Opinion: Levelling alts in Last Epoch is soul crushing

If the world revolved around power gamers, then maybe. But, luckily for us, it doesn’t.

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I will say, I’ve recently leveled two Primalists to 100 and something I’ve discovered is that if you’re having a miserable time moving your experience bar, more damage is probably your solution.

It does seem like the game rewards defense stats a lot early and mid game, but by end game, those are basically mandatory and you don’t get anything for piling on more, mainly because the defenses that you get have caps or diminishing returns.

By the time you get to the final three Empowered Monoliths, enemies have so much damage that your defenses are not nearly as important anymore, and so much health that they don’t die fast enough. So you actually need enough damage to kill them quickly to reduce the damage that they deal at a certain point, and to minimize how much stuff is on the screen at the same time trying to kill you. Something akin to 50k dps is what you need to go over the threshold to where you’re killing stuff fast enough that it’s actually valuable defensively.

Knowing all of this, a big mistake I made and probably a lot of people leveling multiple characters are making is assuming their build has enough built in damage already that it should work instead of constantly looking for another Exalted or Idol that has more damage on it that they can fit into their build. Also, which skills you’re using in conjunction with each other needs to be more based on what damage buffs they give than how they work together thematically. You always need to be finding ways to use one skill to add multiple times the amount of damage to another skill.

I found this out when I finally acquired Herald of the Scurry on my Beastmaster. It basically changed everything I was doing. Now I tear through echoes quickly and I don’t feel as depressed about what I’m doing. Has made a huge difference in this playthrough.

Granted, you can also get enough damage that it trivializes the entire game. And that’s a hard line to walk because that’s going to feel a little different to every person based on what build you’re running and personal skillfulness. However, I still think if the game is beating you down or becoming a slog, getting more damage might be what you need to do.

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I’ve already explained my point of view and don’t tell me to “Spare Us All” because, if you haven’t noticed, there are many people who are unhappy with the state of leveling alts.

Also, you’re attitude is terrible have a good day.

This is just either trolling or actually concerning you think like this so I’m just going to quote this and leave it at that.

I’m sorry you’re so upset people value their real life time.
Please continue to profess to everyone else here why “we” shouldn’t want people like myself, and others who share the same opinion about the current alt lvl’ing process.

I think you’re going to find that little to no one here wants to jump on your bandwagon to exclude other players from this game, let alone from stating their opinion.


Well you cannot have it both ways. You said if they add a short cut for alts then everyone will use it. So either everyone wants this or they don’t which is it?

Or maybe some will & some won’t. There is a middle ground between the two extremes (only the Sith deal in absolutes).

Don’t make me go on a big rant about how the Jedi are the actual evil and the Sith represent true freedom. XD

Balance in all things. If the devs want to give the hardcore power gamers features like campaign skip and leaderboards and what-not, and those hardcore power gamers pay the dev costs for those features, then the devs would be silly to ignore them.

If the casual players are willing to fund more MMO, crafting, visual customization, and other elements, then the devs would be silly to ignore them.

EHG and their investors are going to fund those things that improve the bottom line, regardless of what the community actually wants. Because the community, as a general rule, specially those who are the most vocal about what will “fix the game” usually represent the exceptionally vocal minority whose changes will ultimately drive the community away and cause the game to fail.

I say again: Let EHG be EHG. Discuss things. Feel proud when your suggestions make it into the game and provide positive change. But never, ever make the mistake and think your personal opinions should always make it into the code.

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I never said everyone will want it. But with ladders coming, players wanting to compete on the ladders will be forced to use the “quickesterestest” method to stay in the hunt. And yes, it’s basically human nature to take the path of least resistance, so it will just default that way for the rest. Which, like I also said, is toxic to the game itself.

There already is middle ground, and it’s the ground we are standing on. Let us not forget the current reality is a result of people not wanting to complete the entire campaign each time to get their passives and idol slots. I don’t think it’s in the best interest of the game to keep shaving pounds of flesh off, just because the next batch of players is unwilling to go through fews hours of campaign quests to get to the end game.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees this. Jedi always rant on and on about balance in the Force, but are dead set on exterminating the Sith. How can there be balance in the good/evil dichotomy, when only good is allowed to exist?

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The Jedi represent the ultimate Authority. Live like we live, ethically and morally, or we will use both force and The Force to ensure you do. That they consider themselves “good” is the real hypocrisy. Authority from a hierarchical religion enforced from the barrel of a… lightsaber… it’s a wonder the Jedi weren’t actually called the Inquisition.

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What rant? The perfct jedi is a psychopath, there is nothing to rant about ^^.

on tha actual topic, what about some kind of adventure mode? You can farm every zone you like, get the idol and passive points every X levels and the content is scaling with your level. So far i have timelines I love to farm and others I hate so this might help to ease up things? If everything is made so that Monolith is acessable when you hit level XX it’s grind however you like without playing the story again :smiley: .

Currently making my way through season 2 of the Clone Wars and I’m definitely getting that impression. I wouldn’t say the Sith represent freedom (other than the freedom to impose one’s own will onto everybody else, amongst other things), but the Republic/Jedi definitely aren’t the goodies…

As South Park constantly points out, the extremes are terrible places/ideologies.

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You know, it’s funny. I constantly debate politics, religion, and life’s struggles with friends, work colleagues, and clients. I find myself arguing the center more often than not these days while others seem to constantly argue the edges and exceptions. And arguing the center does not mean arguing for “the greater good” because the socialist argument for “the greater good” always means that others will suffer just so that your idea of “the greater good” can be fulfilled. Arguing the center means finding a solution that benefits the maximum number of people while negatively affecting the fewest.

Star Wars and Star Trek are dystopian societies no less horrifying that the Districts of the Hunger Games or Huxley’s Brave New World, Orwell’s 1984, A Clockwork Orange, Brazil, Blade Runner, Cyberpunk 2077, Black Mirror, Morgan’s Altered Carbon or Thirt33n… ((man I could go on and on and on with examples)) In fact the very definition of dystopian fiction is to take one aspect of society and push it to its logical extreme conclusion.

We, as a species, either find a better way to move forward, or we head straight into the razor, yellowed teeth of causality and the unforgiving law of survival of the fittest.

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I cant believe this thread is still going but its all about Star Wars now so I guess its dead/on its last legs

LE has one of the cruisiest experiences to leveling a new character its actually really surprising, takes about 3 hours to hit monoliths, if you want ‘soul crushing’ just level in PoE, im playing SSF as of a week ago and thats true horror but I still have managed to get to 97 and all my watchstones.

EHG has given us dungeons, if you want to skip Campaign areas cant you just go fight Julra at level 13 or something and prove the campaign is nothing to you

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So disable the option in ladder.

Just a crazy mind-blowing thought.

And if, as you say, everyone in a ladder will use the fastest way to level anyway, then it really doesn’t matter does it, since they are all on equal footing. Is it super important that you get to run the campaign yet another time in ladder?

And aren’t ladders multiple months long? Will it really matter if one player runs the campaign to level and another uses faster level option X?

You can do monos from lvl 1 if you want (& have someone give you a lift to the end of time).

Camp. is just too long/drawn out. I love a long camp, but there doesn’t feel like any progression in it here - just a thing to get through and move on to the next part. I’m trying to level up another couple of people, but yea… it really is soul crushing - even if i can’t exactly put my finger on the exact reason.

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