Patch 1.2 Timeline, 1.1 Event Updates, and Cycle Poll

I’m personally in support of the cycle reset. It doesn’t really hurt anything and everybody loves a nice cycle reset as it’s a staple of the genre. (PoE and D4) Also gives me a reason to roll a stronger character this time around.

As far as feedback. I’d say a better drop rate on those harbinger eyes. Or maybe two to three tries at Aberoth per eye, but that’s just my opinion. I played a shield bash sentinel this league and learned the fight as I kept chucking eyes at the portal. I got pretty close to killing him, but no dice.

Only other thing i’d suggest is reducing the experience needed to level the factions. As it feels like it takes quite a bit to reach cap for those sweet passive bonuses. I’m sure y’all are aware and might’ve tweaked it since I last played. Either way I love CoF!

See you all in the upcoming event!

I will absolutely not be playing PoE2, and considering the overall ARPG population, I doubt I’m alone in that sentiment. So not “everyone” will be playing it, even if a lot of people will be. Not to mention, you can play more than one game you know?

What promise? The “we’ll try” promise? Because the only set in stone fact of cycle duration is “cycles will start and end with each major patch, with major patches being 1.1, 1.2, 1.2, etc.” they try to keep the gap between those patches between 3-4 months but it’s not a promise, other than a promise to try? Lol.

New content to hold us over is typically not developed in a vacuum with the entire development team. They’ll usually keep the main squad working on major patches while the “B-Team”, to put it rudely, works on the stuff for events and smaller patches. Or do you think bug fixes are also delaying the actual patch because it happens between major patches?

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As someone with 0 interest in poe2 or diablo4,

I guess I can thank those games for killing any chance I have to see this one actually get updates.

At this rate you are never beating the landscape. You might as well just iterate on your game and make patches and ignore any other game. I think its better for you, better for your players, and better for the genre overall.

Im really defeated, I wanted to believe in this game. And even despite all the issues of 1.0, and 1.1 I do think it has enough players to be worth updating on a normal industry standard.

But the delays are just too much, they mean I just get invested into other games, I played a decent amount of poe1 after I finished 1.1 and was really hoping to see 1.2 at somepoint in the next month if I math was right. instead im gonna be forced to try poe2, cause you are saying to me you would rather me do that, then update your game. And ill probably get ropped into playing more poe and more poe2. Should I even come back in Q1 2025? will I then be on another 8 month waiting spree for content after that?

I feel like you are missing the point of what made PoEs seasons the industry standard. PoE has shitty patches, they have shitty balance sometimes even for a long time. But they never stop. They plug along, and release new content every 4 months even if its not that great. And that means people always expect it. When its bad they leave, when its good, they stay. but they always come back, because its faithful and expected. Thats what made it in the industry standard.

But delaying so much, you are missing out on the appeal of seasons, which is changes that keep the game being something you always look forward to trying out. At this point you would have been more successful with a DLC model that releases a DLC once a year.


I wont argue, maybe you are right. I dont want to go more off topic.

Just wanted to say that I am not sure if it is best to poll audience about how to compose the stuff.

Just a hmm… little doubt… Wont elaborate further. Will vote with our wallets ultimately I suppose :wink:

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I think a cycle restart might be good for MG players, only if people decide to come back to the game, if the majority of people dont come back the market might end up empty, more than it already seems right now. On top of that i dont really think this will bring any benefits for CoF players, unless its someone who really want to start fresh for no particular reason. And if you said that less than 100 people care about the ladder, including EHG members i would belive you.

If you guys really are going to release 1.2 only in 2025, i imagine the earliest date would be february so we would have 7 months of 1.1, which also means we only had 2 new cycles this year. This is basically mojang lvls of update.

If you guys really decide to take this long to update i really hope we see much more changes in hotfix and mid cycle patches, not only the usual bug fixes and some improvements to ui and controll stuff. We need new things to play, and i’m not even asking for new content, you guys didnt change anything in the last 2 months after 1.1 and after i read that by october 20th we would still not have any balance changes, i sincerely gave up playing the game until 1.2 release. Right now this event dosnt look like it will bring anything new or exciting and i dont want to just play the start of cycle 2 again, so i hopé we at least get some changes even if numerical or with new exciting items.

If that dosent happen i guess we’ll see each other next year.

