Now with ingame shop

All unique are supposed to have a 3D Art. And some already do.
Some of them already look amazing.

Some unique (mostly Armour pieces) do not have unique 3D Art yet, because it costs alot of time and resources to make 3D Art for different character models.

I personally fully support the B2P + MTX monetization model. It’s quite rare for this type of game, but I can see it will be OK, as long as the prices in the MTX shop are not outrageous.

I do hope however that there will be some kind of transmog system that does not require real money to access.


I feel the same. I have no issue with paying the box price and then having the option to buy cosmetics in game as long as they are not overpriced. Especially considering a lot of games that offer in game cosmetics end up re using models and then sell them again, trying to fool players into thinking it’s something brand new. Re using models is not wrong in itself, but that should lower the cost dramatically if it’s been used before.

I’m used to seeing 1 mtx armor, weapon or skill effect go for an easy $40 usd. That’s too much in my opinion. If I could spen $40 and get 6-8 different mtx, then I would be WAY more inclined to spend another $40 for another 6-8 DIFFERENT mtx. Now I could potentially have 12 badass weapon skins, armor skins, pets, skill effects etc. for $80 instead of the 2 that I’m used to seeing go for $80.

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Yup agreed.

While I can understand some very special mtx’s having a high price.

Generally I would buy more, if the prices are lower.

I did spend quite a bit of money on PoE’s MTX. But when their prices would be slightly lower, I would probably spend even more in total.

With a B2P game I can already hear the outrage, if MTX prices are PoE level high.

I am totally OK with like 2-5€ for a weapon skin, maybe up to 10 for a really fancy one. Maybe like 15-25€ for a whole Armour set.

But 15+ € for a weapon skin is crazy. And like 30-40€+ for a Armour set is ridiculous.

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IMO, I’d shift the decimal one place to the left & be done with it.

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Wow… i just read “…for some cosmetic pants” and I thought “I don’t want to know!” :smiley:

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Are you sure?

Me too :smiley:

Yes, just not yet.


They’ve said numerous times (because this comes up frequently) that they want to have 3d art for uniques but it takes a lot more effort for armour than it does for weapons hence they’re putting out more weapons with 3d than armour. This may well be an upside of the change to body armour being made class specific because then you only need to rig it for 1 class/animations/etc than all 5.

Yes. Mike did say this. But that doesnt mean all uniques will get 3D art. Even in POE, not all uniques get 3D art.

Oh well, if PoE takes a particular stance, that’s definitely a good reason to do the same…

Also, from memory don’t GGG add 3d art to old items from time to time?

They do. But they’ve never came out to say all items will get 3D art. I referenced GGG only because a claim like “all uniques will get 3D art” is so ambitious I wasnt sure if EHG would dare to say so lightly.

What kind of pants are we talking here? Some normie blue jeans just won’t do. Some leather chaps are now we’re getting somewhere lmao

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Am I the only one who wants cosmetics before multiplayer ?
EHG take my money!

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