Please let the rewards of Boss prophcies drop after the Harbinger battle

Or somehow give the opportunity to collect those rewards before the Harbinger fight.


Another problem is that if I can guarantee to collect all the prophecies rewards before the Harbinger come up, then I can just die and re-fight the boss to quickly complete the prophecies and get the reward

Change like this will cause another problem that we can quickly complete the prophecies.

Not really, if you want to do that you can just fight the boss and uncheck the boss that uses the crest to summon the Harbinger in the first place.

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You could, but that’s inefficient use of time line stability.

However fighting a harbinger with prophecy loot everywhere is really bad. Please change that EHG.

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I’ve also noticed that when prophecy items drop, the second the harbinger comes out, i cant pick them up. So yeah… I guess I’ll avoid boss prophecies for now until a fix comes out. Lost a lot of loot because of it but I also don’t want to turn it off because I need the extra gazes.

It’s a disadvantage to players in Merchant Guild. Or you take the risk of loosing your prophecies or you skip choosing them if boss related. And another point is that if you have all the loot on the ground all the pop ups when hover them are very ugly. And it hinders a clean Harbinger fight. So I hope EHG will implement a better solution for this. :smiley:

Hasn’t this been fixed? I’m on my first run through with all the Harbinger’s so if it changes after the first time you kill Aberoth then ignore this, but so far, when I kill a boss and it spawns a Harbinger, none of the loot drops and I don’t get the Blessing UI until the Harbinger is dead.

It’s not about the boss loot. You right, that loot and the blessings apear after Harbinger is dead. It’s about the prophecies you choose by turning in favours ( so only for players in cicle of fortune) That stuff drops imidiatly after boss kill and there is no chance to pick it up before Harbinger is kiled too.


My bad. I read “harbinger” and it overloaded my brain.

I voted for this, but I think the real issue is fixing Harbinger spawning automatically.

For example, if a player fights a boss in an emp. monolith and wins but they haven’t beaten a Harbinger before, they immediately get thrown into a fight with the Harbinger. This happens before the boss loot or the blessing even drops, etc. This means it is entirely possible for someone to beat the emp. monolith boss, die to the Harbinger, and lose out on the loot and blessings.

Instead, what EHG needs to do is one of two options:

  1. Spawn a portal that the player can take to fight the Harbinger, giving them time to pickup any loot or blessings


  1. Don’t auto spawn the Harbinger, make it interactive that can only be done in the boss instance once the boss has been killed.

I think that EHG was not intending this process as it is right now. We turn in our favours for killing the boss. There was no anouncement that suddenly the Harbinger are included. So my suggestion would be …
1.) Just drop all the loot including favours after killing the Harbinger. If you die nothing is lost.
2.) Automate spawning the Harbinger while picking up the last dropped item or
3.) give us a trigger to let him spawn. Like you said, a form of interactivity :dizzy:

I think the best solution is 2 changes that are unrelated in nature but end up being related because of this issue:

-Always let us disable the harbinger fight. My understanding is that the first harbinger can’t be disabled and you need to defeat it to unlock empowered monos. A player shouldn’t be forced to engage with harbingers if they have no intention of doing pinnacle boss.

-Instead of prophecies automatically dropping, just mark them as completed and when you access the faction panel the completed prophecies are green and clicking them gives you the rewards. That way you can collect them whenever you want, thus preventing situations where dying to some random thing, or disconnecting, means losing all your items.


Agree with this 100%. Pinnacle content and any steps leading to or unlocking it should always be optional.


I can get used to the idea to collect prophecies afterwards. But I don’t want to go to town for that, it cost to much time. It would be nice to collect the prophecis as 3rd option in the echo. So when finished, to cash in the echo reward, the stash AND if applicable the prophecies. I would keep the boss loot in game for realm.

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That is why I said you did it in the faction panel. Where you see your prophecies, you just click on the green ones and you get the rewards.

Ah, ok I misunderstood that. Like this It’s an option as wel. :grinning:

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For now I play with a workaround to mange safe kills Harbinger while prophecies spread on ground everywhere. ( I refuse to skip the boss related prophecies). So while I normaly speedfarm at around 600 corruption, Boss and Shade are no problem. Harbinger is more tricky. So I downgraded my corruption to 350 en voala, it works. Harbinger is no longer a problem. The only thing is that I get less favours now… but I hope EHG will find a solution for this.

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That’s how I love it. Dynamicly respons from devs EHG! One day after last post they implemented a fine solution. You can choose now if you want Harbinger in boss fight included or not. So selectief you make your choice. And I noticed that if you include Harbinger you have a few sec to pickup stuff. I managed to pickup 10 armours… Be alert when boss is down and grab your stuff… or just do not bring in the Harbinger. I love this game and the attitude how devs handle issues. Thank You :smile: :smile: :smile:

I think the solution lies within how we receive prophecy rewards. I think Mike himself said in one of his streams that he does not want the game to have mechanics that ruin the game flow and prophecy reward drops are one of those things that does ruin.

We had this issue in last cycle when you completed the prophecy in echo, you were in high risk of dying and loosing the loot all together, this issue still persist with addition of dying to Harbinger.

Not fighting the Harbinger cuz of the risk of loosing is not the solution. It’s inefficient use of time and stability.

The way how we receive Prophecy rewards needs to change. I got 2 ideas on my mind:

  1. Make it like in Diablo 4, when you complete prophecy, a cache drops that has your prophecy items inside, which you can open any time and in any place. So it takes you only one click to from the ground
  2. Similar to Diablo 4 Tree of Whispers, you complete prophecy and nothing drops and you need to visit Observatory to recieve your rewards.