Modding and Addons

So basically , since the game is made in unity and it already has bepinex… there are already mods popping up. My question and maybe a suggestion as far as this goes in online play is to actually allow some of them with some moderation in the future (what i mean by this is to just legit let the modders run wild for this first cycle so you can adjust the rules in the future)… if you havent allowed them yet. I dont mean allowing game breaking or game changing mods.

(the gamebreaking ones most likely wouldnt work anyways since most of the data if it isnt yet should be synced with server so you shouldnt be able to add drop chance to something in theory)

Mostly what i care about is for example using a mod that already exists to add drop sounds like path of exile has in the lootfilters… Another thing i really appreciate from playing world of warcraft is the UI customization… whether its to show additional things or just move things around (think of bartender or skada)… to be specific as far as last epoch and ui goes i would like to make a mod that allows me to change the colors of overlay map because i have slight color blindness but not in a traditional sense where you just see the colors differently but basically i have issues with shades and things blending together (main reason i suck at fps games copium) which basically makes me die a lot due to not being able to tell where a wall is when im tunnel visioned on the overlay map for example because i just cant see the border from it.
Another thing that basically comes from path of exile is poe overlay which is a companion app that calculates your damage , ehp etc… basically uses path of building… autoupdates path of building in order to simplify the stats which would help a lot for someone that gets easily confused with large income of data.

Basically what my point is that addons are a great thing especially since it can solve a lot of issues for a lot of people that struggle with certain things or arent as tryhard as some of us are with excel sheets for damage calculation and other things… And most importantly a lot of addons can just basically get rid of the need of developers actually implementing the systems in game which can take the load off of you guys… (ehm ehm custom cursors).



I quit the game the second I realized I couldn’t summon all the pets I was shown and then later given. as primalist/beastmaster/druid. you have 20 skills and can only use 5! Which would be fine if it proc summoned another type of pet, but it doesn’t like Sprigon form summons another Sprigon and I was like cool 2 Crows 1 stone… but I can’t have 1 crow, 1 bear, 1 wolf, 1 raptor, 1 sabertooth, and 1 scorpion even though I worked hard and leveled up my class to unlock those skills like what a rip off, don’t dangle cute pets for me to have only limit my fun. Now I have to play offline with mods or go play a better game that cares about indulging the fun fantasies of swarming, pets, or mobs vs mobs.

That is the whinniest response I have ever heard. They didn’t make the game directly for you. Mods are most certainly the way to go if the game is too hard for you. You have a build a totally OP character that breaks the games balance? Mods. Want ever monster to only drop better items so you don’t have to grind? Mods. Want to play a game where all the monster come up and give you flowers and then kill themselves so you don’t have to get your pet dirty? - seriously. Gamers theses days are so lazy.

You quit the game but still come and post on its forums?


There are already plenty of ways of

Forgeguard is a swarming pet build with over a dozen pets on screen at one time.
Scorpion beastmaster is a swarming pet build.
SWARMblade can be a SWARMING pet build.
Wolf Beastmaster (or Shaman) can be a swarming pet build.
Squirrel beastmaster is a swarming pet build.
Necro has several swarming pet builds.
Golem Shaman is a swarming pet build.

What you want is already in the game right now. By the way, beastmaster can have 4 companions … So you can have;

If you just remove 2 of those, consider the subtraction of 2 of these for balance purposes.

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You can have 5 compainions.

2 by default
+2 from BM passive tree
+1 from unique item Artor’s Legacy


beautiful, even better. I did a quick check, too quick it seems.

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No it’s not, get your facts straight. The necromancer can do 10 times the summons at once without balance issues or breaking the game. The Necromancer gets to play online with friends competively without having to play offline with mods. This is a genuine complaint that shows clear class favorites. I shouldn’t have to play offline mods when other classes do it by default, no mods needed. I dont like playing undead and shouldn’t be forced to play necromancer play style. The game is not hard at all making your response the dumbiest I’ve read. I come from alot of competitive games to me you look like a npc pve prick that did not play any form of summons class, which are widely acceptable form of playing that is manageable and has been balanced. What do mean gamers are lazy we come here to relax and have fun this is game a total turn off your brain game and have fun.

There’s no need for name-calling.

See my post for a list of just a few of the non-necro classes who can summon tons of pets…

By the way, Beastmaster gets 5 companions (credit to @Heavy ) so you literally can have exactly what you asked for, minus one … I think you’ll be okay even though you have to sacrifice one pet of choice;

this is my last reply… let’s get back on OP’s topic :slight_smile:

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I am not a minion player, so I can’t comment much on balance and power.

But having necromancer with dozens of expendable minions vs. primalist having a few strong compainions has nothing to do with “class favorites”.

Its called Design and Theme.

Necromancer: Many expandadle minions
Primalist: Few minions that you strongly bond with (they even can have NAMES)

If you really want hoards of minions you should try a combinationfo companions together with other minions that you can summon through items, like bees for example.
Also with 1.1 we will get a new unique item summoning a permanent crab (it even has different colors).

Giving feedback about what theme or playstyle you want to see ona certain class is good and eventually we might get mroe uniques supporting a horde primalist playstyle.
But at its core that is not what the class is meant to be.

Primalist and specifically beastmaster and necromancer are meant to be very different.
The devs want them to differentiate.


Thank you for the info! <3

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Thank you for the info Makszi and Heavy, keep up the great work was very positive and informative.


Thanks for jumping in on this modding topic to talk about your suggestions for pets and how you refuse to do modding. I am so glad other members of the community could fill you in on someone else’s thread not related to your feedback. But you already gave up on the game and quit, so your feedback is no longer required here. Go back to those “competitive games” if they were more to your liking. Eleventh hour already has your money, not like they are going to get any more from you. You have been proven incorrect multiple times here for a game you admitted you don’t even play anymore nor gave half a chance when you did ‘attempt’ it.

If I was an NPC, your gold wouldn’t be good enough at my shop.


Shhh, I don’t want your NPC input and your negativity is no help.

Bro my eyes. Why would post in all all bold font?


You’ve kinda missed a rather important word there. You don’t what his NPC input?

You don’t ‘proof read’ before you post

Oh wow, you want to type to me like you don’t know what the missing word was… cheap excuse to condem a typo that means nothing when I can go back and edit it. Get a fucking life.

Edit it all you want, the quote already captured it. Not sure you should use profanity in this community forum.

Again typos happen, your human and bleed like the rest of us. You have flawed thinking and
have [quote=“KainAbel666, post:4, topic:67020”]
the whinniest response I have ever heard.
[/quote] you have been petty from the start.
Also you 6 typos on the 1st comment but I didn’t harp on it do you proof read?
and you can edit a quote to add or remove.