My feedback on why i stopped playing the game, as a huge fan

My takeaway from this is how silly MG is compared to CoF… have any of you checked the ladder for the first CoF player? Think they should be separate like men/women in athletics.

I mean, look at Forgemaster’s gear. You don’t get that in 5k hours of CoF. His blessings look like he just started the char - only one combat blessing has a high roll.

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Changing builds is not a simple thing in this game.
I had to invest a lot on optimal rive gear, is not that simple changing everything into a new build, with decent items, don’t pretend it is by ignorance or bad faith.

This shield is broken but its based on HP, you must have a whole gear based on HP so this shield can work.

I genuinely don’t know why you’re giving your opinion about this, you didn’t even read the item and I had to repeat it for you to read it 3 times.

First of all, you weren’t even aware of the item.
Then you said there was no ward threshold.
Now you’ve read the item, you understand that it has a ward threshold but you say it’s simple even not seeing the item perform once.

Stop giving your opinion about what you don’t know. Just stop.

It takes 5 minutes to switch a build at empowered monos. Especially if you line up an xp echo.

So basically what all most top FG ladder builds are using? most of them are HP builds. So simply slapping on the shield should be a huge advantage to them, according to you.

No I didn’t. Who’s lying now?
All I said is that is that his (ForgeMaster’s) build doesn’t use any ward decay/threshold or per second nodes. Which it doesn’t. You can check his passive tree allocation. And this was according to your argument that FG goes all in on ward, even to the point of saying you need to become an INT build (which, again, none of the top FGs have).
And that you don’t gain ward in combat, so it’s not useful for bosses or any longer fights.

That was because very few builds actually use it. In fact, in all of LEtools builds only one uses it. On Maxroll, none of them uses it.
I wonder why, if it’s such a mandatory OP item as you claim.
That, coupled with the fact that barely anyone in the ladder uses it as well, leads to the conclusion that the shield isn’t that OP as you claim and it rather has fringe uses or minimal gains to the build.

You’re just trying to force a point that ward is still broken based on an unique that a single person is using, when it clearly isn’t anymore and health builds are very competitive.

But you don’t actually want to see the reality of things in the face of facts and just want to vent and feel vindicated, so yeah, I won’t bother anymore. Have fun trying to create an echo chamber.


We are done.

Convenient of you to cut off part of my sentence to fit your argument, but that has been your methodology all along. What I actually said was:

Which would go against your assumption of:

Anyway, I won’t bother replying anymore since you will just keep twisting words and taking things out of context to fit your narrative.
As I said before, have fun trying to create an echo chamber.
Peace out.


You are twisting words.

1- You don’t understand the meaning of the words,
you are trying to dodge in the most deplorable way possible.

“Or” means a distinctive factor. You didn’t say AND, you said OR.

You said ANY ward threshold OR per second nodes, both distinct of each other. Any means all.

The funniest part is that even if you had said it right (you didn’t) you would still be wrong.

My post and my premise is that WARD is a problem for warriors, i have to invest on it, DOENS’T MATTER where it came from if i have to invest on magical SHIELD being a warrior.

The player we are talking about had to invest a literal SHIELD in his build, a slot, OBJECTIVELY WORSE than a “node”, sacrificing dual wielding and two handed weapons to broke the class with a magical shield mechanic.

Between 1 and 10, my problem with ward is 9 considering minor investments being a warrior.

This case, about this player we are talking about which sacrifices two handed and dual wielding make my problem 100000% worse than actually is.

Your argument is not “helping” you, it is literally proving my point.

For someone who wants to say he’s twisting words.

The key word in DJs statement is nodes not any. Any means “all”, you’re right. But DJ is correct in that Forgemaster doesn’t use any NODES that provided ward threshold or ward per second.

And you’re ignoring literally everyone who is telling you that you’re wrong because you don’t need to “invest in a magic shield” or “invest in intelligence” to “be a warrior.” there are plenty of viable (read: can clear 300c+) and competitive (read: can clear wave 500+ in arena) builds that don’t rely on excessive amounts of ward and treat ward as bonus HP.

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Your distaste of ward is going to be a problem no matter what you do in this game. For some reason you’re stuck on this “only mages should use ward.” despite giving examples from WoW where your tanks use “barriers” that work exactly the same.

