Picking Up Items in Boss Fights or not

Really enjoying the Harbinger system. One piece of feedback I’d like to give is that I cannot pick up items that have dropped previous to the harbinger gating in. I’m literally standing on top of loot feverishly clicking and there’s so much input delay that nothing is happening. This is especially bad when there are prophecy items on the ground.

How to fix? I would suggest delaying the arrival of the Harbinger until players have a chance to loot. 10 seconds maybe?


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You might want to take a look here https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/please-let-the-rewards-of-boss-prophcies-drop-after-the-harbinger-battle/72194/7


While loot dropping before the Harbinger drop is one issue.

The other issue is, that the Boss Health bar blocks hovering over items or Tooltip. This also makes it so we can’t check debuffs while in a boss fight (e.g. In the Aberroth fight)

If the second thing is fixed the first thing would be less grave.

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Yeah but still grave. Cashing in 3 prophecies at r12 causes quite the explosion :wink:

Items dropping in the middle of a fight is also an impediment to playing. Someone in global game chat gave a hot key combo that stacks all the loot on your screen but how often am I going to be able to fat finger a 3 button combo? Oof.

There’s a lot of solutions. Here are two suggestions I can offer:

  1. Have prophecies be collectable at the observatory. Offer players the option of them dropping as you go, or be able to collect them.
  2. Have loot drop after all combat ends. Like in a D3 greater rift.
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And this exact thing is what should’ve been done right from the start. With a proper sortable non-messy UI layout that actually tells you stuff rather then all of it flowing into each other and not telling you anything at all besides ‘I have lot of shit to finish up’.

Break it up into content, provide proper tabs, have the sub-tabs for the type of item it drops… done.
Not only allows it to have a huge amount of prophecies at once… it also keeps someone easily able to see ‘where the heck should I actually go’ by giving immediate substantial feedback rather then stumbling around trying to gather together the best solution for the moment if you haven’t actively followed every single choice by detail.

All other options? Inferior to that. The instant gratification from the loot explosion isn’t worth it, just provide it as a ‘grand reward’ and people are as - if not more - enjoyed about the mechanic and learn to differ between core gameplay and extra mechanics better on top.

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I would actually just move it to the faction screen (as an option). You finish a quest, it turns green and you can cash it in at any time. That avoids having to constantly move zones.


This is a much better idea. You also then know when a prophecy has popped.