MG Faction - Item Duping - RMT - Gold Sellers

I will post a screenshot how a lot of auction house looks like, give it a minute to look into seeing what is wrong on this screenshot.

Economy cannot function if it is filled with cheaters and RMT gold sellers. I have monitored price of a LP2 gloves going from 10-15 millions to 400 millions and it keeps rising every day, it will only stop at the price cap of 1.5bln.

I recommend now for new players to roll CoF that way you can avoid frustration of bricked economy. Yes you will have bad gear, but you won’t need to worry about hyperinflation.


Learn the game first. Lightless arbor


To be precise, LA vault mod options
Vault of Uncertain Fate Modifiers - Lightless Arbor Dungeon (Tier 4) - Last Epoch Endgame (

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Out of curiosity, I play offline COF, so there is no way for players to detect dupes? But could EGH, do all items have a guid for example?

Lightless arbor, please research it

Are you replying to me? Because I did research Lightless Arbor. Hence my question.

arent dupes supposed to lower the prices?

i dont get it. anyways im happy im CoF heh

this company doesnt have enough multiplayer/exploits experience for a good trading experience. yet anyways.

I think so but looks like I misread and thought you were claiming everything through the means of actual duping and cheating. My apologies.

I guess it also just work as a general post for others that don’t know about LA :stuck_out_tongue:

This is on point. They would literally need to fix that modifer for the dungeon to the point make it extremely rare and less likely to dupe something extremely good or just completely remove it and let creation runes rarity and demand go up more. They would definitely need to lock the use of these runes separately from the ones from CoF.

The chances should be just as hard as finding a 4 LP item, and goodness gracious imagining duping such rare 4LP item 4 times, it should be close to 1 in a 382183812832181 for it to happen.

Another way is to revamp ways to control gold… Give it better and alternative ways to farm gold. Some are:

  • keep combating botters/cheaters (always a top priority as they are the ones that provide the RMT)
  • Rework values of buy/sell/gamble items to be more effective. Shop items and gambling is usually not as effective as it easily can be in most games now.
  • Dedicated teams to hunt bug fix/exploits/cheating/etc… This is probably asking for a long shot as it’s a small indie company but i’m just mentioning it. I’m just another gamer that doesn’t know how difficult or costly everything is for their upkeep and what their financials are looking like… One thing I didn’t try but heard arena was dropping absurd amounts of GPM when farming it… I would think there are other known exploits and bugs, as well as private ones out there that helps with people farming tens and hundreds of millions of gold because that gold swinging around the market didn’t all just come from botting. My first level 100 I think roughly only picked up around 10 mil or less if I remember properly so idk how there can be surplus of gold, probably in the multi trillions on this server after a month.
  • Rework many many many uniques and all sets to play a role in the game and marketplace. This isn’t expected to be immediate but they should be worked on always on improving the game and providing new builds and ways to use them. This should be priority on the top of the list with new content.

Why are almost all uniques selling for a flat 5k gold for the same types and rolls of items selling for the gold? Why is running the campaign, gold drop and shops so plain? It’s always just buying the next item in the area… What happen to games where mods and affixes > item base? That is not the case here for campaign which is usually an enjoyable time when creating a new character which is why many people participate in the skip. Don’t get me wrong, plvl should be included in these type of games but they took the fun out of the alternative options which is why many ppl don’t do it. I literally did the campaign only on my first char, ran partial with a 2nd, and decided never again on any alts.

I tried to mention and stay on topic about market control, gold distribution and relatable but it also slowly shifting me to other things/concerns for the game so bear with me , lol.

Thats actually backwards thinking. Lightless Arbor, and its rewards, are meant to be the gold sink of the economy to prevent prices from getting out of hand. Reducing the value of Lightless Arbor rewards will increase prices.

It’s not an effective gold sink for the economy, it’s doing more good than harm. That’s why people are able to spam those dungeons. It’s suppose to be a splurge and gamble to farm but its more of a free farm.

It’s a great thing but at the state of the economy, it doesn’t help in this sense. When they control the gold better, the economy will get better and the way this LA works, will also get better.

They can also awlays just raise the cost for the modifiers but that’s the lazy way out and the newbie players will just be even more upset.

