Poorly Telegraphed High Damage Abilities

Avalanche from the Frostrood Warden is not telegraphed at all and is a one-shot kill at a mere 200 corruption.

When he starts getting all stompy stompy, that’s the telegraph that things are going to get a bit dangerous.

So go where, exactly?

Out of the white circle surrounding him.

Not sure if it’s just me, but I have a hard time reading Rahyeh purple spinning pie chart attack since the 1.1 patch. It feels different, like it’s fading in or something.

The Harbinger’s use of timeline boss abilities is sometimes poorly telegraphed. For example I just fought Herot’s Harbinger. It uses his freezing beam. When Herot uses it, he always says the voice line and has a visible charge up animation first, and that’s for an ability that doesn’t even do that much damage on it’s own. The Harbinger’s version is this is a lot more damage and he only sometimes says anything before doing it and the charge up animation is less noticeable.

In the arena in the “Dock Arena” zone, the monsters are constantly stupid and you have to look for them, sometimes even for a minute. This may be due to the large size of the zone and the difficulty of finding a path for mobs.

I’ve died multiple times to Elder Gaspar’s triple beam attack while I was seemingly running ahead of it. My character is tanky enough that I’ve had two beams pass entirely through me in quick succession and survived it, yet I’ve died multiple times while thinking that I was keeping just ahead of one beam. It’s as though the hitbox is bigger than the graphic.

That is more likely server desync. Meaning that the info from the server and what is shown on your pc have a slight delay/desync, so your pc is showing you ahead of the beam but the server shows the beam further ahead, so you’re taking damage.

Not that it changes much from your point of view: you see you shouldn’t be taking damage and want that fixed, but it’s just so you know what is actually happening. When this happens you can sometimes adapt by staying a little behind, even if it shows you on the beam animation.

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Run a fight with Maven in PoE and run a fight with Gaspar in Last Epoch. You will see that in PoE laser hits you when it touches you, in LE laser hits you from a meter or two away. Which doesn’t mean the server desync isn’t a possibility, but it definitely means it is not his problem. Someone would have to see if the problem persists in offline play to confirm, but I’m pretty sure it’s just bad hitboxes.

It usually is, though. PoE used to suffer from that as well a few years ago but they fixed it since.
And the biggest indication that this is a desync problem is that it’s not the first time this type of thread comes up and you usually get a few people saying they’re playin on offline and it doesn’t happen there.

Haven’t done the fight in offline, so I’ll trust you. I’ve seen this happen to a streamer or two as well, and they usually have pretty good connection, it’s what their job requires, so the possibility of server desync didn’t sound right to me.

I haven’t done this offline either, but I’ll trust the people that said this isn’t an issue for them.

Networking issues are notoriously hard to catch and they can affect people disproportionally. You can be having disconnects or infinite load screens and your neighbour that has the same ISP doesn’t have this because they connect to a different box. It’s not as black and white as it sounds.
Usually it’s something along the way from your ISP’s box to the game servers, but what that is is very hard to determine.

Devs are constantly trying to improve this, as can be seen by the fact that connection issues dropped massively since 1.0 launch. But it’s still a work in progress (espcially for a new studio that isn’t as experienced with these issues and with such large numbers).

But even in big games, you’ll always get a few people that have connection issues. Even in D4 and Blizzard has enough money to dump on servers and staff to work on this.

So while this is obviously not ideal and EHG should (and they do) work hard to fix this, it’s not something that you can simply point out and say “Oh, we’ll add these lines of codes and it solves everything for everyone”.

Lagons Death Circle. Because it start white on a white floor, it is literally unnoticeable, if you dont expect it.
That was my HC Drain Life Lich. https://youtu.be/Llci_xSf4vs?si=g6-skteRrQXLIzDw
Just normal lvl75 monolith, no corruption, no any insane modifiers.
Capped cold and lighting res. Capped crit avoidance. Insane leech rate. Double HP pool = 2400+hp (Lich+normal), but still oneshot.

  • The name of the enemy: Diamond Matron
  • A description of the ability: A damage over time AoE spell that is spawn near the player and chases it whilst for it’s duration
  • Your current location: Monoliths
  • Anything else you consider pertinent: This kind of ability is too advantageous against purely melee players. Spell casters and bow / throw user are already stronger in general and can easily avoid this spell mechanic. But for melee players this is quite literally the worst possible DoT scenario, specially when you are the one trying to chase opponents.

Turns out you were wrong. They fixed the hitbox in the latest patch, the fight is fair now.

  • The name of the enemy : Stormsteel Nemesis

  • A description of the ability : A lightning beam channeled from a lightning circle in the air.

  • Your current location : EU West

  • Anything else you consider pertinent : The lightning beam has such a long reach that it can basically off-screen kill you on occasion. Sometimes there’s just no way to see if the Nemesis has placed the lightning circle in the air, that will channel the beam.