MG and CoF progression is boring

Then it makes more sense!
Add the CoF rank increases to the tagged amounts of items.
Suddenly it functions again.

Ah, should’ve specified. ‘It’s not the case with some properly balanced and thought out mechanics behind it’.

Market dynamics are always available, not matter when.
They just shift with abundance of lower quality gear cutting down the prices while the more rare ones raise vastly higher because the supply doesn’t meet demand.

Which is a natural catch-up mechanic actually if executed right.

That’s why evening the curve is needed. It doesn’t stay steady for progression, it jumps around seemingly willy nilly in OP, sub-par and OP in-between.

Quit defend a crap system. No this is not at all the samething as switching mastery class or respecing skills. Ur mastery is ur class. Ur gear is ur gear. Which u worked hard for and farmed up. Ur loosing FAR more than just unspent favor

In no way should i be forced to strip naked just to switch to the other faction. The gear that i have equipped should still be usable when Switching factions. Gear/idols that u didnt have equipped when switch shouldnt be usable.

Theres a post on steam forms about this same thing. Forcing players to strip naked is a extremely bad feeling.

In this post i suggested something like an orb of factions. This orb would be very rare so u could switch factions at least once maybe twice if ur lucky. This orb would allow ur equipped gear to be usable in any faction. All other fCtio. Tag rules would still apply. I know EHG doesnt want a swapping meta which is why im sugging sometthing like this orb

Why should i be forced to grind out another set of gear just to switch factions. Its not a good feeling to loose over half ur gear jist cuz u want to switch factions. Its even worse when one like me has a 3lp LoV bow for falconer build. And wants to switch to MG to fill in other gear slots with as close to BiS gear.

Thats not fair to the player at all to be forced to loose that weapon they spent hrs farming or hell even crafting into a legandery item.

Not being able to switch masteries makes since this doe not

I personally like the idea for merchants guild to have a rank (perhaps 9 or 10) where you no longer need to go to the bazaar.

It would be a nice reward to bring up a menu or perhaps a vendor you can summon.

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Interesting idea. Not sure i would put that as a rank 9 tho.

Would be cool.

But This is one of those QoL things i think EHG would just give to all players and not need to be earned

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You’re probably just being mischievous but I will explain. My main char is MG and is wearing a half dozen purchased items. My Alt is CoF and just dropped an item that is 110% perfect in every way for my main char and is a major upgrade. What now? I repeat what I said: “The very concept that I can get hold of an item (regardless of how I got it) and yet I cannot do whatever I want with it among my own Alts, is just unacceptable”

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I question why they’re even separate factions at this point. Couldn’t you just have the separate currencies and be able to use both?

I 100% agree on the trading between characters though. I can’t trade my friend his Paladin shield he was looking for that I got to drop… forget CoF or MG, which he is and I am. I can’t trade it to him because he wasn’t online and grouped when I found it and I don’t have one of those “magic shards” that grant me the privilege of being able to trade… in an ARPG.

Seems that in an effort to combat 3rd parties from bot farming and selling items, EHG has inadvertently hamstrung the playerbase as well. Sorry friend, I know you’ve got a couple of kids and a job, I was gonna give you this sweet piece of gear I found…but you weren’t online and grouped… and I’m all out of magic dust…aww well. Guess the vendor can have it lol.

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Seasons are presumably months long.

Calm down and stop whining because you can’t get everything you want in the first day.

It is incentive to keep playing the game.

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Quoting myself here to contradict myself! Ten hours later and I am still level 7. The grind from rank 7 is indeed absolutely crazy. I am not even halfway to next level.

CoF is such a great vehicle for dopamine, I’m really enjoying hitting prophecies and having my screen fill up.

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I have exactly two issues with it:
1: very slow levelling for the factions
2:CoF needs some buffs(for example the first rank at only 35% more items is barely felt, also CoF lacks affix target farm, while MG can target buy literally any affix combo)

No, 'cause the way you’re explaining it you do want to have the benefits of both factions which the devs don’t want. It is exactly what you’ve said.

