Please let the rewards of Boss prophcies drop after the Harbinger battle

I think the solution lies within how we receive prophecy rewards. I think Mike himself said in one of his streams that he does not want the game to have mechanics that ruin the game flow and prophecy reward drops are one of those things that does ruin.

We had this issue in last cycle when you completed the prophecy in echo, you were in high risk of dying and loosing the loot all together, this issue still persist with addition of dying to Harbinger.

Not fighting the Harbinger cuz of the risk of loosing is not the solution. It’s inefficient use of time and stability.

The way how we receive Prophecy rewards needs to change. I got 2 ideas on my mind:

  1. Make it like in Diablo 4, when you complete prophecy, a cache drops that has your prophecy items inside, which you can open any time and in any place. So it takes you only one click to from the ground
  2. Similar to Diablo 4 Tree of Whispers, you complete prophecy and nothing drops and you need to visit Observatory to recieve your rewards.

Generally I like to experience the prophecy drop. It’s part of the culture of this game. A drop in the form of a cache is an outstanding idea. I would vote for this one. Every other option to get rewards later or even at another destination would destroy the flow, the feeling of be rewarderd in my opinion. It would be to clinical I think.

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I agree this would break the flow. I love how prophecies just pop and loot drops.

Dont play d4 but when i did i hated that dumb tree thing. Just drop the damn loot where i stand. Its emersion breaking tbh

This foregoes the ability to get a an aberroth token. So it’s a huge cost and waste of timeline stability. OP has a good point.