Possible Bug/Broken Interaction w/Deflect & Weave Passive

I’ve been messing around with Falcon Fists and came across an interaction that I thought was a little clever between the Deflect and Weave passive node in the Falconer tree and the Cradle of the Erased shield.

Deflect and Weave has a 5 point bonus which converts 100% of your Block Chance to Chance to Receive a Glancing Blow.

Cradle of the Erased has the following two unique affixes:
-Gain a Stack of Golden Aegis each second
-12% Block Chance per Stack of Golden Aegis

So after some time, I should have 100% Block Chance from the Golden Aegis Stacks, this Block Chance should be converted to Glancing Blow chance, and I shouldn’t be able to Block, essentially always giving me 100% Glancing Blow.

However, I am still blocking attacks, and my Glancing Blow chance is not updated on the Character Sheet as I gain stacks of Golden Aegis.

Is there some hidden chance to block even when your block chance is being converted at 100%? Does this interaction not work the way it reads? Or is this a bug?


The conversion is probably ignoring the block from Golden Aegis stacks, that’s what happens with Apostasy’s dodge conversion and Dusk Shroud stacks from memory. If it is a bug then it’s been present with Apostacy and the Mountain boots(?) dodge conversion for a long time.

Plus, it’s + block chance per stack per stack not -.

That’s always the case with conversions sadly.

Also: Deflect and Weave bugged?

Not sure where this information is coming from, aegis stacks convert to GB with falconer passive (and shows conversion on builder) and you will no longer lose stacks because you can’t block. Busted combo, akin to pre-nerf bastion of honor (ie unintended and likely to be nerfed). Balanced by the fact falconer isn’t that great with melee.

I thought it would work like that, but it looks like the 5 point bonus in that node is just bugged, because I’m still blocking even though I should have 0% block chance.

I could show a video of it working exactly as stated.

It for sure worked as you described it, where it converted all of your block to glance but after yesterdays patch it’s broken, it doesn’t convert any block chance to glancing at all.

If i respec the passives out of it i have 0% Block and 31% Glancing. Every point in it gives you 1% block and 1% Glancing at 5 points it converts all Block to Glancing, currently this isn’t the case as I’m at 5% Block and 36% Glancing while not wielding any shield and even if I were to wield one it still doesn’t convert any of the block to glancing.

Edit. So I posted this while I noticed I was still blocking and didn’t test after respecing back into it. If you are still blocking for some reason just respec 1 point out to turn off the conversion and then respec back into it. You will enable the conversion again but visually in your character pane it will not show the conversion, it does do it in the background.

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