NECRO {Build] - Infinite Damage / Infernal Shade (230+ waves) [ Speed-Run & ARENA versions ]

Absence of Life, as Mr. llama said. i use it mainly for high arena waves, but mainly to heal the minions “in between” rounds so they start each round full HP, but during rounds you have to be carefull to use it cause it heals you and thus you lose a lot of ward… I tried Blood Pact + Unclosing Wounds to try no neglate the healing but i got bad results, maybe someone can figure how to keep aura of decay constantly without losing much ward. You can also give get Dread shade and give up 1 infernal shade for it so it give you and your minions a good chunk of armor. I am still experimenting with the 5th skill slot…

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What kind of max stacks of poison were you getting with Aura of Decay & how much damage were you taking per tick? It’ll heal you by (up to) 12% of your missing HP per sec, so that’s what you need to balance with the poison damage you take & the health drain from Blood Pact (5% of current health), so the more health you loose, the more effective the heal & the less effective the health drain effect is.

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i do not remember exactly (i am playing something else now), but i think i had 3 or 4 poison stacks. With Aura of decay i was staying at around 400 HP. The aura heals 12% HP and Blood Pact + Unclosing Wounds should drain 13% HP, so i thought it would neutralize it, but somehow i was still staying at around 400HP and therefore losing a lot of ward…

But the 13% health drain is of current health (the 400 hp) & the heal from Aura of Death is of missing health.

So if you have 1k max hp & you’re sitting at a stable 400 hp, the health drain would be 13% of 400 & the heal would be 12% of 600.

i got it now! thanks. So i guess there is no way to counter so much healing to stay low life with the aura constantly active.

More poison stacks (or damage)? Or fewer points in Aura of Decay’s heal node, you don’t need to take all of them…

I tried both, but poison deals damage to your ward and not directly to your health. I also tried to take only 1 point in Aura of Decay’s heal node, and it was still a problem and the healing was very poor and therefore not worth.

Hey, mate
So… any tips for the new 0.8.1 patch?

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Hey! i am trying the build myself right now and it seems to work fine (adjusting the resistences a little bit), but i need some time to see which items would be BiS now to make it more efficient.
With the changes on itemization we have now a lot of room as we need less affixes and passives to get resistances caped so we can further improve the survivility for the arena or the speed for MoF. i will update it as soon as i make some good conclusions.
There is still a LOT to try with this amazing patch!


unsure of how to keep my minions alive the damage for shade kills them even if it is transferred

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Is it still available?

I would presume so, but it is based on an unintended consequences (where Infernal Shade doesn’t damage the second mob it attaches to when the first dies).

So it is luck based build ? :smiley: i never played as necro and wanted to try one , this seems very fun build fast and massive damage , but i dont want leveling the necro so i find out it isnt working :confused:

No. So what happens is that when you cast Infernal Shade on a mob, the mob gets buffed but takes fire damage over time. One of the nodes (Soulfire) on the skill gives it an unlimited duration on minions, the Shifting Doom node gives it a 100 chance to reattach to a new minion after the first dies & the subjugation node gives it a 10% stacking damage buff for each second it’s attached (see the Soulfire node).

Edit: It looks as though the bug where the second minion didn’t take damage from the shade was fixed in 0.8.1c.

Not sure how that affects the stacking damage buff from Subjugation, it might be a bit of a nerf (that you need to summon your minions more) or it might be a significant nerf (that they don’t stack up the damage bonus from Subjugation to ridonculous levels).

so , seems like a bit risky move casue this build was relay on a bug :smiley:

thank you for your help man !

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I know I’m kind of late to this party, but is this build still viable at all? I see they fixed the Infernal Shade bug, so did that fix break the build? Also, where do I find the boss that drops those boots?

hi Froxic, yes, the fix on how infernal shades transfer now kind of broke the build as the minions receiving the transfered shades will die from the shades and as “Shifting doom” node is not working properly, despite it giving you 100% of chance to reattach the shades the shades sometimes do not transfer and all accumulated damage gets lost. If devs fix this node then the build would work again as it would not matter if the minions die from the shades as they would keep being transfered to a new minion with full damage.
Something that might work would be to stack a lot of minion regen to try to keep them alive but at some point the damage of the infernal shade would be so hight that the minion would die anyway. I hope that “Shifting doom” gets fixed at some point as this build is really fun to play.

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Thank you very much for your quick reply! Hopefully the devs fix the node. I would love to give this a try

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do you recommend if i switch my cold crit necro to this build?

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