Offline mode

So after all this game is not gonna suport true offline mode, its gonna be 99percent offline as long as u are online to login what kind of nonsens is that. Yes im opening 3rd time similar thread after last stream, and yes im very iritated and out of my usual self couse i like this game and i dont like people with false promises with a plan to change them along the way as the wind blows, and original promise was to have true offline mode. Just to say that reason for not being faithful to original promise from early acess is most likely nothing more than profit after realizing how far this game has gonna and how much potential it has based on players feedbacks. Although 35 euros means nothing to me i deeply regret spending it on this game. U cant change something like that along the way dont u think that is something very important that makes some people buying it solely couse of it.


I disagree if char is ofdline its ofdline if its online its online simple as that those 2 should be divided, the reason for it is MTX and microtransactions on gear cosmetics. Was happening for a long time now thats the reason they have created program in which u have to create your account. I do not blame game, i blame devs for this dicession, cheaters are always gonna exist and it ia nothing new to us or to devs. One good example is boardmans video where he admits to 1k people he has cheated

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Thereā€™s no nice way to say this my man - Itā€™s 2021. Getting upset or even just surprised that a game requires some form of internet access to play is an early 2000s thing that stopped being reasonable about a decade ago.

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Eh, I think the easier solution is to simply offer no laddering for offline characters.

I dunno about anyone else, but for many of my potential group who wants to get into the game, modding/offline play matters. if they just go ā€œno we are always online, no modding.ā€ they lose a lot of potential players.

The only problem you presented exists because of ladder, if offline does not have a ladder who cares if someone enjoys the game as they want?


It may seem like a lot from your perspective, but the reality is that the list of people who wonā€™t play a game they otherwise like just because they canā€™t play offline or mod it is in ā€œThere are dozens of us! Dozens!ā€ territory. Even a startup game company is not going to notice the loss of those players.

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That might be true, but thats kinda not that important to the topic at hand.

its more so that the devs mention offline mode, and I think its even called ā€œmultiplayerā€ vs ā€œofflineā€ when multiplayer comes out, but its not really true offline.

I dont really care about true offline, but I am into modding. And if they decide to turn off the idea of modding which they seemed receptive to recently, that would be a real shame.

Mr Bronco I am no moder but i support moding, i am half of year without internet and i play games only at that point of time while i am in navigation. I fo not buy online games only exceprion was POE and it eat a lot of my free time at home and i deeply regret it.and i do not like to play games while i am at home since i want to live my life to the fullest while i am with my love ones. If there is no problem for u have or no have offline mode i do not understand why are u convincing people that truly needs it that they dont and that its normal to put something in planed future at early acess and than withdrawa it? Exactly no one would notice if some people wont play it couse its online only but its a matter of dicency of keeping your word since if there was 90percent of loss players couse of this they would made offline its all money calculation and nothing else#

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My problem is when people write salty threads in which they try to elevate their self-made problems into issues of ethics or morality. You happen to live a lifestyle that has you without internet for half the year. That is a you problem. Youā€™ve chosen to go swimming, and now you are complaining that you got wet. I do not believe that complaints like this should be treated as though they are legitimate, because theyā€™re not.

Your interest in playing LE year-round - which I will remind you is a voluntary leisure activity that is in no way necessary for you - does not outweigh EHGā€™s interest in preventing piracy and cheating. If EHG once said during their Beta test that they wanted to have fully offline, and then decided in the middle of their Beta test that it is in their gameā€™s best interests not to do so, they have the right, if not the obligation, to make that decision. The idea or importance of ā€œkeeping oneā€™s wordā€ does not mean that people are forever shackled to everything theyā€™ve said, no matter how it may harm them.


I could surely understand what kind of man u are by your comment please speak no more. For u promises are to be broken i am oposite of that and no one has foeced u to write anything here but still u chose to do so, maybe if u had a prroblem on something u would react very difeerently.
What if they changed compleate game to be same as poe during beta would u like that? No for the thinfs u wouldnt like u would complain thats what i dont like cinical people

Wait. Is this something said at todayā€™s Mike stream? Or what?

I can understand the frustration due to the mixed messaging thatā€™s occurred regarding an offline-only mode. The websites previous FAQ used to say there would be an offline-only mode, but then there were several developer quotes between March 26, 2021 to May 20, 2021 that brought this into question.

Fast-forward to the July 9, 2021 dev stream with the question posed to Mike Weicker and the answer he provides would make you believe that there will be an offline-only mode. This messaging stayed pretty consistent until the most recent dev stream on September 24, 2021 where this offline-only mode was again brought into question.

The back and forth messaging on the subject certainly isnā€™t helping the situation. Prospective buyers are told yes, there will be an offline-only mode one month and then that there might not be one the next month. Itā€™s definitely not making anyone feel good about their purchase if they did so under the assumption that it would have an offline-only mode.

We all understand that this is a beta product and that nearly anything can change before launch, but clearly the messaging needs to be more consistent ā€“ I think we can all agree on that.

