Movement abilities bug out in emperor of corpses boss fight

See attached thread (Original post copied below as well). Other players have had a similar experience during this boss thread. During the emperor of corpses boss fight, sometimes when you use a movement ability it just immediately craps out and you don’t move. In this video, the first time I shield rush it works but the second time it immediately craps out. This is in online mode.

I will add another annoying bug - he will one shot you off screen with his necrotic breath even if your positioning shows you not in the breath. (Side rant - I hate one shot mechanics in bosses that you can’t defend against and Last Epoch is full of them).

This part is a bug and has been noted. It’s actually gotten a lot better in the last couple of patches but still happens.

As to this part, if the fights are working as inteneded all Boss Fights mechanics in LE can be ‘defended’ against. Sometimes the ‘defense’ is ‘avoid.’ This is only problematic if, like with the vortex not aligning visually, the mechanic itself is not working.

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