New Unique and Set items coming in Patch 0.8.4

Already got some juicy build ideas! Ooo and nice art!

Yo I forgot all about that. Poggers. This has increased my excitement level

Melee physical damage for totems? DO they even do Melee damage at all? Also the ring for tortems is … strange. I never felt my totems needed armour or life regen. They need %casting speed, %crit multi, %damage.

At the whole very interesting items. I want the Paranoia helmet so much for my VK :smiley: the art is awesome!

I believe claw totem is the only totem that does melee damage atm. With a unique like that though I’m expecting news of a new totem coming in as primalist(shaman) arsenal

Yup, I was just about to post that.

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Don’t expect that news any time soon.


If only claw totems could be summoned on hit rather than on kill.

Also the totem weapon not having %minion damage base… is a disappointment :frowning:

If you’re doing a minion build you’ll have a lot of that anyway so missing a bit from a weapon implicit isn’t a big thing. The flat damage on it will be significantly more effective than the amount of % minion damage you’d get on a Sickle. Plus, as I said up here, if it were on an axe base, the Primalist would be able to dual wield them & the values would have to be lower to make up for that.

dual wielding axes doesn’t double the bonuses from the passive

Don’t forget ol’ Death Rattle. :slight_smile:

Just some art, in-game models wont look nearly as good.

It would double the 1% flat crit chance for totems per int & the flat melee/spell damage for totems is what I was referring to, not sure which (Shaman?) passive you thought I was referring to. I’d far rather have some more flat damage than some more % increased damage, you’ll get plenty of that from passives & gear.

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Elder Branch (Primalist passive).

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Excited to see more electrify support being added in. Hopefully there’s some consideration for helm/body prefixes to help scaling/itemization as well down the line. Dual wielding those bad boys is going to be fun and hell on my frames.

This makes me excited. The new set displayed above looks interesting and, even though I’m not a fan of the “cover the whole head and face with a helm” idea, that Paranoia looks wicked and the idea of being able to use Lunge without a target is something that makes me very happy.

Great job, can’t wait!

Bro, that axe is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen

OMG the sword look so beautiful :dizzy_face:

Why do void builds always get the cool/good uniques. Where is the love for physical sentinals.

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