Poison is fucking stupid

So I hit a shrine, got 4 scorpions that drop rare gear, after killing them I couldn’t help but dying to their still lingering poison. Only 4 stacks, and I had max poison resists and 1.8k health (on level 84). Like what the heck is the play here in terms of gearing. All my potions didn’t do enough to save me and there were no enemies nearby for leech. And no other defensive stat does anything.

Incredibly overtuned it seems


They poison? They never life long enough to do anything for me but good to know they do at least something.

I have to hope this is a joke. Though if it’s not, EHG played a joke on you with that poison DoT.

Having a way to cleanse ailments is important for most builds. Whether you get it via gear affix or skill tree, you should have a way to do this. Otherwise, if you’re having trouble with shrine scorpions ailments, you’re in for a big surprise in many mono bosses.


For real… I play this game for much more hours then healthy and I feel like you all want to make a fool out of me. Those lil scorpions do something besides dropping useless loot? I never EVER even thought they attack or do dmg of some kind and are just there to be killed and looted…

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It is impossible for 4 stacks of poison to chew through 1.8k hp, especially at capped poison resist. Each stack would have had to do 150 damage per second, which just does not happen. Either you were on relatively low hp (like 100-200), or you had way more than 4 stacks.

Or, you know, not what actually happened.

Endurance, health regen, healing skills, mana spent gained as ward, the “armour mitigates DoT” item modifier and, of course, potions, especially with the cleanse affix on your belt.

They do, they also drop xp, health (in the form of life on hit or leech) & potions.

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To be fair, potions will fall under the “useless loot” category 99% of the time. :smile:

No! potions give haste (with the right unique), potions are love!

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So you’re saying that potions are useful loot 1% of the time?

And potions cleanse.

Potions are 200% useful when you need them & 0% useful when you don’t.


My Elecoe’s build begs to differ.

Edit: Still looking for my assless chaps. I cry.

And -100% useful when they mess with your LL build.

There’s a belt for that.

Git gudder scrub.

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Yeah the scorpions and a few other mobs have some serious DoT effects such as the Alpha Wolf’s bleed and the mage poison boomerang.

The solution is not in the resists, its in the cleanse.

  • Either have a cleanse built into one of your abilities…
  • Or use the Belt Affix for “100% cleanse chance when you use a potion”.

Since you will have health sustain through leech/heal or ward sustain you won’t be using potions for health usually.

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I try not to use potions because that’s just one more thing I have to worry about. I’d rather not.

I realy start to belive I play a different game :smiley: . Time to not move for a while to see if those enemies realy do something the next time I meet them ^^.

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I’ve never even seen an affix on any gear piece that had “cleanse” on it. Beside one ability from a mage that I used to play I’ve never seen this ability. If that’s the idea it seems a very strange choice, since we’re also not having infinite affixes on gear and any super niche thing requires giving up on something that’s generally more useful.

I play a melee DoT build atm so I will get hit by pretty much anything before I’ll kill it, but that’s usually not a problem cause of leech recovering more than enough, but if there’s a long lasting lingering dot left and nothing to leech from it feels super cheap to then expect to have a niche affix to solve that situation

The fact that you have to respect the trash mobs and counterplay them is the reason why monoliths and the game isn’t boring for me. Especially because this respect is all you need for the game to go back to clean farming.

Belt Affix - 100% chance to cleanse when you use a potion.

If you are Merchant’s Guild, just search for this belt, buy a few and shatter/remove them for shards. Then craft it on a belt.


They don’t do that much damage, no.

The scorpions aren’t worthy of respect, they do so little damage & don’t have obscene amounts of hp.