You saying “I don’t want my ‘Warrior’ to use a magical barrier as a defensive option period!” would be as stupid as someone saying “I don’t want my Sorcerer to use any armor (the stat that reduces incoming damage) at all!”

It’s literally a defensive stat, just like armor, just like resistances, just like dodge, just like glancing blow, just like parry.

But you’re so focused on the “but magic!” aspect that you blinded to that fact.

I don’t go out of my way to add ward to any of my characters except the Mage masteries (because Flame Ward is that good), but if I get some ward from something, I just see it as “sweet, bonus HP.”

I suggest you do the same, or just play a different game. This one isn’t for you if you can’t get over Ward being “magic only”


I’ve already explained difference between OR and AND.
He wasn’t talking about nodes, but like i’ve said, even if he did meant nodes he’s still wrong.
1- sentinel are not based on ward nodes, so makes sense nobody has ward nodes
2- items has more weight than nodes, which makes his poor argument worse

go wearbear build, smashy smasy tanky tanky

OP certainly is a warrior, that much is obvious.

Not a healer, or a support, he is 100% a warrior. And we all know that now for certain.


The funniest thing about this debate is that the strongest primalist, BEASTMASTER, has a full gear based on WARD :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: i can’t tank this game

Tell me you know nothing about this game without telling me you know nothing about this game.

Literally, one of the major complaints about this game for the longest time was how little gear affected your build. It’s better than it used to be but the vast majority of player power comes from skill specializations and passive nodes.

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But Primalists can use magic, summon totems, cast lightning and tornadoes, so it’s ok, isn’t it?
Thought you were mad about a Warrior using Ward, but it really is about Ward as a whole.

I hate saying this, but this game is not for you, really… Because they’re not removing Ward.


Point which node has more power than a two handed weapon. I’m waiting.

Theres a difference between summon a totem and tank everything like a star wars droid.

Zweihander: +100 Melee Damage

Unspecced Forge Strike: 102 Physical Damage (2+100 from Zweihander)

Specced Forge Strike w/ 5/5 Heavy Strike = 142.8 (102 × 1.4)
And 5/5 Temper = 171.8 (142.8 + 20 + (20×.5))
And Anvil Blow = 223.8 (102 * 1.9 + 20 + (20×0.5))

This is very basic napkin math and doesn’t even take into account the scaling tags of +4% damage per point of strength and +4% damage per point of Attunement.

And no, it’s not “one node is more powerful than a weapon.” it’s “the skill specialization adds more to player power than your gear.” the specialization as a whole adds more to your damage than your individual weapon. And! Because all percentage increases scale with your Weapon’s power, the better the weapon the stronger the skill is because it’s specialized. Zweihander added +100 flat melee damage, and with that weapon equipped, Forge Strike adds an additional 121 damage from percentage and flat damage increases. This is also not taking into account damage from Forged Weapons.

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I stopped here, If the initial value is wrong, conclusion will also be wrong.

You’re a special kind of stupid.


Two-Handed Sword

Range: 2.4

Base attack rate: 1.02


+100 Melee Damage

+(5% to 15%) Physical Penetration

Requires Level: 80

Seeing as you have little to no knowledge on the game and are refusing to learn. Calling people liars because you don’t understand. And are just being downright obstinate in your beliefs. It’s clear that you just need to quit the game because it’s not the game you want it to be, it’s not the game you think it is, and you’re the only one who’s having the issues you’re imagining up.

I’m not the one measuring an item without any affixes, Nor am I the one answering the question about a node (not plural) with a skill with multiple nodes.

So i’ll ask again, point which node (not plural) has more power than a two handed weapon? (with affixes)


Unspecced Forge Strike with a weapon that adda 80 BILLION damage deals 80 BILLION + 2 × (1 + (4% × X Strength) + (4% × Y Attunement)).

Add in the Heavy Strike node at 5/5 and it’s +40% damage. That single node increases your damage output by 40%.

And since you’re trying to strawman my argument again, I originally said that skill specializations and passives are a larger portion of player power than your gear. This is a fact. Trying to strawman it down to a single specific node doesn’t make my point invalid, all it does is prove you don’t know what you’re talking about.

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