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But delivering a much less exciting patch just to release before PoE 2 EA will also be bad, so no matter what they do its always “bad” :slight_smile:

They didn’t promise anything. That was the plan and it is clear why they don’t want to stick to it if the game still has other construction sites going on.

Hence they acknolwedge that they want to get back to a mroe regular schedule:

Sad to see such lack of updates and content. This game has lost all it’s fizzle. Shame good game but boring after the first week. People aren’t going to play 2 weeks and then ok see you guys next year. Something needs to be fixed internally with project deadlines.


If I feel like playing at all, I currently play both LE and PoE. One day this, the other day that. Or one game in the morning before work and the other in the evening after work.

And I just installed Sacred 1 & 2 again for some nostalgia trip.

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Well, if I remember correctly, they said something about them working like this (whole team working on next cycle) before 1.1, then they realized they need to change this in order to be able to minimally tackle the 3-4 month cycles timeframe, and only by this time they started having multiple teams working in multiple, different, projects.
I believe it was on one of the “news and what’s coming” posts prior to 1.1 launch, so it’s really recent they have this multi-team setup.

The wording you have used in a few places is confusing and perhaps contradictory. Are you saying that the reset planned to coincide with the September 19 event is now subject to the outcome of the poll?

If so, I feel like this is a big mistake i.e., decisions by committee / tyranny of the masses (it’s generally those that are unhappy that speak the loudest / spend more time on this forum and we’ve seen the absurdly hyperbolic response that the reset was a ‘betrayal’…)

Personally, I would only come back for the event if there is a reset (and I suspect this is the same for the majority of other players not currently playing).

I would only be interested in a reset if there are balance & bug fixes. Without those I see no point.

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That’s crazy! Why would anyone work that way, even at a glance it seems unproductive and you’re avoiding small issues that could be fixed because everyone is working on the next major patch.

Glad they decided to change then.

Look all I care about is the continuation of the main story. When is that coming out. I don’t care about your seasons or your cycles or your refreshes, I don’t care about anything like that, I bought expecting a complete story line, and was told to wait, from 1.0 to 1.2, now your saying your pushing stuff back?

When will we have all of the story content out and ready without needing to wait for to me, pointless seasonal BS.


I see what you mean, but it’s only anecdotal after all. I’ve seen people going way beyond the line to justify their opinions against the reset here on forums, some are pretty vocal and tend to post a lot here, but they don’t get to vote twice.

I’ve also seen lots of people not only supporting, but reinforcing the need of a reset for the sake of game’s health. Those are a majority from what I’ve seen on youtube and reddit. I don’t follow steam forums so I wouldn’t know the opinions there.

Adding to that, we are now officially informed that 1.2 is only coming someday in Q1 2025. This alone should make people more prone to be complacent and wish for a reset and fresh start now, specially if nothing bad (read dupe) happens.

So, I’m guessing we got a reset coming.

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Boosted unique drop rates, faster favor gain, a bunch of new shrines, the loot goblins, fresh economy for MG, improved search for MG (I reaallly hope this improves it massively, one of the most annoying thing with pricing in MG), these new undead enemy spawns.

It’s not a new system, it’s not a new mastery or abilities, but I seriously don’t get how people can say there is no reason to make a character or be hyped for this. I’m very excited, and I very much appreciate their decision to push the monolith changes into 1.2 instead of 1.3.

It kinda sucks that 1.2 is pushed back to Q1 2025 but I find plenty of stuff to be excited about for this reset (if most people want it)

So what does this mean for the Primal Hunt endgame events, Ancient Era story chapter, and Primordial uniques?

They’ll be coming later. I’d assume that they’ve “just” switched positions of the content for patch 1.2 & 1.3.

As a CoF Legacy Player, new Cycle doesn’t really matter to me so no comment on the poll.

Well its sad that 1.2 is being pushed but I wouldn’t mind if it means we get substantial balance changes, performance improvements and bug fixes in that time. Is there any estimates/timeline for when these are coming though?

Define “need”.

Also check your assumptions at the door - not everyone played back before there was a marketplace.

This is a purely rhetorical response because I already know your position and question are disingenuous. You’re not looking for a conversation you’re just being dismissive of a viewpoint you don’t agree with or like.

I too would like more updates to the story. I really enjoy playing the campaign, Never do the skips as I like playing trough it,

I also enjoy the endgame too though so I’m excited regardless of what is added. To hear the next major update won’t be until next year is a bit deflating though.

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