Ninja Patch

Was there some kind of behind-the-scenes ninja patch to the servers today?

I’m seeing people in town again.

Yeah, it didn’t require a client update so no patch notes. But yes, towns have been implemented again…again. :sweat_smile:


And I thinking you created some ninja build Guid.

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I wish! I’m terrible at those things. I have one guide to my name.

So we’re still not updating the official forums, but instead requiring people to spend time in Discord as well, to get information. fsigh

I’m not on Discord. Didn’t feel required to be on there. Figured with no steam up-date it was something back end. Asked a simple question, got a simple answer. The website is much less active then the Discord, which is why I’m not on it, so I have no problems at all with getting the info later. Subjectively, not a big deal to me.

Yeah, I actually opened a ticket here (Forum News Posts) on this exact issue a couple of months ago.

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Companies are losing so much not using their forums more. It is free marketing and community which is fully under your control. Yeah, forums are not very popular now, but they still work great for what they are.

Discord is fine, if you can be on it 24/7. Otherwise, you come back after a weekend in the mountains and have 200+ unread messages in various subs, and worse if it’s an overly-popular Discord (looking at you, Pillars of Eternity 3 years ago).

But that’s still no reason that official announcements can’t also be made on the game’s Officlal forums. Hell, as I mentioned before, a MUD I play(ed) on has Discord integration that pushes messages from in-MUD forums->Discord and vice versa. Hell, it even does so with spammable channels like MUD-wide ‘shout’. So to think a game developer can’t do the same is boglegging me to heck and back.

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This is something that should be done no matter waht and I hate it when devs are lazy (yes i call this lazy) and post their crap all over the social networks (I hate that crap) and i don’t want to make 5 accounts just to get notifications if something changed and what changed.

Look at D4. The devs said NOTHING on the official forums while they obviously had time to be on twitter 24/7. That is a prime example of how stuff should’nt be done from my point of view.

If you don’t eant to pool information into an official place then get rid of said place because it’s a bad joke to maintain said place if you treat it like the ugly duckling.

Discord is great, but I grew up (teenage years mostly) in the era of internet forums and it’s comforting being back and using them more often. Also, Discord has this instant message-feeling to it, while forums provide a more permanent space for discussion.

Someone already asked a question on Discord? Good luck searching through the channels to find a response.

Someone asked a question on the forum? Well, all responses are tied up neatly under said thread.

I don’t really want or care about having off-topic themed forum threads, but the general discussions, build guides, hotfixes, and questions should absolutely be more forum-oriented, but I know for convenience sake things will remain more Discord-focused.

Look at @AndrewTilley … this man deservs something nice with all they work he’s pputting in to pool all the different sources of informations while lurking in the shadows waiting for his chance to slap someone arround with his walls of quotes. That due is built different.

I for ONCE wish there was one source where everything is pooled and all info is collected and I WISH it was the official source of the company making the game I play without the need of installing a third party software on top of the third party softwares i already needto play the game.

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That would be a wiki (whether official or not). Sadly, it seems that wikis are falling out of favor. Most aren’t completely reliable or are severely incomplete (looking at you, fextralife).
It seems most players are shifting from wikis (whether inserting/updating info or just consulting it) in favor of discord channels.

Actually a Wiki is “a website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users.” An official forum is a little different.

I’ve said once and I’ve said again, that all “official” info should be posted on the “official” forum as soon as it’s available. @AndrewTilley has certainly done a great job collecting everything from the various places it’s posted and putting it conveniently here on what is supposed to be the official forum, but that shouldn’t be necessary.


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