Could it bedone that way? Sure, but then you’d be gearing up way faster than the devs want.

If it’s available, which in my personal experience is an if too far…

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Solid point and well taken, it would obviously have to be adjusted. Perhaps the gold can be a set amount, similarly to how the currency is preset when you list an item. May help prevent the “OMFG 50mil gold!” crowd from destroying MG bazaar.

I’ll stop complaining once I get an Aarons Will or that Harbour helm to drop I’m sure. Right now my biggest enemy is the loot filter. There’s so many effing affixes and such I feel like I need a PHD to figure out what should be filtered on my Acolyte.

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Can someone explain me what potential does COF has?

I am level 10 COF, and lvl 102 in game. Please enlighten me what are the benefits of this guild.

I have tried to target farm Barbute helmet, spent 1 million favor and 20 hours, and all I get is junk. There is no scaling between prophecies and monolith corruption rarity. What you get from prophecies is junk, when MG players easily loot and buy Lp3/Lp4 uniques.

What is more is that I cannot sell any drops for cash, so I cannot buy stash tabs no can I save for any good gear in future, so it is always rng rolling dice, with no potential of winning.

The problem with that is that then it’s not even slightly a “player driven economy”, since the devs would be the ones setting the prices. At that point, it’s not too much different to the AH being an NPC vendor that you can see the affixes on an item before buying it.

Ah, so you bought the expansion pack that extends the level cap. As a CT, I got it for free.

Target farming (prophecies) & better drop rates. Needless to say, neither of them means that you’ll actually be able to get what you want since it’s still all RNG.

They can’t buy what isn’t listed.

This is at least a fully intended mechanic with a solution present.
More play time together sooner or later drops one of those. So a bit of patience is fine.
I don’t know the exact drop-rate there, which probably needs to be balanced (like the whole Faction and trading system) but the baseline function of the system is a viable and understandable one at least.

Possible progression for your character on the other hand is not.
Last Epoch is a lot faster then the competitor Path of Exile in terms of progression, this causes a issue when it comes to the availability of trade, no matter if it’s over MG or inside a multiplayer party.
The ability for trade needs to align roughly with the progression stage of your character.
We’ll likely see that whole situation easing up with 1.1 since it’s going to be an end-game update… but for 1.0 (the current state hence) it’s just a bad one no matter how you twist or turn it. Next cycle we might say ‘Yeah, now it feels amazing!’, but now we’re saying ‘no, it feels shit’ and both arguments at the respective time can be the one shared in a majority of the community and hence be an important one to consider.

500k Rep, yes.
That means with optimal usage of Favor it’s 125k which has to be acquired and used up again. Which means not buying anything during that time since that for some reason fails to provide Favor.
You can put up several full equipment sets for that amount, which is a bit ridiculous to be allowed to buy a 1 LP ‘The Kestrel’ for example which is for the trading system the same rarity as ‘Wraithlord’s Harbour’ with 4 LP.
Makes sense right? Ah… I mean not, because it doesn’t, the system is badly thought out in that regard.

CoF worse in early-game, vastly superior mid-game to end-game and at the late end-game it falls behind once more.

It needs no adjustments besides functionality for choosing prophecies and balancing the 4 different types prophecy areas to be on par with each other (Because the weapon one is just ridiculous to acquire the right one in comparison to… well… all the others).

You seem to lack the understanding of what he says and what you think you’re saying there… because that’s not how it works.

So first of all, what does getting the benefits mean actually:
You have access to the faction function. That’s it.
The faction function entails acquisition and usage of favor as well as gaining their perks. That’s it, not more not less.

What you want to limit people from using is the rewards they played for
That’s not a benefit, a reward is something which has been earned to be kept which is out damn equipment which we currently can’t use because someone in EHG failed at the basics of the basics for loot acquisition in any game.
Never ever take away what a player has already earned.

