Minion regen based on % instead of Flat Value

Right now Minion Regen is kinda useless, My minions used to get killed really easily in boss fights and hard encounters with ~600% Minion HP. Now I have 1249% Minion HP, all defensive nodes and they still die in Boss fights (But stopped to die in normal encounters…most of the time), and tried with ~200 Minion Regen, but took 2~3 min for my minions fully heal just standing still, it’s faster to wait they die and resummon them.

I know that could interfere with temporary minions, but their life decay rate is exponential, so they will die at some point, this will only benefit the permanent minions.

EDIT: Also, Minions Regen is a rare mod, should be better.
EDIT²: My bad, I did make it clear that it should be like: "Minions regen 0,1~05% of their life instead of a flat value. I only said that in the Title, that was confusing.


Sounds like either base regen needs to get a major buff or regen values need the same treatment. Would be weird to see “minions have 1200% increased life regen” seeing this isnt D3, so Id go with base regen haha.

I didn’t mean that Regen should base on Minion Health %, like 1:1, I meant something like: Instead Minions regen 50 of their HP, now Minions regen 0,5% of their HP.

EDIT: My bad, I did make it clear that it should be like: "Minions regen 0,1~05% of their life instead of a flat value. I only said that in the Title, that was confusing

Sorry I think I may have confused both of us haha, the only minion affix for regeneration right now is a flat amount correct? I assumed there was also a “minions have x% increased health regeneration rate” which would be multiplicative with whatever flat amount you have on gear.

I see what you are saying, but it seems effectively the same. Flat caps out at 300 at t7 it seems, which is effectively “minions regenerate %2.5 of life per second” or something close based on 12k life. See what I am saying? It is just a matter of how you read it.

These numbers need to be increased if minions dying truly is a problem, or a health regeneration rate affix may be needed. For example, if you had 600 life/s regen on gear, you could then add something that reads “minions have 100% increased life regeneration rate” which turns your 600 to 1200/s.

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Have you tried minion leech as well as/instead of regen? There are various passives that give it for the main minion masteries and failing that there’s Ribbons of Blood which gives melee leech.

I did, but I not sure, but looks like that minion leech only works on hit, and my build work on DOT, looking at my golems which have an HP bar easy to track, it’s never going up, only down

EDIT: I just noticed that if you press G you can see the game mechanics, and Leech work on DOT, but in that case, this is not enough to keep them alive.

EDIT²: So, leech work for DOT, but seens that doesn’t work on minion DOT.

Minion health regen im fact is relatively rare an you cannot build it on every item.

But if you stack these affixes on any possible item along with the %increased regen from the tree, you can get a huge amount of regen, that is well noticable on your minions.

If you have decaying minions, this works, too. Of course your minions will still die at some point, but you can delay that moment so you save mana and time in the long run.

It used to work very well with decaying wraiths before their overhaul. Now since they have a hard cap and their decay rate got adjusted, it doesn’t seem as a valid choice.

Also, what helps a lot with minion survivability is minion dodge rating. Often I skip minion health regen completely and go for health and dodge along with build in leech in the minions’ trees.

As a Necro stack int. It both benefits damage and hp of your minions.

You will also automatically increase your minion survivability by just leveling up.

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