Moderators are now silencing people for talking about the state of the game and recent controversy with profane veil

I agree that my first post may have been knee-jerk reaction and I was out of line for saying it but I am only human and I do this because I love the game not because I hate it.

Next time switch on your brain before running your mouth and we’ll all be better off for it.

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And there we have it. Admission that you were warned, at least twice, reasonably, before being muted.

By your own words, I can already tell this was justified and you weren’t the innocent victim that you make out to be. I have a feeling you’re one of those “everyone else is the problem, not ME, I can say whatever I want without consequences” types.

Grow up, accept accountability and move on, stop acting like a child.


If you were toxic or straight-up vulgar or offensive, then the mute/silence was justified even if what you said was 100% legit.

There is a difference between ''Fix your sht up you lazy-as developers who should be fired already" and “Please, fix this broken spell already, this is unacceptable”.

If you were simply pointing out the issue while being somewhat civil and still got silenced, then that is concerning.

ok dude

No removing posts isn’t against the FTC rules lol. Stop thinking you understand law immediately because I assure you that you do not. These forums are not your property. These forums are not publicly paid for property under government control. These forums are private property. As such the owners of the property dictate the terms whether you like it or not. The 1st amendment does not apply here and never has. You DO NOT have free speech here. You have speech at the mercy of the owner. No different then if I bring someone to my home, they say something I don’t like, I have the right to remove them from my property.

You either haven’t been gaming long, or you have but you’re just completely clueless and think you’re more important than you are. If anything you said was true concerning the forums and free speech and the FTC, it would have already been ruled on and enforced sometime over the last 25+ years of online gaming and private forums. I’m guessing this is your goto whine on every game forum when something happens you don’t like.

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FTC has nothing to do with government, the FTC controls all corporations within the domain of the legal government. The domain of the United States is America, and all corporations within it. Federal Trade Commission - Wikipedia

Get in knowledge with the bureau of competition before you post without knowing

This right here is the kind of thing you need actual screenshots for.


You’re sitting whining about speech and being silenced/moderated. I know the FTC is independent, but I figured I’d cover everything from the FTC to free speech since you think you’re free to say anything you want here and think bans/censors are illegal or in violation of anything. But sure go ahead and try to nitpick while ignoring the substance of my post that you’re wholly and completely wrong. You have no rights. You have choices, in this case to be a customer or not, to give them money or not. You’re not entitled to say anything you want here free from moderation. That is a simple fact. So stop whining about the FTC governments speech and anything else that encompasses you thinking you have a right to not be moderated on this or any other private forum.

For one I never complained about moderation, you should see the OP is a different poster. Feel free to read all my posts if you want. My post is about the legality of it. Just because we have the same PfP does not make me him.

I am well aware people are not free from consequence of what people said, nor have I said that was not the case.

Legality in the context of video games and video game forums, beyond those actions already subject to criminal prosecution by the state, is determined by the terms of service you agree to when you first log into the game and the code of conduct you can find here on the website.

It always amuses me when people think that a)US law has anything to do with the Internet at large &)that the 1st amendment specifically has anything to do with discussion on the Internet.

Wasn’t that one of the things this post was about?

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For clarity: We have a very strict rule about not moderating dissent - and we actually have this discussion often when reviewing cases to try to ensure we don’t come off that way, that the rules being broken enough are serious enough that we need to act, even if the core content was feedback about us.

We do not remove comments, or action users just because they’ve spoken poorly about EHG or our actions. We, and our community moderators should only act when it breaks a rule of the Code of Conduct, or Terms of Use, such as excessive profanity, harassing/targeting other users, refusal to remain civil, or other disruptive or harmful behavior.

It’s our stance that using power to “silence” is not only bad from a moral standpoint, but it ends up hurting us, because we only improve and get better by listening to our players. That anger comes from care - generally, there’s good reason for people to be saying negative things about us and we want to change that, not hide it. We also ensure that if there’s any disputes submitted about a moderation action, it’s never reviewed by the same person that made the moderation action to ensure a fair review.

If you believe we, or any of our community moderators have failed to uphold any of these things, please do submit a support ticket to let us know, and it will be investigated.


I mean its kind of late for that I had submitted a support ticket 9 days ago and no reply was ever made, I would expect some kind of investigation to take place to check the chat logs if I had actually broke the rules on that day, it was only a day ban and it has been lifted but still.

I appreciate you reaching out and addressing the post non the less. I understand that different moderators will have different stances but rules are universal, as I had talked with the moderators and asked them if I was breaking rules by discussing the topic prior to my silence they said no so to follow with a 24h mute seems contradictory to their statements… I have not named the moderator in question as to avoid naming and shaming as I don’t think that’s the right way to do things but rather wanted to bring the issue at hand on forums, apologies if it wasn’t the right approach.

Please write exactly what you wrote in the chat without sugarcoating your words.
And i tell you if silencing you was okay or not.

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I mean it was along the lines of what I said in the OP, can’t expect me to remember what I said word for word almost a week and a half ago lol. If they would like to investigate this further I would be glad to continue but as I said it has been 9 days since I had filed a support ticket and I never got a response.

Im just kind of watching a lot of this conversation and i wanted to open a point on this. Contracts are optional, and there are things called “unconscionable conditions” that nullify contracts. Another point is that no one actually “signed” a contract, they “agreed” and this has been disputed many times in court and the supreme court tends to rule that “no signature, not valid”. Its often a heated battle in lawsuits (on this topic).

On another note, freedom of speech is often misunderstood. freedom speech is against the government, not private corporations. This is something many people dont know… This argument really does not work to well in these types of situations unless a person can prove there is some other reason for that silence, like discrimination.

Where I’m from, even a verbal contract is exactly that, a contract. There have been lawsuits on house bids over text message being retracted and in general, it’s that paper/signatures trump verbal/witnesses, but those are still legally valid.

It is also the case around here (as far as my personal experience goes) that only the “unconscionable condition” is excluded. Because the premise of the contract still holds. Same goes for illegal activity, I can’t contractually force you to break the law.

Freedom of Speech is indeed a whole different can of worms, and I agree it has nothing to do here unless EHG is secretly the CIA.

Us law prohibits this. This type of condition is basically explained as “a contract that a person cannot reasonably fulfill”.

Like I said, I’m only aware of that part being excluded. e.g. If you’re a technician in the field and your contract stipulates that you must be somewhere regardless of traffic law, then that point is invalid, but it doesn’t mean you don’t have to do your job once you’re on site, even though it’s in the same contract. I would assume it’s the same in the US, because otherwise every job would actually be 37 different contracts in case one of its points becomes invalid, right?

Na, there are laws that give people time (~15 minutes) due to traffic. There are always exceptions etc. Thats what makes law so complicated