New Season seems perfectly timed

I love ARPGs. I’ve played PoE1 since beta, been enjoying PoE2, somewhat intermittently and currently on leave till they fix their endgame, and I actually went back to D4 and am enjoying their Season 7. But I really loved LE and have wanted an opportunity to go back and give it another look for some time. It looks like the ARPG gods have smiled on LE and provided that opportunity.

The PoE community is in a tough state right now, with no news about when to expect a new PoE1 season, looking like 10-12 months since the last one. And the PoE2 community has a lot of folks like me who went back to try the new D4 season while PoE2 gets it together. And the D4 Season 7 is well underway now, so by the time the new LE season drops, D4 players will have mostly been done with the season and looking for some new fix. Enter LE Season 2.

I’ve always preferred many of LE’s systems over the others, like the built-in loot filter, the more navigable skill tree system, and more deterministic crafting, it’s a great game, but I got tired of it too early, the endgame just wasn’t compelling enough. With this new Season, I’m hoping they add enough content to keep me engaged enough to want to finish it up before moving on to one of the other games. In my view, the perfect world is when I can rotate through each of the 3 games, season to season.

Here’s hoping the devs can seize that opportunity!


That is one of the most thought out, balanced comments I’ve ever seen in the arpg world. I almost mirror you but I haven’t got back to D4 because of real life stuff. Anyways, kudos to you for being thoughtful and not a rage hater!


I feel almost the same. Well, at least I hope that it really is a good timing for LE. EHG will probably need it (and I want them to have a great timing for the new season).

Personally I would change out D4 with Grim Dawn. Not because D4 is bad (it was when I played but I heard they changed it quite a bit for the better) but because it wants too much of my money. I was disappointed in the base game and I’m not too invested into the franchise to stomache the expansion costs again and again.

Anywas even with GD instead of D4 the timing is still great. GD is a singleplayer game and even if the next expansion comes together with LE Season 2 there is no time pressure.


Right now it seems like the only game that can “ruin” the perfect timing of Season 2 is PoE2’s next major patch which will come with a reset.

If they launch it in the next month it should be fine, since content creators will have a whole month to play around with it and can then switch to LE.
But if they launch it too close to the 2nd of April or, even worse, something like a week into Season 2, that could drive a lot of people away from LE, especially because of content creators all jumping into the PoE2 hype.
But let’s hope that’s not the case and all goes well for Season 2.

I’ll personally play Season 2 even if there are other releases, for sure.


Don’t forget that both PoE 1 and PoE 2 can throw the wrench into the workings of the release. And both of them will be primarily streamed rather then Last Epoch.

GGG wanted initially to release a PoE 1 league in February, that became impossible, so anything from March to May is likely there, with PoE 2’s new major update being more or less expected around March - depending on if GGG gets their stuff done till then - it would mean April is the most likely date for the PoE 1 league currently… and worst-case would be if GGG doesn’t get it done and releases the PoE 2 league in April followed by PoE 1 in May.


Don’t know about that. They are currently working on this weird ascendency event (which I think is a test for PoE2 Ascendancies) and a week ago or so they posted that they haven’t even started working on the PoE1 league due to the work PoE2 needed (and still needs).

This PoE1 event will probably come soon I guess. But with the event and no work done a week ago or so I doubt April will be realistic. Maybe a month later, but I would suspect June due to the issues with PoE2. After they found their way to best handle this internally development will probably pick up again for PoE1. Restructuring and finding new workflows that work takes time sadly.

Of course I could be totally off base on how big the infuence of PoE2 needing additional hands is going to be going forward. Time will tell,. they just need to find the rhythm that works for them.

Also if GGG gets their shit together with PoE1 and PoE2 with alternating seasons between them there is never going to be a “good” time for other ARPGs to launch anything at all.

Let’s hope that EHG will manage to carve out more of a returning playerbase with the new update.


At this point I think LE just needs to release it on or before the date they listed (if it conflicts with POE1 or 2 or D4). Ideally they will have it in a state it could release a couple of weeks earlier if needed.

There’s just too much competition now to try and find a perfect window. I don’t think the reaction would be very good at all if they push it back to say May to not conflict.

Most POE players probably don’t see LE as a game they HAVE to play on it’s season launch. But maybe they do?

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The pipeline of GGG’s leagues is usually ‘small scale - large scale - small scale - major scale - small scale - large scale…’ from what has been revealed at some dev talks a good while ago.

Given that the last one was a major scale one with the Atlas rework it should be back to small scale, the majority of their work usually goes into working at the league beyond the one they’re working on already to the degree they can, models and the likes mostly I imagine.

