Patch 1.2 Timeline, 1.1 Event Updates, and Cycle Poll

You do realize that ptr = “Public Test Realm”, meaning community input, meaning listening to your community, meaning democracy?

They may not hold polls, but they read the comments and community input and act accordingly. It’s a form of democracy. They’re just not going to do something they don’t want to do no matter how many people ask.

Edit: I’ve done more thinking and I realize the disconnect is between what constitutes “democracy”. I’m considering taking public opinion into consideration, even if it’s not a major factor, a form of democracy. This covers polls, forum discussions, and general community feedback. I consider a developer taking this into account as part of a democratic action of listening to their community and Crate w/ GD and FF are prime examples of how to correctly listen to your community. If you’re considering democracy as the strictest definition of “we only do what the overall community wants based on votes” then I completely agree that’s a terrible way to run a company and develop a game.


Being a) CoF only and b) already on Legacy, quite honestly I don’t care either way, so I guess I can’t actually answer the poll :sweat_smile:

Looking forward to whatever changes may come :slight_smile:

EDIT: One thing, though. The whole cycle naming scheme. How is 1.2 a Whole New Cycle :see_no_evil: And also, 1.2 is Cycle… 3?? I find it really confusing and I can never remember those version numbers tbh. I guess my biggest problem is that “1.2” doesn’t sound like it’s something new, so I almost scrolled past, because it feels like “eh, it’s just a random patch”

Delaying to Q1 of 2025 is very bad move, everyone will be playing Poe2 and you can’t get ppl to come back no matter you do since you’ve broken the promise of 3-4month cycles twice now with even longer waiting time this time around. +6months between major content patches is not good for the game. I have no opinion on the cycle refresh itself since I know it’s there just to get our attention away from the main issue which is delaying the actual patch, AGAIN.


I mean you can? There’s an other option to type in things. Select that and say which of those you want.

Probably an unpopular opinion, but I like the idea of a cycle refresh and I don’t mind this event / gauntlet. I finished all I wanted to do in Harbingers of Ruin a month ago, did all I wanted in PoE. The refresh drops right when there’s nothing else for me to play which is perfect imo.

I REALLY hope they launch it on January AND it includes everything already announced for 1.2 , 1.3 and MORE, because this Cycle(season) didn’t make people interested in the game after 1 month,if this Cycle(season) is to be continued it need to be followed by a GIGANTIC Cycle(Season) or at least this Cycle(season) need to be REALLY improved.

I was the one going through the transcripts. Not all transcripts, just from nov 23 to feb 24, as I wanted to know what he really said.

Dev Stream Jan 5th. It’s not just “we aim for 3-4 months”, the answer was more nuanced.

Question: Was the cycle cadence you guys were going for three months or four months?

Mike: I don’t seem to remember, uh, because we never told you, um, we don’t want to lock ourselves into somethig quite as specific like three or four months.
What we generally say is awfully similar to, um, like the industry cadence.
When I say that I mean like Diablo and Path of Exile come out. You know like we’ve talked about how fast we done things in the past and like all those numbers are roughly in that three to four-ish months range. We’re going to try to fall into this.

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man there are a lot of us who do not care about poe 2. we are here to play YOUR game. these delays suck

Apart from the economic reset.

It was, it had more content than 0.9 (multiplayer & only multiplayer). 1.1 had Aberroth/Harbingers, Nemesises & some other stuff. If the pinnacle boss wasn’t your cup of tea (it’s not mine) then fair enough, but there certainly was stuff.

But yes, if we could have some balance changes with the reset, that’d be good.


Oh. My pessimistic prediction “2nd week of dec” for 1.2 goes brr br bad :face_with_head_bandage:
Q1 2025 sounds like a far far away, very distant, unaudible voice of joy

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In English, “typically” is a relatively fluffy word, it’s aspirational or one that describes what usually happens (though in this case, they likely put it there when the plan was for cycles to be 3-4 months long).


Well, i think you have made the right decision, honestly, a ARPG fan in this ending phase of the year will play for sure a lot of D4 VoH and Poe2 Beta, at least the majority of the players that have played LE at the launch, i’m not referrint to the 2000/3000 players that still play LE right now, myself will do that, and all my friends, and putting the new season inbeetween these two juggernout would turn out to a even worst season 2 situation, i will come back for some days with the season 2 restart, and with the new “season 3 under steroid” when will be launched

Apart from hijacking another thread to turn it into an English lesson, I doubt anyone expects half a year or more of a cycle when they read “typically 3-4 months”.

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No, this is true. But plans do change, unfortunately.


The topic of this reset is a complex one, on which I can find reasons to both like and dislike this decision.

The economy is sacrosanct for MG players, and it had definitely been upset by the dupe earlier in the Cycle resulting in oddly inflated prices. Starting the season anew is definitely one way in which you can go about fixing it, perhaps even the cleanest and best way. This sort of thing should be carefully studied and prevented from happening in the future; so far the Cycles are 2/2 for large exploits being abused.

However I’m not playing MG, I’m playing CoF where it already feels like a chore to not only level the faction but also actually farm the items I want. While I could continue the characters on Legacy I simply don’t want to deal with the migration of items and the sudden stash tab “squish” I’m about to endure. Now both Cycles worth of items need to get crammed into a stash and all of my items bases re-sorted to try and find room. I would rather act as though my characters were deleted than deal with that. Really feels like I’m getting caught in the crossfire of an issue I tried to avoid by avoiding MG.

More frustrating is the delay this brings to the next Cycle. I fully support and am excited by mid-Cycle events like this, but if it means the development timetable to larger updates has to be sacrificed, resulting in a Cycle lasting multiple months longer than is “typical” I am less in favor of doing so.


When I initially heard about the cycle refresh, I was iffy on it. But after reading a lot of comments on the last forum post, I’m in favor.

Just please make it so legacy characters can also participate in the event :slight_smile:

a refresh would be great,it will bring back players

The economy reset is totally needed but kind of pointless when there is no new cycle to attract more players. 1.0 had well over 200k people on release, 1.1 didn’t even break 100k, realistically how many people will play the refresh only for event and some minor changes? 10-20k? Then we’ll be back to 3k average after a week so MG will be dead anyway without decently sized playerbase.

I just hope you can eventually establish and stick to a schedule of 3-4 cycles per year, I absolutely love this game but having to wait close to 1 year for new content is very frustrating.

AT this point, whichever choice you make, it’s a net loss. You done messed up. No one is particularly excited or hyped for a reset because the elephant in the room is that it’s a necessary evil. And now, the thought of having to wait till next year for a new content patch is just deflating.

Ouch. This one hurt. If there’s a reset, I’ll come back and play for a week or so, but only until Grim Dawn launches their S7 community league. Than I’m out till probably next year after the POE2 launch settles down.

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