And do you also know why you never do that?
Because taking someone from a person away makes them feel bad, it’s simple as that. Heck… it’s even a sales tactic! Give a child anything at all and then take it away again and watch the reaction. It’s why someone wanting to sell you some contract gives you the contract despite you knowing all it entails beforehand and if you’re wavering they take it simply away right then. Why? Because you’re extremely prone to turn towards buying it when you’re on the fence with your thoughts. It’s human nature.

And do you also know what a game is there for? Enjoyment. Making people feel as good as they can by using all measures possible to do so. Otherwise you wouldn’t play a game. Progression in a video game feels nice because in reality you have a far slower pace for that which is often not visible while a game gives it to you in a much much shorter timeframe.

So go ahead and tell me… this system… where does it in any way shape or form provide me with the enjoyment a game is supposed to provide me with? How does taking away my rewards from me achieve that?

Not if they’re balanced, which EHG failed with in a ridiciulous way. Because if you use both systems at once while only obtaining favor for one you should also reliably get results from one.
You can’t put up items for sale without favor, so you can’t get gold quickly which is needed to buy items.
And without favor you can’t get prophecies which are needed to enjoy the function of CoF.
Heck… you’re also not able to enjoy the function of CoF when you’re farming favor for MG.
And that’s all fine
Taking away our earnings after switching though is not

For the loot filter there’s a simple rule:
Show all T7 exalteds, they can be used for other characters worst-case or to create legendaries.
Show all double exalted items.
Show for each gear slot the specific item bases and affixes you’re ok with to have in that slot.
And at last show rare drops for every item slot which has specific hard to find affixes on it already in T5.

That’s it, you’re done with your filter for good.
Takes 1 1/2 hours to set up once and you’re good for forever.

Congratulations on breaking the game I guess?

I imagine you mean Boneclamor Barbute? That’s a common drop. If you spent 1 million LP and 20 hours on it then I can actually congratulate you.
Probably nobody in existence ever again will have that form of ‘luck’ to not drop around 250 of those things in that timeframe with that amount of Favor invested.
And the prime tip is: If you want a unique helmet you should maybe take unique helmet prophecies to acquire them.

1.1 is going to be season 2. 1.0.x are the min-season updates ('cause pedaticism is fun).

Yeah & as long as next cycle feels better than the current one it’s ok.

Possibly, but I understand what he’s actually saying & how that differs from the devs intentions.

The item factions were a response to the community reaction to the original bazaar & the devs statement that gifting would be the only form of “trading”. They wanted to allow us the ability to speed up the acquisition of items some (not as fast as in PoE) through either deterministic buying of gear on an AH or the partial mitigation of RNG through improved drop rates, CoF rank bonuses & prophecies. What @Ghostlight was asking for was to be able to buy a BiS item on his MG character and use it on his CoF character, or have a BiS item drop via the CoF mechanics and use it on his MG character.

Now, while you are correct when you talk about the functions of the faction, it feels like you’re missing out (for whatever reason) the entire focus of the factions - to acquire loot quicker than pre-1.0. It’s like you can’t see the forest for the trees.

That is the point of the factions, the mechanics (trade/prophecies/etc) are merely the player’s choice of how to get there.

And yet there are death penalties and consequences in games. Apparently people are ok with having their hc character lost once they die so maybe it’s not as much of a hard rule as you imply?

I know, but a) consequences & b) you can’t have both sides of a choice. If I want to make a Pally or Void Knight I can’t use the right side of the other masteries. The devs have said that these choices are exclusive. We struggle against that because we’re (most of us) human.

They aren’t taken away from you. You’ve just “misbehaved” (joined a different faction) & you can have them back when you can play nicely (rejoin the faction), if you want to continue the child/stuff analogy.

You signed up to some Ts & Cs that included not being able to use the stuffs you acquired from them as well as their services and you’re pissed that the Ts & Cs are being enforced.

None of this is to say that it’s never going to change, the devs are responsive to the community, but they do also have their vision for their game.

But you have the results & benefits (items) from both.

The horror! You might need to wait for a bit while you farm the gold…

But you would be able to enjoy the benefits.