So a 2 month long worktime to churn out a small scale mechanic again does seem doable, but you’re right, likely April to provide 3 months given they’ve also revealed that the major changes won’t happen without a economy reset (new league basically).

I also imagine that’s their goal, cornering the market this way is a very massive goal… but also one which is a very very smart move.

They plainly spoken can conflict with D4, that game has a higher playerbase because of the frnachise but less conflicts in terms of large-scale influencers. So adjusting to squeeze into the release windows of PoE will be the smartest move I imagine. LE is roughly on the investment level as is Torchlight Infinite… just without the awful P2W aspect they have, hence I think it’ll do vastly better anyway given EHG gets their stuff together and handles reliable and ‘properly paced’ updates like the community is used from other games of the genre nowadays.

Actually LE is for most PoE streamers the fallback game for off-league… not D4, not Torchlight Infinite… it’s LE. So EHG got a great standing still if they play their cards right and don’t screw 1.2 up. If they screw it up… likely not anymore, but we’ll see in April how that goes.

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For me would have been perfectly timed if was released in February/start of March, April is a bit to much far, and after two weeks in April the season 8 of D4 drop.
Anyway if PoE2/1 don’t drop a new season/content around April will be fine, even if I doubt Poe2 new content will be after the start of April, is more likely to be released before, and this can have a negative impact, we will see, for sure I’m going to try also the new LE content, just hoping this almost 1 year gap between seasons will be a unicum and they are already on work also on the next seasons, that’s the way these type of game works, you should be a lot ahead in the development to stay on track.


Given that they’re doing a month long event now, it doesn’t seem likely we’ll get a new PoE1 league anytime soon. The most likely scenario is that this event is a placeholder to keep players busy until the new PoE2 release, which should happen around mid-march.
I wouldn’t expect a new PoE1 league until mid-May, at the earliest.

Each league/season is around 4 months (sometimes 5), since they’ve long dropped the 3 month window for it. Which means that, ideally, they’re going to release them staggered 2 months apart.
Since the big hype/flux of players happens in the first month, there is still an ideal spot to launch a new league, which would be 1 month after one of the PoE1/PoE2 leagues start. That would give you a whole month to work with, which is more than enough.

I doubt this will happen, though. Each team works at different speeds, meaning that launches will start to get more irregularly timed, even between PoE1 and PoE2, which will lead to regular overlaps of one or another.

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Their initial goal was to go from the Standard 13 week cycle (which is the PoE norm) away and instead do a 14 week cycle for both games, basically 7 weeks before each other releases. That’s roughly 1 1/2 months. I don’t thing GGG will be able to handle that as they planned but that was the initial thought behind it at least.

If it comes mid-march then LE will be too early definitely, that might become a major hit on numbers if it holds true.

13 weeks is 3 month + a little bit, and no, they haven’t dropped that. Never did. Sometimes it didn’t work out though and they postponed, giving the info usually quite a while before it happened (not always).

Launches between PoE 1 and PoE 2 becoming erratic is very unlikely. Unless GGG is incompetent with their management of player numbers (which they’ve proven not to be) then they’ll pull leagues slightly forward or postpone them accordingly to make that not happen. It would hurt both games if the release dates for a new league are too close together, that’s self-destructing and one of the worst things they could do.

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Necropolis was 17 weeks. Affliction was 16. Ancestor was 16. Crucible was 19. Sanctum was 17. Kalandra was 16.
The last time time a league was even close to 13 weeks was Sentinel (14 weeks), almost 3 years ago.

So I’d say that they did drop that. Unless you think things didn’t work out for 3 years and 6 leagues in a row and they had to postpone them all, at which point I’m surprised you’re not calling them incompetent.

I think it’s fair to assume that they’ve changed their guidelines on this and extended the duration of their leagues.

I didn’t mean that they would be a week apart. But rather than the regular 2 month (or however many weeks (probably 8 or 9, considering their recent league durations) they’ll have times when it will release with a 5-6 week difference because one of them had to postpone a bit.
My point was just that it wouldn’t always be the same space between both games, so the window will shift around dynamically because of that.


At this point I just want a game(any of them really) that isn’t primarily focused on screwing the players over some way or another.

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That would be a movie. The premise of a game is to try to screw players in one way or another. Without an obstacle to overcome you can’t have a game.

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I don’t know if the timing is a problem at all. I personaly think I’ll play the new Hero Siege season by then and look into LE after I’m done there. I have enough time on my hands that seasons are far to long for my personal taste. Why aren’t there 24 good H&S games that start a new season every 14 days? :smiley:

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Man, it’s great to see a community that actually cares about and talks about its game instead of the toxic whining and trolling that goes on in some other forums. Looking forward to coming back to what has always been one of my favorite communities.