You don’t seem to understand how the economy or gold sinks work. Gold is not removed from the economy when an item is purchased at the bazaar it’s just transferred from one person to another. This will cause inflation to infinitely rise as gold is created by killing monsters but not destroyed.

For prices to fall gold will have to be destroyed. this is currently done in 3 ways. Stash tab purchase, purchases from vendors, and Lightless Arbor rewards. Lightless Arbor being the best removal.

When inflation gets too high in the bazaar Lightless Arbor becomes a better option to obtain gear and then this destroys gold which lowers prices to the point where the Bazaar will be a better place to obtain gear.

This is how the economy was meant to be balanced. If you removed or nerfed Lightless Arbor gold would stack up infinitely until the point it became worthless.


Lightless arbor and item duping is good, I have changed my mind. Prices on Auction house are ridiculous.

What we are seeing is the economy functioning correctly. Since inflation is so out of hand at the bazaar it seems a lot of people are spending gold in LA to triplicate rewards to sell at the bazaar. This is a good thing as its removing millions of gold per LA run.

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I just ran LA 8 times, got utter garbage despite spending 25-30mln gold. 99% items are t6. What is worse the dungeon is a frigging maze and is a waste of time.


Then spend 500 million gold on the item at the bazaar then? I am not sure what you want me to do about your RNG I am in CoF.

I thought it could be the case, but its not.
The probability of good item to be quadrupled (not even duplicated) is very low.
Go to swords action house.
Look for eye of reen sword with +2 lp.
you will always see multiple examples of 2, 3 and sometimes 4 same copies of sword.
It cannot be lightless arbor.
Its clearly dupe

What? I was talking about the Lightless Arbor. The gold sink is not effective because the cost is so trivial where the farmed items heavily outweighs the cost of the modifiers which in exchange more items cause inflation because the cheaters buy out the good items at a inflated price.

For prices to fall, stash tab purchase is one, purchases from vendors are none, and lightless arbor (which is the best gold sink, never denied it?) does barely a dent. Your plan to plant more items on the market to make prices go lower is not going to be effective as the main problem will still be there, the main whales aka rmah gold sellers will be the ones buying everything out and those prices, instantly. I like the idea of the gold sinking dungeon and mainly rather have an increase in cost of modifiers IF something were to be done now… However, I do not think anything should be touched mid season if it doesn’t instantly and quickly fix the matter.

I mentioned that that they can increase the cost of Lightless Arbor but you would have even more players complain how it’s unaffordable but in reality, it’s cheap as heck at the state of the economy.

You could of farmed items to sell and made 1-2 bil but when that demand rare item goes up, it will either be at a price where you think twice of buying or instantly gone from one of the whales, which probably even has programs already that scouts the market to instantly buy it when it comes up.

They would need to start fresh on future cycle, find a way to handle the gold distribution better (from game to players),.

I only agreed with removing/nerfing the LA modifiers for the current cycle. I never disagreed with it doing what it does, just that it has close to no impact at the current state of the economy. The issue is the gold sellers being able to buy out everything.

It’s fine to point out what’s going on. But it’s not fine to make conclusions without proper data. How do you know it’s dupes and not a faulty gold sink problem? Data is in EHG’s hands and they can analyze it. The problem could be that the gold generated vastly outpaces the gold that exits the economy, hence the inflation. Not so much a dupe problem as it may be gold sellers playing 24/7. Lost Ark went through the same problems early on. Bots and gold sellers generated so much gold that the market went out of control. As soon as AGS got that somewhat under control, prices dropped precipitously. Bots will generate gold and never engage in gold sink activities because they use that to make money.

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Pretty much this but I would not say “never” :stuck_out_tongue:

My plan? I never once said I even had a plan, I just am trying to explain to you how the economy works. Also planting more items in the economy would make prices go lower as when supply goes up demand falls (supply and demand) which is why I mentioned nerfing lightless arbor rewards would only hurt the situation.

In fact, I think you are actually right (shocking) about that if they increased the cost of Lightless Arbor, as well as the rewards, I think that would greatly help to reduce the rampant inflation caused by bots farming only gold and selling it (not spending it).