If you guys are going to NERF the survivability of Mages (ward , passives, skill points that give ward) which we MOSTLY rely on, then you need to NERF Rogue dodge. At least Mages take full damage with their ward buffer… rogues can stack 100% dodge and take ZERO damage. All items that give Rogues this dodge are on their Uniques which are STACKED with dexterity and rogue affixes… So either FIX mage ward back or offer Mage items that give Dodge perks so we can take ZERO damage also! This Cycle 2 was ruined by the way you guys hit every single ward passive, gain and skill that gives it for Mages… its the ONLY class i care to play …
Also, it is apparent that you guys wanted to kill end game by Increasing severely (not subtle) the difference between 50 or so corruption before/beyond 600… bosses that abilities did like 3k damage suddenly do 11-14k … generally that should be a slow increase when increasing corruption difficulty, but instead its like you made code that says "if any player fights this boss and gets hit by minor ability /auto kill them. You guys could have left things as they were Last cycle. In regards to “op” classes mechanics, the ONLY thing there is competition on is Arena Ladder… so you could have just Left things how they were and have Classes only competing with their own on Arena ladders… for instance Mages inba bracket, rogues, warlocks etc all in their own arena brackets…
Just wish this could all be fixed, but since i Know your "policy " on fuxing things that are busted in the middle of a cycle, instead i find my self google searching “new mmorpg for PC”
To summarize mage survival was ruined with ward reduction, rogues are untouchable with 100% dodge, cant push corruption to find better gear to DO higher corruption so we are forced to play in newb levels of corruption while NOT aquiring our better loot drops, and the game is Dead ended between 500-900 corruption.
Wish you guys success!

Dodge caps at 85% & doesn’t affect DoTs, unlike ward. There are no items that give a guaranteed dodge, though there have always been a passive & a few nodes in various skills that give the Rogue 1 guaranteed dodge & some ward every ~10 seconds.

Ok, but you might want to understand how mechanics work before going to a rant about them next time.

Though if you can get into empowered monos without choosing a mastery, well done!


Lets be real… If you have 85% crit rate in this game you CRIT 100% of the time… If you have 85% Dodge rate in this game, you DODGE 99% if the time… i know how mechanic % work in this game :slight_smile:

If you can say that with a straight face then you clearly don’t understand maths. 85% chance to crit means you crit 85% of the time. 85% chance to dodge means you dodge 85% of the hits that come your way.

Evidently not. 85% != 99%. You will crit/dodge most of the time/things & it will feel like you’re critting/dodging “everything”, but it’s really not. It may even be that your sustain is sufficient to heal you to full for the 15% of hits that get past your dodge, but that’s not the same thing. If you dodged everything then you wouldn’t take any damage from hits.

Go test it out. Take your crit % down to 85% and let me know what happens… THEN comment saying i was wrong. Anyhow, It is understandable a Rogue player would disagree, The Haves will always want to keep what they Have… My post isnt about taking away from Rogues as much as it is about giving back to Mages. They literally hit every single possible ward gain passive, ability we have. They even Nerfed Arwynns Frost guard , something that would have helped us to combat the nerfs to ward and we would be ok with, but with them hitting every passive and ability, AND frost guard is just ridiculous. That is the issue i have… , yes if Mages could stack dodge like rogues, it wouldnt have hit us so bad , but thats not the case.

For a sufficiently large sample, the crit rate you get is what you see on your character sheet. You tin-foil hat this all you want. But you’re wrong.

You can tin-foil hat this all you want as well, online I’ve got 4/17 slots as Rogue & the rest mainly not-Primalist. I’m not a “Rogue player”, I’m a “not-Primalist player” (though @Karvarousku Storm Crows build is forking awesome).

Yeah, and that’s fair enough, but you’re basing it on a false premis. Also, which mastery are you talking about? As I mentioned innitially, if you’ve gotten to empowered monos as a Mage you’re doing pretty well!

Yeah, shall we be pedantic & check?


Nerf, but also a bit of a buff since you’re getting Int which gives ward retention & the threshold gives ward decay threshold (not personally a fan, but that’s just me). So, a bit of a mixed bag?



Kinda both, on the one hand you now get a lot more ward (buff), but it has a cooldown (nerf), though it’s a relatively short one. But if you were using a skill that hit more than 3.57 times per second (ie, you’re spamming something like Frost Claw with the Volley of Glass node), it’s a nerf.

Again, kinda both, depends how frequently you can crit but I’d go with it being a buff at the low end (low crit chance & attack/cast speed) to a nerf at the high end.

Buff, from a ward point of view, but less armour which is sad.


Buff, but personally I’m not much of a fan of ward decay threshold.




Now, the loss of the DR is sad 'cause that’s probably quite a big thing, but it does now grant quite a bit more ward.

I’d call this a buff, since you’re getting ward when previously you didn’t since it procs against unfrozen mobs.

Now, that’s just the 1.1 patch notes & I can’t be arsed looking through the many other patches. But over all I’d say it’s a bit of a mixed bag, somethings are nerfed & some are buffed. But it’s certainly not

Hyperbole does not help you construct an argument. It feels good, but it’s kinda shit.

Yes, but all the Mage masteries have ward & ward generation which is deterministic & functions against DoTs, which dodge doesn’t & as we all know, DoTs are some of the most dangerous things in the game.