PC keep restarting while playing LE

Hello, I’ve posted, a few days ago, an issue that I encounter while playing this game. Here is the link. Crashing on different occasions - #2 by razvanbv007
Today I wanted to make some changes in graphics settings section and I observed that I no longer have the option to select any graphics settings but insteed it appeared option A,B,C for every graphics settings. So, I found a topic where was suggested that you need to delete le_graphicsmanager in order to restore the normal format of graphics settings. After I’ve done this procedure everything was back to normal with the graphics settings section.
Why I have told you this?
When I bought the game, I’ve made some graphics settings modifications. For example: playing in fullscreen mode, modifying the resolution, lower other graphic parameters. This is the first thing that I do when I play a game for the first time. In the moment when I hit Play Online button my PC rebooted. After I entered in the game, second time, all my graphics setting were changed and the game started in windowed mode. In this state of the game I have created a character and played while my PC was rebooting randomly in this period of time. It was very frustrating that my PC randomly restared while playing. No BLUE SCREEN, just restarting, like I hit the restart button. In this time I’ve made a few graphics modifications like limit the FPS to 20 and selecting option A for every graphics settings.
Today I’ve made the modification that I told you earlier by deleting le_graphicsmanager. What I observed in this time?
Everytime when I’ve choose to play in windowed mode and hit the apply button my pc rebooted instantly. I could enter the game only when I chose borderless window mode. While the game was in this mode, if I modify the FPS limitation option (I chose 20 FPS limit + also modify the setting from my GPU driver) I experiened something which it can be called rubber banding. When the modification where reverted (60 FPS max -30 FPS min). I’ve experienced some weird graphics distorsions. I don’t know to to name them.
In conclusion, please fix this aspect of the game. For some players the game is unplayable in this current state. Ofc in this period of time the PC it randomly rebooted.
Ps. You can see my old DxDiag, Playerlog etc before deleting le_graphicsmanager in the previous topic.
DxDiag.txt (107.2 KB)
Player.log (21.3 KB)
le_graphicsmanager.ini (482 Bytes)

Hi - every app crash in your DxDiag is Razer Central (Last Epoch is reporting a memory leak, but that’s not the same as a crash).

You should try uninstalling all your Razer software and seeing if that stops your issue.

No, it doesn’t work.
I’ve tried something else. When I change from my driver Max FPS to 30 and also I change this parameter from the game, only then I can enter the game. Why I set my FPS to 30? Because I read some tips that in order for LE to work, in case that you have problems, one of the solution was to set max FPS to 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 from monitor refresh rate. My monitor Refresh rate is 60 hz so 60x(1/2)=30.
Also from my driver I get the message: Default performance tuning setting has been restored due to an unexpected system failure. Now my graphics settings in the game are messed up. Again I have only option A,B, and C after my PC rebooted several times.

Well, I guess I’ve found the problem. I lowered the frequency of my GPU. By default the max freqency of my GPU is 1270. I consulted the specification of my GPU which is 1168 base freqency and I set up the frequency below that value via GPU driver. Now I can play the game. Maybe is worth trying to popularized this solution. It may be applied for a large range of AMD Gpu’s

Oh, I’m really glad you found this and you were able to resolve the problem. Thanks for letting me know.

At least one other person kn the forums was having issues with overclocking their graphics card and Last Epoch.

Of course, it can be hard to know if youre doing this when some cards these days come manufacturer OC out of the box. Let alone how to fix this setting if you arent computer savvy.

I’ll include a general overclocking statement in future requests for more info.

Really glad you found out how to fix it. Have fun blasting :slight_smile:

Edit: to add that hopefully as Last Epoch matures, some of the contributing factors in the code or graphics will result in fewer issues for people with OC hardware

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