No Mastery respec, is bs

Getting to the subclass choice is way faster than 10 hours.
It’s like… an hour ? (or 27 mins if you’re Terek :open_mouth: gg man!)

And there is plenty of ways, a multitude of skills to re-level a character. I don’t think that “I don’t want to do the same leveling on the same class” is a valid point. There is so much variety inside a single class, or even a single subclass. What is so incredibly boring and tedious that you don’t want to play the game again but in a new way ? If the game is not fun enough to play it again, I don’t think mastery respec will fix that.

Edit : Oh crap, Heavy was faster. :stuck_out_tongue:
Edit 2 : Am I that slow ? Your post just above mine, PrivateZ, offers good explanations. Yes, if you really really want to play 1 specific skill and you chose wrong your mastery… then it seems reasonable to want to respec.

Yeah that is fine, but what if I just want to play the same skill but chose the wrong mastery, why shoukd I need to level again just to try the same skill with another mastery?

If I would like to change my playstyle I would most likely make a fresh char for sure. (Playing wow i hated the max lvl boost bc I woukd feel so lost getting everything at the same time). But I can see some situations when I woukd rather change mastery, that is why I call it QoL and not smth woukd make me stop playing.

The “root class” is meant to introduce you the different archtypes and things you can do.

Hypothetical, if you select your mastery at the character creation, but then have different, but limited skills available early on. Would you prefer that?

LE gives you all the options, if you use them or not. If you decide to always play the class so similar to the last time you played it, its on you. The game, even on the same “root class” offers so many different opportunities.

But what is “wrong” mastery? What can’t you do with this "wrong mastery? Your char is not bricked or anything yo ucan still play it.

So do D&D subclasses, like I said, but when you’re playing D&D you don’t expect to respec it. So it’s still a matter of perception.

The devs can. If they want to encourage you to make new characters, they won’t implement a feature that actively discourages it. Mike has answered before that they watch these discussions but that he hasn’t seen a reason to change his mind yet.
And since the arguments are always the same (and yes, I concede that happens on both sides), this isn’t likely to change.

The devs want you to feel attached to your character. Its about the whole journey. Your character is not a Sentinel. Your character is a Forge Guard.
Its about being a replaceable husk that can be everything.

Secondly they don’t want optimal strategies to involve being a Void Knight early on, then for midgame being a Forge Guard and for late game becoming a Paladin, because that is the most optimal way to play.


I meant, no one in the replies can say why it would make LE a worst game. Devs dont have all the answers either that is why I like that they hear the community. So this is a forum for feedback and suggestions and this is feedback for a QoL change.

Having a lot of ppl trying to explain to me why I dont need this QoL because they dont need it, and how I should play the game or how I should spend my playing time feels weird.

At their heath all QoL are changes to make your gaming experience more pleasant and that changes from person to person. If the majory doesnt need this change I can live with it, just dont try to explain me why I in particular dont need it, bc I know for sure that I was already in the situation when I though it woukd be handy. That is actually one of the only things I remember from my first playthrough.

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And that is their decision and how much they allow it is also their decision. They draw the line in respeccing skills so you can experiment but not changing masteries. That is their decision and I respect it.

Woukd I like it different?, yes, that is why I comment on the post. Would it be useful and handy in some situations from my point of view? Certainly yes. Would it make me not play when 1.0 come? No, not a deal breaker for me, just a QoL.

Yes, that is a fair argument. All I can say to that is that @EHG_Kain said in the other thread:

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But LE masteries aren’t even directly comparable to POE ascendancies. LE has a base class, so you can access the general passives, for that class, while you level prior to mastery selection. Then, with your mastery, you are allowed to dig deeper into that Mastery’s passive offerings, while also getting to spec into limited passives for each other mastery of that base class.

That’s not comparable to POE, where ascendancy gives you a set selection of skills you can select within that ascendancy. They aren’t similar, other than there being 3 per class, and choosing after character creation. But that’s like saying people are comparable to cats, because they both have 2 eyes, and give birth to live offspring.

I’m sure the easy answer is just for Mastery to be selected at creation. But then, no doubt, there would be the complaints of having to select a mastery prior to getting familiar with the skill selection, or whatnot. Given the option, people will complain about anything.


I want to respec to a cat. My cats are happier than me.


They are more similar than that, the class starts in the same part of the tree so you have access to the same passives in the same order no matter your spec and then you specialize.

Anyways, even if they are not the same they have more points in common than LE and Diablo in that regard and that was my point.

I don’t think I could handle the pressure of being revered as a God, and being the true overlord of our planet.


Yes, but there are no class nodes that are restricted by your ascendancy choice. It’s simply a starting place on a convoluted map, where you also have the option to select from node that aren’t associated with your class/ascendancy choice.

Sure, but by that token, passives and masteries have a LOT more in common with GD. It’s obvious GD was the main influence when creating those. And you can’t respec those in GD either, even though plenty of people have asked for it.

It’s almost like the game encourages the creation of alts. Strange how that happens.


I get that answer. It is still arbitrary in the sense that you can go further and say your class is a paladin that just cast spells, or a melee one. So they draw their line in the mastery but not the skills. I still think is unnecessary and a way to inflate the time people spend playing the game and that never feels good. I woukd rather spend my time playing the game doing something I enjoy more than leveling the same class again.

All design decisions are arbitrary to those outside. Not autopicking shards is arbitrary. Having FP on items is arbitrary. Not being able to resell items in trade is arbitrary. But to the devs that are designing the game, they serve a purpose.
That is not to say they will never change their minds about something. They have, plenty of times. But as can be seen by the repeated threads on this issue, the arguments presented aren’t enough to sway them on this.

And to further put out a point about perception: you’re getting to mastery choice and thinking “this class seems like would synergize well with my skill”, so your main decision is based on the skill you’re using.
I get to mastery choice and think: this seems like a fun archetype and then try to make skills work with it. Just because skill A doesn’t work with mastery X doesn’t make mastery X less fun.

Edit: this is player Mike speaking.

For me personally, the distinction lies in the name really. A Mastery being something that you spend those 10,000 hours in and it becomes part of your identity. It sure doesn’t take that long in game but that’s how I view the choice. It’s your character cementing their identity in the world. They transition from being a simple Rogue who is still finding their way in the world and experimenting into a Bladedancer, an elegant weapon who wields blades with the precision of a master.

Edit: developer Mike here now
From a gameplay standpoint alone I can totally see how it feels arbitrary. It is something we have debated many times and I’m sure it will be debated again. The feedback does not fall on deaf ears. For now however, we do not intend to change this. Who knows though, maybe we end up with a couple new masteries for each class and get to a point where having so many classes just becomes unwieldy. The game will continue to evolve and grow.


Ascendancies in POE are absolutely not comparable to Masteries in LE.