Nerf Warlock to the ground

And that’s why POE devs are based for not listening to people like you.

I feel like it is a singleplayer game pretty much with interactions being limited to seeing the ‘glam’ in the cities. Not sure how I feel about nerfs.

Unfortunately their mistake was to introduce that level of power creep in the first place. Once you do that, you either bring the underpowered classes/masteries up to the same level at the same time you slightly nerf the imba ones OR you face the wrath of your faithful [Warlock] playerbase.

Wait until they try out the Falconer

i feel like “stfu” is appropriate.

you are like a kid yell at his dad “dad, john got a bigger dick than me, nerf his ass”


New classes doing new classes things.

I really hope EHG doesn’t goes the PoE way and nerf everything to the ground but instead nerf top tier classes just a bit and buff lower tier classes so the get somewhat even. This is the fun way.

To which the dad replies, “How do you know?”

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in his case, looks like he got shuffled in his ass

balancing classes is only a thing in a pvp setting and last time i did look at this game it’s a RPG game not a PVP game.
if there is so mutch envy towards this class what is stopping you to lvl one up?.

Balancing classes is a thing if you want meaningfull content. I don’t want another D3.

On top of it only the buged Bone Curse Bone Prison - Profaine Veil interaction makes the class broken if I compare it to the Falconer for example. Same goes for Ward stacking Paladins with Healing Hands it’s just completely stupid and makes content that should be hard a walk in the park.


One person’s broken is another person’s “Hell Yeah!”

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Sure but I don’t think obviously broken stuff should stay in the game. That’s just my take on it and it looks like EHG is up to other tasks or they don’t care. Just enjoy it while it is there and I hope the LE community is a bit more grown up when it comes to the season of nerfs then the D4 community ^^.

Can I ask on what you are basing your claim that this class is broken?

The point is something more logical.

If 1 of 10 classes is out of adjustment, it is simpler for this one to be adjusted than to adjust the other 9.

As well as being simpler, it is safer, because if one class is broken, breaking the other 9 will make the game more difficult to balance in the future.

A warlock is at wave 1600, most locks are doing 400 to 900.

Forge Knight is doing 160.

Is that enough?

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  • You need to do arena to make the leaderboard
  • Arena is not a popular pastime
  • Do you know long wave 1600 takes to get to? 99% of players will not bother
  • Those who push leaderboard are obsessive min-maxers with a lot of time to play
  • Certain masteries and builds are much much MUCH better at arena than others (some builds are useless for arena pushing)
  • That one Warlock might be a really good player

In short, judging a mastery or build by its performance in arena is folly.


These same players, which doens’t care about arena, wouldn’t even feel nerfs because they don’t read patch notes.

The reason for this is being broken. The foundation os this game is Damage and survivability, if class A is doing this 10 times more than class B its because something is wrong.

He is good and others playeres aren’t, 'im sure this is the case :joy:

I think the warlock passive tree is well-designed in that every point I put in it feels more impactful than I’ve found with the other masteries. A big part of that is probably the 3 and 5 point bonuses. I’m not far enough along to tell if it’s too strong, but I hope they redesign the other masteries at some point to have the same look/feel as the warlock tree since they’re dull to work with by comparison.

Not true. As a keen arena player you need to build for arena. It’s a different “requirement” from building for bossing or for echos. Some builds are just much better at one thing than the others.

Now if a build was better at all of these then sure, that might be OP but unfortunately we only have data on arena prowess, which is the most niche of the three main endgame activities. Quite a few of my strongest arena builds are garbage at boss killing or pushing echo corruption.

So are you saying hitting wave 1600 doesn’t require a lot of skill?

So if the mastery is as OP as you claim, why are all those other Locks slacking at 400 to 900?

People have been calling for nerfs for whatever build is top of the leader board for ages. Fortunately there devs are wise enough to ignore such calls.


This is a good point. What should be looked at is if there is some bugged interaction that allows you to push higher arena, or if it’s just because he’s a dedicated player.
Personally, I couldn’t care less. Arena is, as you said, a niche mechanic. And I personally don’t enjoy it. If it’s just because he made a good build for arena and had the patience and skill to ride it out for hours to get there, kudos. If it’s a bugged interaction, then it needs to be fixed.

My experience with warlock so far doesn’t really support this. For campaign and echoes, I feel runemaster is still a stronger mastery. I haven’t gotten my falconer to monos yet to test it out, so I can’t say anything about it.

The older masteries have been overlooked for some time now. Those are the ones that need to be revamped. They need all the shiny passives the other classes have, they need the skills rebanlanced. The 3 new ones I feel are fine as they are.


Arena “content” is literally about random mobs. Build you need to do it is literally the build you can play any other LE content.

If you are advocating that nerfs are not necessary it is because you are naive and/or inexperienced

a game dies faster without tweaks than with tweaks