Moderators are now silencing people for talking about the state of the game and recent controversy with profane veil

I seen videos on youtube of them deleting negative reviews also on steam discussions. Let me go check if mine was removed. No mine is still up, servers still not fixed so not changing it until i can play withoit 80ms input lag on my wifi with 10ms lag

So? They have the right to do so. They also have the right to remove their game entirely coz they own it!
If ppl get offended coz their inappropriate comment/review/post was removed they might need to rethink their wording.


Championing the other extreme of this topic is not a W. I am with you up until you start advocating against consumer interests. A purchased product should never be treated that way by a producer. People have already taken a risk by buying the game created by an unproven/unknown developer which has allowed them extreme success.


I assure you I was not toxic in any way, I was simply challenging peoples arguments because they had claimed that profane veil interaction is not broken and there’s no need to fix anything dispute proof to the contrary and I was stating that I’m strongly against the developers stance to keep this bug in mid cycle. I was told constantly by the moderator in question to stop talking about it because its quote “riling people up” and that I was “forcing them to accept my opinion” whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean. I had asked that moderator if I was breaking any rules and they said no so if I’m not breaking any rules why should I be muted? The mute function is not there in place for them to silence opinions its there to enforce the ToS that they have laid down, if a user hasn’t broken the rules there’s no reason to mute someone who’s just having a conversation.

You are using the least stable connection(wifi) and then writing a bad review because your connection is bad. That’s not the game’s fault.


Untrue. Removing peoples reviews is a violation of the consumers right act, which goverens the relationship between corporations and private individuals.

FTC rules apply here as steam is a american corporation. The law states

  • unlawful commercial practices such as false advertising, consumer fraud, and anticompetitive conduct*

Removing posts is anticompetitive conduct, as it is silencing valid opinions that may disuade a consumer in practice from buying a product. Just because its online, does not make it any different from you making a video, public speech, post, publication or written article.

You should learn the law of the land, it applies to all.

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My wifi is 10x faster then average connection in canada. 10ms is faster then most wired connections. 8oms lag only occurs with bad servers

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Where are you experiencing this lag? I’ve been having the same issue in town instances, I brought this up with that moderator/developer since they were answering peoples questions in chat and asked why the servers have been more unstable in towns post release and they claimed it had nothing to do with server stability.

Okay well if it’s nothing to do with server stability then why does it only happen in town instances, my ping spikes to 300-400 and hovers around 100+ ping in towns whereas in the enemy areas/monoliths/dungeons it hovers at a smooth 25-30ms consistently, not to mention this didn’t happen at launch, the town instances actually ran better for me in the early days of launch than now, how can that be when the servers were apparently MORE unstable? It makes no sense. I brought this point up with that person and they simply refused to even acknowledge it.

I’m experiencing similar with town instances, I can assure you that its not my connection at fault. Why would I be having connection problems ONLY in town instances? Surely if my connection was unstable it would be unstable regardless of the area I’m situated in. This also does not occur with any other game I play, only Last Epoch.

Its people like you that dismiss peoples issues that makes these problems occur for far longer than necessary.

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The issue was almost absent on 0.92, it has to do with bots spamming in chat and then teleporting to buyers. The result is abnormal spikes on load, which likely is causing issues in towns.

Monoliths likely have less load on them for now, as most people either went offline due to rubberbanding, quit as they are tourists, or are just not there yet. It will only get worse as people hit empowered monoliths.

It is generally not against the law for businesses to remove reviews. Review platforms have specific policies that businesses must follow.
Businesses may have valid reasons to request the removal of a review if it contains false information, violates the review platform’s terms of service, or is defamatory or malicious. In such cases, the business can contact the review platform and ask for the review to be taken down.

This isnt news and has happened everywhere, … Steam, Amazon and whatnot.

Dont talk “law” if you have no clue pls!


The speed of your internet and the ping you get are irrelevant to a stable connection. Wifi is a good source for packet loss. You can have a great ping(and 80ms is still perfectly acceptable) and have a very unstable connection. The first way to troubleshoot is to get off wifi.


My statement is correct because steam is not a review site, its a distributor for products in the form of online. Now your comment is correct, you can remove posts that are: violent, misleading, have misinformation, etc.

These make a small amount of reviews, most reviews are not violations of these. Therefore they should not be struck down. Only reasons this is done irl is because no regular individial will care enough to sue over it.

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What can a company do to protect itself from inappropriate or irrelevant content?

The law says it’s OK to prohibit or remove a review that:

  1. contains confidential or private information – for example, a person’s financial, medical, or personnel file information or a company’s trade secrets;
  2. is libelous, harassing, abusive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, or is inappropriate with respect to race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or other intrinsic characteristic;
  3. is unrelated to the company’s products or services; or
  4. is clearly false or misleading.

It took me 30 seconds on Google to find that information, which is directly from the FTC, and the short version is that it says you’re talking out of your ass.

Walk into a bathroom, say this to yourself in the mirror, and quit bullshitting everybody.


I never said there are no exceptions. Most reviews are not one of those.


Reviews are one thing, Going on and on in global about something you don’t like is another.


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Last I checked talking about something you don’t like is not against the rules. I’m well aware of the rules, I didn’t break any rules.

Except the one about not discussing disciplinary actions. This isn’t Reddit.


Yea but we are talking about what lead to the mute, did you miss that part?

You could make the arguement reedit and forums are seperate, albeit maybe they have same mods, who knows. Him being banned on reedit and talkinf about it here are different.

It would be somethinf else if he got banned here and made an alt