Nova boy 0.8.3

Hey, so I’m very new taking like 2 days new lol, I’m looking at the build and I can’t seem to find where you put all you points and what not ‘again I’m new don’t judge’ so was wondering if you can tell me where I see your skill trees etc for this?

From the Last Epoch Build Planner links. That opens up a site with the skills, passives & gear.
Hit your S & P keys for the skills & passives, or click on the three horizontal lines in the bottom right by the mana globe.

hey I have some questions,

how do you tell which stat is better for damage? since I believe the tooltip on ele nova doesn’t count it as 100% crit chance right? because for example when I equip a crit multi item vs spell damage item the tooltip shows ele nova has higher dmg with the spell dmg and not the crit multi

also are you on the LE discord or somewhere I can chat with you about the build maybe?

If you have 100% crit chance with ele nova then the tooltip will use that in calculating the dps. Whether more increased spell damage or crit multi is better depends on how much your total increased damage is as well as your crit chance.

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no the tooltip doesn’t use 100% crit as the dps that’s the whole point, because there are specific passives which only increase crit of ele nova which tooltip doesn’t recognize…

Whether more increased spell damage or crit multi is better depends on how much your total increased damage is as well as your crit chance.

you are stating the obvious but this isn’t what I’m asking at all… of course it depends on how much you have… I’m talking about in the context of this build (which has 100% crit chance or near it) which stat you should prioritize

Which nodes are you talking about? The Lightning Nova node does apply it’s 20% more crit chance (the tooltip gives less dps if you have crits disabled via Wing Guards), Melting Nova increases the tooltip dps as does Firey destruction, as does Charged Destruction.

I’ve done some testing with over 100% crit chance & it seems to be working properly. Equipping Wing Guards reduced my tooltip dps by the correct amount (x2.3 with 230% crit multi), adding more crit chance over 100% had no effect (so the tooltip is capping your crit chance to 100%). Getting more crit multi correctly increased the dps.

And the answer is still “how much total increased damage” & how much crit multi do you have? Unfortunately due to the character screen double counting at the drop of any hat anywhere, you’ll need to manually add up your % increased damage by element to work out how much you have.

I’m stating the obvious because people either forget it or decline to give the pertinent info when asking a question that entirely depends on said info.

Edit: The one thing that confused me is why the Lightning Nova node increased the tooltip by 10% when it only gives a 7% more multiplyer when you’re already crit capped (106%).

Edit #2: For testing I had all of the crit chance nodes on the passive tree (+310% in total), then an additional 297% from gear (total of 607% increased crit chance & a 4% base crit Majasan Dagger & 6% Unread Scroll for 15% total base crit. This should therefore have given 106% crit chance without any points in the Ele Nova tree.

Tooltip is not trustworthy at all when it comes to elemental nova. Tooltip is currently broken, and the spell damage will scale the base version of elemental nova (Fire, cold and lightning) making it seem a lot better than it really is since our elemental nova does only lightning damage.
Tooltip also doesn’t account for the skill to be 100% crit rate (it counts as 82%) but due to a bug its 100% crit rate. There is something off with luminaire node (reducing tooltip damage even though it should quadruple etc.)
As a quick test 9% spell damage will increase my tooltip by 72 damage and 24% lightning damage is 70 tooltip damage increase.
The only reliable way of seeing if spell damage is better than crit multi is to hit the dummy. To make it reliable use stormtides and remove any armor shred if you have it (assuming you don’t have lightning shred)
i do have discord FoE#2419

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I know I’m missing something here but where are the skills for these builds? The planner skill slots are empty. TIA

This button right here then either pick passives or skills to see the trees

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Cheers Mate! I have not seen that before. Looking forward to checking all this out. I have a level 77 sorc I need to do something with :grin:

Thanks that explains so many things that didn’t make sense on the tooltips

I added you on discord

Its too bad there isnt a good damage calculator like Path of Building for PoE. Would make optimizing builds so much easier.

anyone got a decent loot filter for this build? :slight_smile:

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Made a pretty simple/very strict filter that follows the build plan for “No Orians”

It just hides everything that doesn’t contain >=2 needed affixes on desired bases

I also show all uniques/set/exalted items because I can’t help but collect things lol

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hi there ,only gambling the level 42 base for ashen crown right?

Yup, or get it from drops.

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hi what is the correct rotation to play this build is elemental nova for trash and lighting blast for boss’s? sorry I an new I just switched to this thank you :slight_smile:

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Yes, ele nova is for clearing trash & lightning blast for single target.

Wasn’t even intentional. What a fun ride, thank you for the build!

Ooh you made it too :slight_smile: Gratz!

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