Question to LE forum old timers

So I’ve been reading (but never posting) to this forum for (guessing) about two years.

This question is for the old timers; Now that more folks are playing, and the game is getting more attention, and folks are showing up with different opinions (maybe for topics you feel like are settled), how do you feel about that?

I honestly have no agenda, I’m just curious. And, to be honest with myself, I should say; I have no agenda that I’m aware of.

I find myself torn between being glad that LE and EHG are getting more attention and praise, and being part of another forum/community that’s getting Eternal September’d making me tired.

For me personally the most “annoying” thing is people coming to the forum and not even putting the slightest effort into using the search function (which is decent in this forum).

Duplicate threads are what makes discussions a mess.

There were times were there were 3-4 threads about the same topic open simultanously.

If somebody creates a thread about a topic that has been discussed before, but all threads are closed, then its ok to open a new thread, but at least acklowedge that and show that you put in some effort looking aroudn and saying something like

“Hey I am aware this has been discussed before, but all threads are closed and I have a couple of points that I didn’t seen being touched on”

I do get it, when people wanting to discuss certain topics, (things like auto-loot and easier respeccing etc.), but not adding anything new to the discussion is very tiring.

I already stopped replying in thoese threads, but them still filling up the forum is something that I dislike.

Another thing that I personally dislike are people coming to argue about what “certain other games” do or don’t do. And purely based on that giving feedback about LE’s game system, while you clearly can see they never played LE themselves. (A lot of the trade discussion ahd this type of behaviour)


For me personally, every major drop has seemed to change the game so much I’m not sure that old topics still apply (except for a certain sea god that EGH is probably SO tired of hearing us talk about). But I certainly get why that would be annoying.

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If a game changed significantly in some regards it is most definitely worth picking up discussions about older subjects, that already have been discussed, again.

But the few things I mentioned, like auto-loot, easier respeccing.

Nothing about shards, exp curve or general progression really changed all that much, so that is why I thing they are not really worht discussing, unless someones brings up some actual new points about them, which I have not seen in a while.

It is really not that I don’t want those topics to not be discussed anymore and shut discussions down. I would love to hear some actual new insights on topics like that.

But discussing it over and over again just makes the forums worse overall, if you have to many of the same discussions.

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I don’t think anyone has fixed that problem, anywhere. Hell, you can’t even get people to actually read through all the post in the same topic (not here, but if you’ve ever read Ars Technica forums you’ll know what I’m talking about) let alone look for old threads.

No one is going to change human behavior, so it’s going to be up to forum software creators to implement some auto-merging (or at least auto-suggesting, “here’s an existing thread on a similar topic that you are about to create”).

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This has always been the problem with every forum I’ve ever been on.

There’s a limited number of things that be said on any given topic, and it doesn’t take very long for all of them to be said. In a venue where you can show your agreement/support with a Like button, there’s no value to the discussion of the topic in an identical opinion being written again with a different username above it - especially not days, weeks, months later, and extra especially not as a whole new post. But for some reason there are many, many people who are unwilling to accept that, so they just make a bunch of noise.

The only fix is strict, active moderation that - in my experience - most moderators are unwilling to do, especially if it’s a company’s official forum as opposed to something more casual.

Having new blood coming in is great for me.

I love different points of view, even if they come from a wildly different perspectives or expectative about the game. Even if I don’t agree at all with them.

Many of the things questioned and asked have been discussed to death, but that’s part of being new to the game.

:slight_smile: I was thinking about mentioning moderation when I typed that, but I had the same thought that you did; for a company trying to sell a game, strict moderation is probably out of their budget/too low on ROI.

And now I hear someone saying, what about volunteer mods! The number of gaming companies that had disasters with volunteer moderation probably means that we’ll never see that happen again in our lifetimes. And I’m happy about that. More politics in my life I don’t need.

Much more likely that AI will get to the point that it can gently perform these, ‘let’s keep on topic’ and ‘here’s a summary of a topic’ type of activities. I’m actually looking forward to that.

IMO, it’s probably a lot less about that than it is about preventing gamer drama llamas. The kind of person that wants to make the 50th thread about the same bug/problem that has 49 other threads already is also the kind of person that likes to scream at the top of their lungs about censorship or whatever, and the internet loves an excuse to break out the pitchforks. If I were a company person running an official game forum, I’d be really light handed on stuff like that just because the drama of people being mad about a thing is so much less than the drama of people accusing you of “suppressing negative reviews”.

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I’ve only been playing since October last year, which is before the madness, but may not qualify me as an “old timer” :smiley:

Still, I find it very humorous that so many new people post the same bug report over and over. How many times do I need to know that Tempest Strike is now pink squares :smiley: Also, application crashes in the website bug reports section. Of course, I’ll help people if I can, but I’ll chuckle the whole time

Hoomans gonna hoom.