Within the FAQ section of the previous Last Epoch website:

Last Epoch will support both online-only and offline-only characters. Online-only characters will exist in server-authoritative multiplayer. Playing offline-only characters will not require an internet connection.
An internet connection will be required to update the game client, and you may need to activate the game a single time before play.

March 26, 2021

Stanzwar said the following regarding an offline mode in that same stream:

How you play now will also be possible when we have online multiplayer.

Which was soon followed by:

Weā€™re discussing options internally. :smile: Donā€™t worry, we think about players like you. Right now weā€™re just heavily focused on trying to get it all together.

May 20, 2021

Redditt_User: My question is - Will LE be playable offline? And if yes, how will that work with mtx? I dont mind having to connect every now and then but being unable to play to bad connection is a great turn off for me.

Judd Cobler: Hey! We are exploring ways to verify cosmetic ownership in single player but it would require a request to the server. Weā€™ll have more information on that in the near future as itā€™s something weā€™re exploring now.
Source: Redditt Link

July 9, 2021
Dev Q&A Stream - Offline-only Mode Question (YouTube Link)

July 21, 2021

Discord_User: Will the game ever be FULLY playable offline in the future?

Trasochi: This is planned.
Source: Discord Link

August 16, 2021

Discord_User: Ok, I found the answer to my question, so to play offline I will still need internet, since I need to login first which needs to be connected to the internet.

Mike Weicker: No, thatā€™s what it is now but we are in a weird hybrid state. The current plan is to eventually have one fully online mode and one fully offline mode.
Source: Discord Link

September 7, 2021

Discord_User: Just wanted to confirm there is no way to actually play offline yet correct?

Mike Weicker: Once you are logged in, you can unplug your Internet and it will continue to work. However we donā€™t have a 100% offline mode available yet.
Source: Discord Link

September 24, 2021

Just wondering would it be possible to add an offline mode? To pass time when your internet is down or if youā€™re someone that lives in Germany/other slow internet countries.

Dev Q&A Stream Video Clip 1 (Twitch Link)

So there will be no true offline mode after release?

Dev Q&A Stream Video Clip 2 (Twitch Link)


Wow. Thanks Andrew. I always had the concerns with a true offline mode and thought it incompatible with the GaaS model they are pursuing for the longer term. But they had always been quite firm that true offline is something they wanted to deliver while noting my primary concern of piracy.

I guess as their MP and server plans shape up, they are getting clearer about what is possible and what is not.

Yes it was

Thanks man for such a detailed comment funny thing about it is that a week ago offline was still on.

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Thanks for this summary of the seesaw like issueā€¦

Personally I sincerely hope that they allow a true offline mode in some formā€¦ Even cached credentials that get you to login every few ā€œinsert timeperiod hereā€ would be appreciated. I would have zero problem with disabled in-game cosmetics or characters disqualified from leaderboards if there was no active connectionā€¦ the main thing is just to be able to play whenever I want to.

I live in a country where services like telecoms/power/water etc are generally available, but can be interrupted at short notice (or without notice) and could potentially be out for days at a timeā€¦ and when this happens, anything online is obviously a no-go and backup internet connections can cost excessive amounts to stay online.


Yes, this needs to be said clearly and without doubt by the developers.
Iā€™ve been following LE and lurked here on forums for years now but still havent purchased the game exactly because of this uncertainty regarding offline mode. Dont get me wrong, I want to buy it (have the 100$ ready for that centurion supporter pack) but I also want to play a game I purchased without relying on unsteady internet cennection or server stability, especially because I only play single player and have no interest in multy whatsoever. Mtx are no problem for me and would gladly buy something if it catches my eye. But not being able to play something already paid for is a big no-no for me. Yes, I know its 2021, but I guess I am just old fashioned that way.
It is also a question of trust between EHG and players now more than ever - if they go back on their word on this - what is next? Ptw? Mobile? Monthly subscription? Trust is hard earnedā€¦ Just look at Crate (as positive example) and Wolcen devs (as negative)
To each his own - some only want multy, some want to play the game on their own time and pace.
So until that gets perfectly clear by the devs, my money will remain mine.


Yea, true offline mode would be great. My home internet is down for this whole weekend and I will have no recourse to play if always-online is needed.

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Imagine if they said there will be no multiplayer now how many people would complain but they would never fo that since it is refering to 99percent of people but we that are among this 1 we mean nothing now but we have meant a lot before. That is what pises me off. Sorry for my language

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Yes, my point exactly!

Or if the game will no longer be on steam but on epic store. Imagine the outrage. Those are big things for a lot of people. And offline is comparable for me. And you. And many others.

For now I am willing to wait and seeā€¦ because so far the game looks great and I really like the mechanics and skill system. But it will mean nothing if it turns out to be just another PoE clone without its own LE identity. And greed is a powerful motivator, sadly.

So until devs say clearly and without doubt - well, I dont mind waiting, especialy since 1.0 is still a long way off

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Come on now. There is absolutely nothing unreasonable about it, and until high speed internet service is universally available, reliable, and affordably priced there never will be anything unreasonable about it.

Itā€™s true that I take for granted the ease of online access that I have, but I lack the hubris required to assume that the same luxuries exist for everyone, even in my own community.