is a gamesaver, thanks!

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thank you! hopefully the file continues to work. Since there was nothing in the patch notes about changing left and right click, I’m keeping the old config for now. Let’s see what it will be like when it is released.

Thank you! I’m really glad I found my way here :slight_smile:

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Faraddox, you are a dominator.

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Thank you for the great work! I was very happy to find this

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Hi new here and willing to try this out since I would love nothing more than to move with RMB, but I am just curious if there is any idea to why this is needed? Previously when playing th pre-1.0 version it let you bind it just fine. Did that much change with the way controls are being mapped?

I remember game preventing any attempts to rebind RMB since i first time tried it, which was before 0.9 (multiplayer release).

thanks it helps lot specialy for those who are used to move with RMB

I’m sorry but isn’t the elephant in the room that the devs need to fix this?

Thank you very much for the registry files but damn it feels ridiculous to need to edit registry files to rebind a key in a game.

I hope there is a way to get some dev attention on this.

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Edit the registry for this? That’s funny. :rofl:

You can switch your primary mouse button in the mouse settings in Windows and change it back when you’re done playing. This works in LE. Takes much less time than going through all that nonsense.

I’m not into accepting registry edits from random players, can you just fix this?

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Sure 5 more years they will probably get around to it.

March 25th 2024: v1.0.4:2 : LE #3.txt works perfectly. Thank you so much!

Just let us bind skills to whatever we want. What’s the dounside here, apart from forcing players to use unofficial reg hacks…?? You see the problem here?

Back in the day, typing ‘/ping’ in the chat bar in PoE would resync the server connection. Like, back when the game only had 3 acts. But it was literally unplayable back then without it.

I wrote a pretty straight forward win32 console program that just intercepted the message pump for the process and sent WM_ commands every so often to automate it every 10 seconds.

You could do something similar here. I’m not going to, and definately would not share an executable sorry. No idea if its against ToS or not :confused:

Thanks for this “temporary solution” it helps me play runemaster the way i want and i thank you. Couldnt belive this was posted september and still not fixed. What a shitty service from the devs