Multiplayer Progress Update - December 2021

Local coop with more controller improvements and this game goes into another tier of fun.

Nothing is as fun as kicking back with a friend and sharing the screen in a huge smash it up ARPG romp. Takes me back to games like dungeon siege 3 on PS3 or Diablo on PS1. Sure, some things are unavoidable, like needing to share the UI panels such as inventory etc. but its all worth it for how fun local coop is.


Looking forward to the eventual implementation of chat channels sometime into the future. I’ve found that I keep my chat off more often than not nowadays, not because anything bad like toxicity. Just that it’s hard to filter through global chat to help new players if they need help or discussing in-game elements/mechanics with other players

one question i would like answered is: if/when can we link our items in chat?

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I think I recall that trade(bazaar) is very much a 1.0 or thereafter thing. However in the initial multiplayer will players have the ability to drop stuff on the ground that they do not want that fell in the game, and players in the group when that mob died will be able to pick it up?

Trade/bazaar has to come with/after multiplayer (0.9), I’d be surprised if we had to wait till 1.0 to get it.

They have also said that there will be some form of direct trade if both players were present at the time the item dropped. Quite what form that will take we don’t know.

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Please do not swing to the other extreme. As it is, it already sound like MP trade plans will be DOA.

People talk about MP gameplay abuses in POE, but those are exploited only by the minority (multiboxers, extreme coordinated parties, etc), with the broad base of players heavily incentivised to avoid public parties as most POE progression dont facilitate MP play. I would be very disappointed if LE effectively become a single player ARPG with online/MP only in name.


Geez, here i thought innocently MP is just so that people can party their siblings or friends to have a wholesome experience together, trade items they found together.

But apparently you guys are discussing planning loot bonuses

There are equal part of players who enjoy single play, as much as those looking forward to MP.

IMO, any form of “more rewards” advantage in MP will definitely tick some single players off because FOMO

Since the game is not online yet, i cant attest to how efficient EHG deals with multiboxers and botters, but having “more rewarding if you play MP” can definitely incentives exploiters.

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Incentivizing exploiters or not, I don’t want to be forced to group up with randoms just to farm more efficiently. I hate that in Diablo 3 it’s four times as efficient to run bounties in a group for example.


My sentiments exactly

This is precisely why I would prefer there not be multiplayer. Increased loot/exp only forces the devs to balance things down to accommodate and that hurts single play.

Everyone said they wanted MP just so they could play with their friends. I knew that was a lie and people actually wanted a play advantage.

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So you use your imagination to support your false statement.

I’m in the same boat. I mean, I don’t care if there is MP or not, for its own sake. But I definitely do not want solo drop rates to be affected just because players are getting too much loot in MP/Groups. No thanks.

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The context of what was quoted in my post matters. It supports my claim, even if my claim was a bit hyperbolic.

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how can i try multiplayer ??

You wait till it’s been implemented.

Or invent a time machine & travel to the future & play it then.

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Go read what you quoted and see whether what you said make sense.

  1. I never said I wanted MP to play with friends

  2. I never said I wanted MP for increased loot/exp

  3. I want MP for a good MP experience. I want a proper online game. With actual MP experience, where I look forward to play and interact with the wider community. Not some single player ARPG creating online function and party mode but no one actually use it or interact.

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I mostly just want MP to be able to trade and use the bazaar.
However, never really thought of how it’d affect loot rate drops. I imagine if you were partying up with 3 other random people and all having to share the same amount of loot would be awful to progress your own gear. On the other side I can see how people don’t want to feel like they need to party to be efficient to trade best items with each other.

Let me do a quick brain dump of what I generally think about MP from my own perspective.
Note: I’m older, kid in school, active outside the house, small pockets of time for video games.

  • I don’t like it when it takes more than 5-10 seconds to find people to group with.
  • I don’t like it when I group with immature/annoying people.
  • I don’t like it when I group with chaotic/griefing people.
  • I don’t like it when I group with people who are super-new and don’t know the basics.
  • I don’t like it when I group with mega-ultra-power gamers who move at Mach 50 and whine because I’m not as fast as they want.
  • I don’t like it when people want to play for several hours and get annoyed that I only want to group for a short period of time.
  • I don’t like it when loot is somehow randomly distributed - I prefer instanced loot (i.e. I get my loot, you get your loot, we don’t even see each other’s loot).

So, my definition of “Good Multiplayer” is implementing a system which solves every single one of those issues - no exceptions. If EHG doesn’t, that’s fine, but then I’ll be sticking to solo play. And my solo play had better not get altered in any way because of MP.

Tbh. I don’t give a shit about your perspective when it seems like you don’t give a shit about others.