They’ve started working on PoE 2 back when Bestiary came out, which was 2018, at least as much as we know, and revealed it shortly before Metamorph came out of I remember right… and massively postponed several times after that.

And yes, it is incompetence, because that word means ‘a lack of competence’ which you can only get from having the knowledge to provide something properly as well as the ability to put that knowledge into reality, the lack of either is automatically ‘incompetence’ because it lacks the ‘competence’ to do it.

Also I called GGG out on it starting with Archnemesis, which was still around the time when GGG seemed to decide to detach PoE 1 and PoE 2 finally because they weren’t compatible with the provided mindset they had for releasing it.

Sentinel was a ‘double-down’ on Archnemesis and extremely poorly received, much as Archnemesis itself, and after that I imagine the decision happened finally, which is why the ‘normative’ league-times of either 12,5 or 13,5 weeks (for delayed ones) increased accordingly, with the norm having turned into 15,5 since then. An acceptable range still though (4 months).

Starting with Kalandra the focus shifted from keeping the game ‘as is’ towards providing more QoL gradually, they started the already near the end of 2020 with stash tab affinities but went on with itemizing more and more content rather then enforcing third-party methods for group-sharing and hence keeping it open for scamming easily.

I imagine with the focus on getting PoE 2 as a standalone version hence the manpower to provide reliable league-times like before wasn’t feasable anymore, with the release being supposed to end that. Actually, with 0.2 of PoE 2 it’ll likely be the start of the return towards the ‘original’ timeframes, though they now got leeway given they have 2 products which are extremely similar but stylistically different enough to allow a ‘fresh experience’ for both.

Also the longest leagues were those which had been received the worst, like… crucible, the most broken and annoying mechanic they ever introduced, followed by necropolis, which was a ‘quad tab’ league like Synthesis all over again, repeating the same old mistake. And yes, I called GGG out on those things back at the respective leagues as well, because it’s laughable to repeat old mistakes that are very clear-cut simply in new flavors.

In comparison the best received leagues went on the shortes actually, Kalandra overturned the major issues of Archnemesis, making it a celebrated league, Sanctum was ‘ok’, not awful. Ancestor the same, ‘ok’ but not awful, Affliction as well since it increased base-game loot in a rather massive way simply.

It’s good they ‘stopped’ with Settlers as the league which takes the longest, given the sheer scale of QoL introductions there (which they won’t be able to take back, like the currency exchange, unless they wanna kill their game off) as well as the option to let NPCs run your worthless maps for some extra loot which counteracts overabundance of ‘useless’ and basically unsellable maps it turned into the most liked league of all time mechanically. Still got weakpoints but fantastic place to stay longer.

The issue in comparison with LE and EHG is… we don’t have any sort of ‘comfortable point’ yet. Since the release the game hadn’t been in a ‘good’ state yet. The last state which was good was right before release when drop rate and progression rate aligned decently well still, with a roughly 60% increase in overall ‘quality’ loot though (for CoF, and the number if I remember it right.) as well as the community sharing method for gear through MG overturned this status completely on the other hand. Their lack of providing top-end content with 1.0 which aligned with the new state is what causes the game to fall short and feel majorly ‘unbalanced’ no matter which position you take as it caters currently to ‘nobody’ as I’ve mentioned before, they need to re-evaluate who they’re making their game for, because it doesn’t work if you try to provide content for ‘sweaty bois’ as well as ‘casuals’ during different stages in the progression. To make that work the core aspects of the game needs to be casual friendly while there’s content aside from the core experience which caters to the more invested people and is simply not interesting for the casuals, not taking away from their experience though.
What we have now is a campaign which is piss-easy leading to mechanical mandatory bossfights during monoliths which lock your progression, especially given to move towards empowered monoliths (and without prior knowledge) you got a 33% chance to screw yourself over with the last boss and hence the first harbinger (Ruins timeline with the lasers is a heavy mechanical one after all). Not to speak providing a boss which is the culmination of the core progression line at the end (Aberroth) which is clearly catered to the top-end of players, hence casuals will never kill him and be frustrated that they can’t ‘finish the game’ hence.

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Looking forward to hopping on in April. Will play some MH wilds then hop on after a month or so.

GGG expects to release PoE 0.2 in the end of March btw, so timing of LE new season will probably not that perfect.

EHG probably didnt know that when they planned to release the new season in the beginning of April and GGG maybe did it on purpose to pull players from LE ?!?! Its too much of a coincidence for me.