Cycle Ideas for the future

As a big fan of Grim Dawn im so sad to see next to none ARPG’s adopt the class combining possibilities. So how would you feel about a cycle with this as a theme?
Combine two classes but you forgo the option of a Mastery.

So much replay ability. Id definitely go for Acolyte+Primalist first purely Minion based ofcourse. What would that class be named though? :slight_smile:

Hey there,
I am actually not a big fan of this other then maybe some weird timed event.

Class identity, more specifically mastery identity is something that LE does very well and I dislike if this gets watered down.

If something like this would be implemented as a cycle people would want to keep it, because it qutie possibly creates a plethora of new builds and taking that away would be something very hard.

I could see this as a special class that can use 2 masteries. A shapeshifter or something on theme, maybe. But this would be a nightmare to balance, as fun as it might seem.

I would much rather see 4th masteries in each class :slight_smile: not a watering down just further innovation.


In regards to the OP I would not like to see the introduction fo a mastery to be a cycle theme though. A new mastery should come on top of new game mechanics/content

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Mike has sort of hinted that new masteries might be a thing at some point.

Well he basically just said that masteries are just far more likely than a new class, even though that will also possibly come in the far future.

They have nothing done or finalized and he just said that he is pretty sure which one it would be, if the time has come for it.

But I guess that will take at least a year or so.

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He also said, in response to the mastery respec issue:

It’s no confirmation or anything, but now we’ll all be disappointed if we don’t get 2 more masteries for each class, @EHG_Mike :grin:

I mean masteries (and classes) are just great content for the future, but not what the game needs, right now

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Yes, I agree. First we need to balance masteries and get some more endgame options. But then it will be time for the promised 2 masteries each :smile:

WTF! If this isn’t in 1.0, it’ll generate negative reviews and kill the game. Do it now, or all my friends are refunding their Steam purchases!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Yeah, it could last for, say, 3 months perhaps? And be a bit of a theme of the 3 month thing, but what to call that???


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