Player getting stunned - what does this add to the game?

Agree. Take the dead dragon for example, we are obliged to use mobile skills only to get out of his AOE, even if this does not fit into our build.

Another question is that if we do not have time to do this (get out of the AOE), the surrounding undead became a greater threat to us. This would be more appropriate.
Honestly, when I want to play something like Dark Soul, I will play them.

Honestly, this also applies to the critical system. I don’t like the way it works now. In fact, everything now comes down to “spoil a couple of statistics points and turn off crits from the game”, otherwise we will be killed with 1 hit.

It would be better if anti-crit would reduce the power of crit, and not the chance of it. Or to remake the crit attack system itself so that it does not increase damage, but armor penetration.
Then the overcap makes sense, and crits will no longer be ignored.

Just an FYI, if you can apply chill (which every build should, it’s an awesome defensive ailment) then you can easily walk out of the AoE even without any % movement from passives/gear and slowed by the Dragon.

There is one for that too, “reduced damage from crits”, it only goes on two-handed weapons & it’s a lot more forgiving if you’re not quite capped (50%) since it reduces the damage by a % rather than making the damage either happen or not happen.

Yeah, that’s an interesting idea though it would disproportionately affect high armour builds/classes such as Sentinels compared to lower armour builds like Mages or minion builds. And I’m not entirely sure that makes sense


In fact, the point is one, whether we need to keep the ability to critically hit players at high ranks, or not.
Basically, right now we’re just turning off one of the game’s mechanics in order to survive.

As Trasochi said, the developers want to keep the daze mechanic. Personally, I agree with this, but in my opinion, this should also apply to the critical system.

Or take the Blind debuff for example. Why do we need it if it’s easier for us to get the anti-crits cap. In addition, if we do not have 100% protection, then sooner or later we will receive crit damage and will most likely die.

If the crit damage is not as ultimatum as it is now, it will force many other mechanics to work, which are aimed at reducing the damage from critical hits.

By the way, speaking about protection, I meant not only specifically “protection” but also the system of resists. Fire attacks reduce fire resistance and so on.
There will be a sense of skills that increase the overcap of resists.
As an example, the Firebrand skill, with its protection from fire. Other classes have the same.

What does it add? I don´t know really, other then that it adds the ability to stun and/or to be stunned.
So now one needs to take that into the risk account as well. I guess. Unless you WANT to GET stunned.
I don´t see anything else there is to be added to the game than what it just is.

To understand what my intentions are/were when creating this post, it helps to also read the text below the title. And maybe also some of the replies.


which is in itself a problem since some movement skills require a target.

Only that you don’t need to use a movement skill, there are many more ways to deal with this mechanic, including active defensive skills or cc (both soft and hard cc)

Even just two Silver Rings you swap in just for that 1 fight. (assuming you already have movement speed on boots).

If only someone had linked a post that had a video in it with a character doing the Dragon Emperor with 6% movement speed.


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