It is really bad how this works! When you have some items you want in prophecies, but the problem is you dont know where all places are and you have to look for it to find. It is disaster because you have to spend so much time to find so I had to ask players. Please, you are supposed to click that item you want and teleport where you need to kill boss or rare. It makes me not want to continue because of this bad system. Thanks!
Its easy once you know where they are. No problem here imo!
No, definitely not when you dont play for hours. It needs improve!
I’ve had no problem with most of them, they are very clear where to go and what the objective is. The only ones I have had problems with are when they specify killing a certain mob type with no location. Then it’s either do echoes hoping for that mob or find out where in the campaign you can find them to hunt them down.
That’s not a major issue but it’s a little less direct.
I cant be bothered to learn about this game either, I just want everything instantly if I could please I need a number to go from 77 to 78 to feel better you know.
They’re fine, if you feel so lost just use the “no campaign” lens.
For the most part, they’re fine. For QoL, they could add a general location descriptor for things like specific mobs though. On more than one occasion I’ve had to Google where a specific mob could be found, which probably is a good indicator that this is something that should be improved in game.
The mono Islands should also indicate what boss oversees each island, as well as the item drop bonus each island provides (without having to click into it).
Totally unnecessary, but I’d love to be able to see all my mono maps on one screen as well.
My only complaint with them, is the cost. I spend the majority of my favor rerolling to try and find the reward(s) I’m looking for. Rerolling cost should be halved and the prophecy costs should be 60-75% of what they cost currently.
This is madness.
There’s 9 idol types and 8 runes all mixed. The one I want gets lensbonus 15-30% but out of 17 options is not that much. It can also spawn in content I don’t really want to do or can do due to a corruption limit or dungeon tier attached to it way above the player’s progression level.
I spend more on rerolls than buying prophecies
Opens Last Epoch*
Monolith grinding for juicy favor*
Went to Observatory*
Spends like 6k (or more) on reroll*
Finally found the prophecy I need*
Buys it*
Pressed Y*
Game gave me wrong prophecy*
It’s certainly not disaster and implemented quite well but it in fact should tell you where the monster type is because the first thinG I had to do after getting my first interaction with the system was consulting google where the monster is located in acts.
What I see most people do not understand here is that he means when you get a prophecy like “Kill X amount of specific monsters” there are high chances that the monster type spawns mostly/only in a specific timeline so if you do not know in which timeline the monster spawns you will need to google it. Instead I agree they should just let you like right click on the prophecy and show you on the map the right timeline you can farm the monster from.
With the bosses it is easier to remember them but would be nice for that too.
I think these can be nice QoL changes. Not asap but over time they are welcome.
Next time you could try reporting the bug instead of Alt-F4’ing.
It’s been reported, multiple times. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean it gets fixed… it’s not an Arena key, ffs.
Now that I think about it, why are prophecies handled this way? Does MG eat up favor each time the ‘Search’ button is pressed? I know I’m using more favor to reroll, than to actually buy prophecies, and that seems a little borked to me.
Dont get me wrong! Prohecies is really good idea, but only the problem is you dont know where to find. I dont want to spend time to find and it makes you ALT+F4 to EXIT THE GAME! FIX IT, DEVS!
I would just like them to work, I do what it calls for but no reward when the boss in this case was killed.
I have never had that experience, so far every time I’ve killed the boss it calls for I’ve gotten the reward.
It’s pretty easy to find anything in the game in a minute or less if you have access to Google.
But how do I find Google? Quit teasing us!
Bro, I’ll be real. This is the smallest of issues when it comes to prophecies. Just Google lol.
The bigger issue, is they are just bad and overpriced as of recent patch.
Why the heck are players going to spend 17k favor for a 1Lp Unique, when you get loads of 2Lp items from Prophecies that cost 2-4k?
Who’s Target farming Rares or Keys? … And FFS!! Lens are stupid. I’d love to see the stats on usage because I bet 99% of players are just blocking.