Mono reset with boss farm items - PLEASE change!

It feel like SH1T to reset every time with 1/30 drop chance, please fix for us normal players. I pity the casual Luser

What boss are you talking about?
Shade Of Orobyss?

What Item are you talking about? From where do you have that numbers?

If that’s the case, i think Shade is very much farmable, way better than farming normal bosses in the old MoF System.

And the normal timeline bosses are now really well framable.

Since most of the target drops are pretty likely to drop, making boss fights even more accessable would devalue their items.
Some of those really cool and powerful boss items i would not even consider “chase items”, because they are so easy to get.

I agree with @Heavy on this case. However, I must say that I’ve killed * God Hunter Argentus (Zone level 100+) more than 8 times now and no Unique Glad Armour for me…(Wings of the Argentus). Not that I care much about that item but still…

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The only thing i personally dislike about killing bosses in the current system:
The difficulty will not give you any worthy rewards.

Usually you will try to drop as many hard modifiers via quest echoes, beacons, vessels or echoes with particularly easy modifiers before starting a Shade/Boss.

I think having Item Rarity actually impacting the drop chance for the more rare items on Shade’s and Timelines bosses would be a great idea.
Even though this is not entirely the main topic here.

Compared to any other games, most items in LE are waaaaaay more accesable.
I think the only Item that is really far out there in terms of accesabability is Orian’s Eye, which is ok IMO, since it’s not build enabling.

Most of the random drops are actually not build enabling.
So it’s good to have items to chase for.

It would be good to be able to go straight in to the boss echo once you’ve completed the all 3 quest echoes. it’s quite painstaking trying to build up stability and doing all three quest echoes again. would make farming empowered boss drops just a bit more bearable.

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I believe the main reason is because the game hasn’t yet developed a good portfolio of items avaiable and it’s sinergy.


If you’re farming a blessing or boss drop unique, subsequent runs after the first are significantly quicker since the web doesn’t reset (unless you do a Shade which is bad for blessing/boss drop farming) so you can start getting your stability at the furthest edge of the web that you’ve got to which will give you significantly more stability than at the centre of the web.

does the web branch eventually all end up being a shade? or is it actually possible to continue indefinitely?

Eventually yes, you’ll probably end up with shades but you can reroll them with one of the vessels (can’t remember which, chaos?). The devs have said that the web does have an edge but that we’re unlikely to get to it.

oh didnt realise the chaos vessels can reroll shades, I thought it was just for the item reward echoes. good to know regardless. cheers

You may be right & I’m just making #### up/confusing stuff. I’m probably wrong in this instance (certain people might want to write this down in their diaries, they know who they are).

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Vessel Of Chaos does not reroll shade echoes or other specials echoes.
It only rerolls the reward of an echo that has not been completed yet, not the echo type.

Killing shades is only bad short term.

Long term it’s very beneficial. This becomes very useful, if you want to farm a perfect rolled blessing or unique, which might take several dozens, maybe even hundreds of kills.

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I’m having lot of troubles trying to get “Last steps of the Living” boots from Formosus the Undying (blood, frost and death Monolith). I did it around 25 times and still haven’t found any…
Are em that rare? Any help, please?
P.s: sorry for the offtopic

They have a 15% drop chance, so you’re just unlucky if you’ve not got any to drop with that many runs.

Scribble scribble scribble

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that statement there is pretty demoralizing. I have been trying to get wings of argentus with no luck after about 20 runs.

Ouch… Ok, thank you Llama, for the answer. Will try it again today.

Don’t make me talk about that body armour. I gave up trying to get it with my pala a while ago.

I am speaking about perfect rolled unique/blessings.

Which is not even mandatory.

Literally ANY item obtained from boss, Forosus (29 times, multiple others in 20+ times), f*cking God Hunter Argentus for the chest (10 - fail to drop, given up), any others. RESET IS SH1T.

So what would be an appropriate playtime to obtain such an item for you?

Assuming you already have a decent equipped character that can do a specific timeline in empowered already.

Currently 1 empowered timeline run, so Quest Echo No1, No2 and No3 will take something between 30min and 1 hour on average.
The rarest MoF boss drops (excluding Shade Uniques) have ~10% drop chance, so you need 10 kills on average.

This means currently we have something between 5 to 10 hours for obtaining such an item. Obviously this is only average and you might be more unlucky and need more kills. But on the flip side, you might be lucky for a different item/boss and get an item super quickly.

What would be a time frame you would think is appropriate? Or do you want it to be guaranteed for a certain effort?

I personally thing that all targetfarmable items in LE are actually too easy to obtain. Especially how strong and popular some of them are.

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