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I’ve been playing since Alpha and I’m a bit of a crusty grognard so anything I say or do will certainly be colored by that.

  1. What @Heavy said. The lack of ability that seems to be rampant with gamers is the inability to do even a modicum of research. (and it’s not just this forum or game, I’ve seen it on every game on every forum I’ve ever been on.) It’s why I’m actually no longer in the LIVE Discord anymore. The noise ratio was just too much. I found myself spending more time trying to read through multiple redundant questions (sometimes one right after the other) than playing the game. That’s always the point for me when I know it’s time to ‘bow out’ of the community. I’ve spent several years learning the game. Now folks come in and can’t spend any time researching but expect us to spend MORE time catering to them. I stopped doing stuff like that years ago.

  2. I also don’t like the new blood that wants to come in and immediately start dogging EHG with hyperbolic knee jerk ‘critique’. Of course, EHG can fend for themselves but again, bugs the crap out of me that they DEAD GAME, STUPID DEVS, behind a key board.

  3. Now, all that said, what I LOVE about it is, coincidentally, all the new blood. The new eyes on. The new thought out ideas that crop up and get tossed out and make you go…“Oh, you know that’s really interesting.” And for what it’s worth, contrary to what I put in #1 and #2, I love having discussions with people who clearly did their homework when the came in and demonstrate they’ve put in some effort.


Not entirely unlike those who stop by all 49 other threads just to scream at the top of their lungs about search features, or to stop wasting time talking about topics already been discussed.

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Its neat seeing people come from other arpgs, with the intention of putting lots of hours into this, and then coming back with similar feedback to what a bunch of us have been saying is a problem, and will be noticed when people put a lot of hours into the game.

More neat is seeing the devs being more open to changing things becuase of that feedback, now more people are pointing at the same things.


The thing is that there’s almost no many new things that haven’t been discussed before. I joined the ranks at EA release and started digging into the game about half a year after that.

I guess I don’t have the intention to discuss the same topics again and again. And also, why should I? My opinion doesn’t count more than others and repeatedly posting it won’t make it any stronger.

I just lay back and browse the topics to find something new and leave my likes on comments i agree with.

It’s nice to see topics arise again that point out issues that I / we have already discussed before but didn’t get the dev attention back then. Now there are new people joining and propably supporting these things.

Of course this can also go the other way round.

I try to not be pretentious towards new people. I hope I succeed in that. We all were “the noobs” at one point.

Oh sweet motherofgod yes. And putting bug reports in the feedback section.

I’m fine with everybody and their dog creating their own feedback thread, that’s reasonable IMO.

I used to merge duplicate threads on the Sacred forum back in the day.

It is, but it seems that apart from some phenomenally minor differences, it’s more duplicate opinions rather than different opinions. Its normal and its fine, there are only so many different stances that can be had on any different topic & I’m fine with people sharing similar-ish opinions and stating such. But lets not kid ourselves that every single opinion is unique and different.

Because heaven forbid a person do other people the curtesy of not assuming that their opinion is as new and unique as a special snowflake that deserves its own thread rather than just replying with the exact same text to one of the other threads thereby allowing for a more useful discussion in one place rather than spreading it over a bajillion different threads.

Also, those mouth-breathers that endlessly use unrestricted hyperbole because they think it makes their argument better can just get over themselves.


My opinion doesn’t count more than others and repeatedly posting it won’t make it any stronger.

(I haven’t figured out yet how to get quoting to work, but that is from RawSuicide)

I spend an awful lot of time reminding myself of this, and I try really hard to do exactly the same. Say whether I like or dislike something (99% it’s dislike, because, well, human). Try to say ‘why’ I dislike it in a way that might help a dev, then move on.

I really like your post.

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I’m wondering how it ruins a person’s day to have someone post a thread…regardless of what the topic/content is. Read it, or don’t. Bitch and crying about it is just petulant nonsense.

“Oh noes! Someone posted ANOTHER thread about trade. Welp, there goes my weekend. Now I’m destined to just sit, huddled in the corner of my shower, shaking and crying. But first, let me scold them for not using search, and forcing me to read and reply to them!”

If you mark text, there is a small quote bock appearing, that can be pressed.

This will put the quite, where ever your Curver currently is on the text box below

This also works cross-thread if you copy paste the content of that into anotehr reply in anotehr thread


Oh the irony.

Another suggestion in this vein. Howabout we scrap the concept of threads altogether, or forum areas (since some appear to find the too restrictive)?

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