Patch 0.9 and Multiplayer Are Coming Next Year

With Multiplayer comes latency, will we be able to have access to a server somewhere in Africa (e.g. South Africa) or will this be the same as all other ARPG games where we are forgotten?

They said there would be servers all around the world, but I don’t think they published an exact list of countries.

WHEN?! Like i hate being that guy but man, id really like this soon. Ive had as much fun as I could with SSF and am excited to actually have multiplayer. You guys should get that out so that you can establish a name before D4 and Poe2. This is one of the more fun ARPG i have ever played so I am excited to see what kind of player base yall get!

Patiences, I know it hard but remember Cyberpunk, remember Wolcen, games left limping because of rushing/releasing too early.
A begin is a very delicate time, we must wait not rush.


Nobody knows when we’ll be getting MP.

Multiplayer will be released when it is ready. The right date is not before other games, it’s when the game is ready. Releasing the game at a specific date rather than a specific state would be catastrophic and could destroy the reputation of the game. See Wolcen for example.
I want 1.0 to be released, but I don’t mind waiting because I’m confident, I can see the devs are really focused on their game’s quality. I’ll wait and it will be good.


Yeah honestly I would like to know what’s going on now to… when are we able to play ALL the classes, and a time frame for MP.

By the end of the year. That’s the time frame.

Regarding the other classes i am sure they will announce them or give us teasers before a major patch.


Thanks tips for Info we all already know.

That’s all the info they’ve shared with us, which is why it’s in this thread.


Can’t wait for multi !!! Even if there are some trouble at the release, I’m sure you will make it great !

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I am also waiting for multiplayer, but I love the fact that the team at EHG is taking the time to do it right, and isn’t worried about “keeping up” with other titles in the genre. This, in and of itself, speaks volumes to the priorities of the company, and i applaud that. Thank you, for doing this right.


Fantastic news :slight_smile:

I hope it will support couch co-op

If you are referring to 2 people playing on the same machine then no. Nobody does that.

I beleive Last epoch leads to a new wave of ARPG! :wink:

I usually play diablo 3 on console with my girlfriend, it’s great.
If i can play LastEpoch coop with everyone, that’s great, but if i can play coop on the same console with friends, it’s even better.
If LastEpoch doesn’t support it, maybe it’s not for me.

I asked this question from in dev Q&A stream (which occurs every friday)

He said that couch co-op idea is on the table if They decide to bring LE on consoles.

But this is not gonna happen Pre 1.0

And i dont think its gonna be first thing they do after official release.

Ok, I get that you want to push conversions for mage with the new unique, but VOID damage is USELESS on mage due to lack of leech (mage leech is on ELEMENTAL damage, not spell damage) and due to a lack of increased void damage nodes.