Migration to Steam

well, i contacted support and was told this… "When our migration to the Steam Launcher was being implemented, we reached out to our community notifying all players of this change on our Forums. At this time, any player who could not access Steam/did not want to use Steam had the opportunity to request a refund. However, due to the time that has passed since the launcher migration we no longer have the ability to refund players from before the 0.9 Steam patch. "

i did not have internet access at all almost all year until recently. so now i guess i’m stuck owning a game that i will never play. nice way to treat customers

You could just tell them this without letting the first “No!” stop you in your tracks.

On the otehr hand I come from a culture where you get ALWAYS treated like you know your stuff. So my backraound makes this more of a you problem then an EHG problem because if it was that important you could’ve keep yourself informed.

well, i’m 50 and will likely be homeless by next summer so i have more important things going on in my life than to try to chase this issue. i’m from a culture where first impressions are lasting ones. this is the very first issue i had with this game and it left me with complete disgust towards this company

First of all sorry to from your personal situation. been there done that luckiely im not 50 thou :D.
I get your point of view and it’s a fair thing to say. On top of it I’m rather active in the forums of the game and I haven’t heared of said refund episode and their announcment. This is something that should’ve been shared by mail on top of announcing it where ever.

It’s kind of strange what they said because they offered refunds for a lot of stuff even in hte time when they said they will no deliver trading. Seems odd to offer a refund and all of the sudden there are no more refunds because reasons.

To me this looks like they need to release the game this year because they have no money left but what do I know :smiley: .

Why? At some point there needs to be a cutoff for offering refunds.

In this case my opinion is that if the account did not migrate to steam, then it should be eligible for refund. After long time there won’t be many cases like this, so by denying refunds you “save” little money, but still suffer big PR hit.


What @apohawk said. On top of it they can take a look when the account was active. If it wasinactive for a longer time frame and in the timeframe the annoucment was done I would refund it in EHGs place.

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won’t matter. they have my money and have no intention of ever giving me a refund. just another game company that only has self interest in mind that does not care for it’s customers

Ok, first off, I’m sorry we didn’t properly communicate to you that this change was happening when it did. We sent out notifications on all of our usual communication channels. I understand that you didn’t have access to those channels. I don’t know how we could have told you about it.

I can’t make any promises because I don’t know what the exact rules are or why they were put in place. I recommend replying to the support email directly instead of posting on the forums. The people who can help might not check here regularly. The ideal outcome for you is getting the refund but this thread doesn’t support that goal. I think you’ve received some really good advice here about how to approach a follow up email.

I do take pretty big issue with the suggestion that we don’t care about our players. I take great pride in how we do care about our players. We spent months trying to find a solution to make it possible to keep the stand alone launcher. We came to the conclusion that our options were, remove it then, remove it after (way more costly) or accept that it was going to take us down one day and have a ticking time bomb just sitting there bleeding us dry.

I really hope you get it sorted out.


I recommend replying to the support email directly instead of posting on the forums

i did exactly that, only to get a reply to rate my support experience. that just shows me that there was no interest in the company for any further actions. so, my next option was to voice my experience on the forums

Do you think that was an intentional decision that someone made when reading the reply to manually send you the survey and ignore the follow up?

(Serious question because I don’t but you might)

Regardless, if you haven’t given up hope yet, the best way to achieve your goal is to contact support.

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it looked pretty intentional to me and it also looked definitive that i would not get a refund by this statement

I am very sorry, however, we will not be able to offer a refund in this instance

it did not say “may” or “might” not, it was “will not”. how would you take that?

Steam said something alongthose lines to me three times when I wanted to refund a game I played longer then 2 hours and guess what… the forth time did the charm and i got my money back. Keep trying and keep explaining. That’s 10 minutes of your day.

on top of it you can now even point out that a dev of the game was intrested in the topic so they might want to offer you a bit more then “Nah! Won’t happen!” in corporate talk.

If this was a hill to die on for me i would open up a ticket again and again untill they finaly make sense or at least sound like they care.

I haven’t seen the emails or the support request so I’m purely going off of this thread.

Here’s what I think happened:

  • The timing is coincidental.
  • They answered your first email.
  • They closed the issue because they didn’t expect a reply.
  • You replied.
  • The system automatically sent out the survey reply at the same time.
  • The reply didn’t get seen because of the timing.

Here’s my advice with my “player hat” on:

  • Send a support ticket with all the details.
  • Ask them to reconsider.
  • Tell them about the extenuating circumstances.
  • Ask them to check if your account has logged in since that announcement went out (if you didn’t migrate to steam, you haven’t).

If you don’t want to do that, then I’m sorry, I can’t help.


Id recommend keep trying, while support can have issues, if you persist and make enough noise long enough, my experience is it’ll eventually get pushed up the chain and somethign will be sorted out. Sucks that it can take so long for support to do things, but relative to other studios, it’s kinda just the norm. And like macknum said, you now have a dev having given you the same response.

I’d also recommend including the original support ticket number in anything new. [removed by staff].

Then if they still refuse to give a refund, make sure to update everyone that they didn’t, so if someone else has the same situation, they don’t feel alone etc…

Hmmm, can they do that? :thinking:
When I was trying to get the traveler’s backpack I had to provide proof that I was playing way before 0.9, apparently they wouldn’t see the login dates.

[Not blaming support, they were fine on that occasion, I always assumed it was simply Valve not giving them access to the data.]

We can tell if an account has been migrated to steam or not yet. If it hasn’t been migrated to steam then we know they haven’t logged in since the steam switch went 100%.

So I know that we can kinda tell one way for this one cutoff that just so happens to line up with their event.

I’m not sure if they can check the actual log in dates but you can use another thing and logic to get enough info in this specific situation at least.


I bought game directly on steam but still I need to connect or move my account to steam. I have open steam app, also I’ve linked my mial and stlii I can’t play. It’s says update your account

@Zietek I’m having the same issue and i have had the game for awhile. Perhaps something is going on server side?

Same here - I guess glad its not localized - an announcement would be nice.