Moving mouse around UI (Skills, EQ, Items on the ground) makes crazy FPS drops

UI is broken right now. Check my video, as you can see moving mouse over items, skill bar, comparing makes FPS go down by a lot (30-40 FPS in my case). This is rly bad, please lets make them notice this. @EHG_Foton @EHG_Kain

Try it youself, you will be shocked.

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Please notice this and fix it. @EHG_Foton @EHG_Kain

Hi @EHG_Foton @EHG_Kain,

This is still an issue in 1.0, controller does not have this issue at all, only mouse and keyboard.
Please, fix this soon.

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Created a Steam post for this issue also.

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Not fixed in latest patch.

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I have the same problem. :frowning:

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Please add your video also to Steam thread that I created:

This issue is still not fixed.

Still not fixed in 1.0.1 patch.

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Not fixed in Hotfix

Can @EHG_Foton @EHG_Kain react and acknowledge this issue?

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