PROGRESS BLOCKER: Liath and Thetima

This issue is listed as fixed in the thread, but it is not. Beta 0.9.2q still has this issue exactly as described in the above post. Talking to Yulia and selecting “I am ready” does not progress the quest, and I cannot enter the zone transition to the left of her. Progress is entirely blocked.

Versions 1.0 still have this issue :confused:

Fixed = When in Deep Harbor we cannot just click the Liath Lake in the map, we have to click in Deep Harbor see near the boat and it teleports to Lake Liath

@DrexlVaal check my fix

Got the same problem.
I was far behind of this quest when I helped a friend kill the Lagon boss.
When I got to the LIATH AND THETIMA quest, I try to talk with Yulia at Thetima, but she talks to me as if I already killed Lagon and takes me to another questline at Soreth’Ka.
Now I can’t get to the next part of the LIATH AND THETIMA quest which would take me to Lagon’s Isle.
At the moment my only option is to skip this questline and go to Soreth’Ka. Not the intend path of course as I didn’t complete the Isle of Storms area.

Later I will ask my friend to TP me to Lagon’s Isle as a workaround to see if “fix” the issue.

Edit: This has nothing to do with the problem other people have where they don’t know how to go from Deep Harbor to Lake Liath.

Edit 2: I TP to my friend that was at Lagon’s Isle and “solved” the issue.

Having the same issue. Current quest is LIATH AND THETIMA, and when I speak to Yulia, she acts like I have already killed Liath.

I had originally skipped Chapter 8 via a dungeon. And have done all of the monolith quests - I am simply returning back to the campaign to finish it out, hopefully fight Liath for my Prophecy completions, and to make sure I have all of the way points across the map - however, it looks like I cannot progress the campaign quest because it recognizes that I have already completed Chapter 9 / Monoliths.

It sounds like I will need to find someone with Isle of Storms waypoint, party up with them, and teleport there? Will I still be unable to complete the Chapter 8 campaign quest?

Edit: To be clear - this is not the issue folks are running into where they cannot travel from deep harbor. This is a quest progression bug where it loads the NPCs in a “quest completed” state, preventing the quest’s completion.

Having the same trouble. Skipped act VIII through Temporal Sanctum, came back later to finish everything, and I was able to finish every quest and kill the last boss, but this quest is still active at the step “Speak with Yulia in Thetima”.

Yulia is not marked as a quest npc, but if I walk to her and talk to her in Thetima, I get the quest options and even the quest icon on the last dialog line I can select, but the quest does not resolve. It’s not blocking my progress as I’m already going through the monolith, but this quest is active and in my log/screen.

I am having this same issue on both of my characters. 1 character I can’t even visit the auction house since it says I did not finish the camp

This is happening to me as well. I completed the campaign until I could go through Temporal Sanctum to get to Act 9, finished the campaign, did monoliths for a while, and now I want to kill Architect Liath for a prophecy, so I went back to Act 5. Once I got to the Liath and Thetima quest, I cannot advance past “Speak with Yulia in Thetima”. I can speak to Yulia, including the quest option, but it does not complete the quest, and there is no portal on the dock. I see an old bug report that indicated this should’ve been fixed in 0.9.0f, but it appears it’s not fixed.

I also replied the same thing on a more recent post, but there hasn’t been a response yet. I’m really hoping someone can help.

Edit: I partied up with someone with Lagon’s Isle waypoint and teleported to them, and it progressed the quest.

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