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Yes, exactly.
We’ll likely see that whole situation easing up with 1.1 since it’s going to be an end-game update…

Yes, I know.
So the answer to us basically was:
‘Here, have this mechanic which is a absolutely fantastic base-idea with ridiculous amounts of potential for it, but we’ll give it to you as a pile of steaming hot horse-shit!’

Yes, because the acquisitioned item is the reward for dedicating the time to the specific faction and hence not having to bonuses of the other one!
Which is a 100% sensible and reasonable thing to ask for.
You won’t be able to afford a BiS item for your character if you play CoF after all since it costs too much gold. And if it’s a non-LP unique then it’s entirely the fault of the devs for making them available so early on with their intended system.

Inside a cycle the whole situation wouldn’t even naturally occur since availability isn’t there at the beginning of it, meaning at the start you wouldn’t be able to afford for example… a Wraithlord’s Harbour.
And heck, even then… that’s what the Rank-based system is after all there for isn’t it? Making sure you only have access to specific types of items at specific times?
Maybe… just maybe they could’ve put a bit of thought into that system and put easy to acquire items first, following by harder to acquire ones later. Including legendaries and LP items.
Because if you tell me now ‘Ohhhh… but they did!’ I’ll start laughing at you. a 1 LP ‘The Kestrel’ or even a 2 LP of it is not as rare as a Wraithlord’s Harbour. For the first you need Rank 8, for the second you need Rank 3.

They simply fucked up the system, it’s that easy, then following with arbitrary limitations for personal usage.
It’s not that hard to understand how it went wrong and why the current state is simply not something acceptable in a common gamer’s mind.

Yes… yes you’re 100% right.
But doesn’t address his point of:

stands strong still.

All what you said can be taken as preparation for more content in the game and keeping the overall retention time in mind with it. And if not then it’s even worse thought out then beforehand imagined rather then better.

Because they had all humanly possible options for a proper trading system at hand, every ever possible iteration of one could’ve been thought up. From a heavy time investment solely for the system to acquire anything, to high entry points for listing items, to limiting the listing amounts, to limiting the acquisition rate based on pure experience gain and creating a baseline of power-level for each item… and instead? They did a very interesting but less then functional trading system in the current iteration.

There was no need to create a solo-play faction at all! SSF is a self-imposed challenge of not using all methods available in a game and should be treated as such! Trading is a societal mechanic which not inherently speeds up item acquisition if implemented right.

Just go ahead an increase the needed acquisition value for a 1 LP item times 10… LP 2 times 50, LP 3 times 100 and LP 4 times 1000 and you’re gone and done! But noooooo… instead we’re talking about absolutely other topics when the baseline stands that it’s just badly done for what it should feel like.

Don’t get me wrong! The base idea of it is absolutely and utterly fantastic! The execution is the problem in its current state and needs massive rework.

A HC character is a specific challenge, not the norm.
A great example is a souls-like game! And I always found they don’t do their death-punishment fully properly since they’re not including the loss of items for it as well.
You loose all your experience if you can’t get to a save-point, right? They are intentionally made this way. You should actually loose all acquired items since then too.
It’s because you haven’t been rewarded with anything unless you find one of the save-points, you’re simply shown what you’ll have if you manage it.
The same goes for experience loss. Taking away earned rewards and consequences are not the same, there’s a psychological difference between them.

It’s also the reason why people repeatedly complain about the Path of Exile death penalty at higher levels, because the experience loss at those stages seems not reasonably achievable for the common person. The time investment to achieve it being too long.
So: How long is the reasonable time investment until I can use my rewarded item in LE hence? Ah right… never, so it feels like shit.

It is though!
There’s a darn good reason why some people enjoy roguelikes, HC characters or any of the other stuff. Because it’s a self-imposed challenge needed to overcome.

In LE there’s nothing to overcome to be allowed to do it, you just can’t.

It’s a limitation. You never had the chance to use it in the first place.
Owning an item fitting for your character though has the chance to be in that position.

If I for some reason get a LP 4 item in CoF versus buying one in MG the only difference there is a little lovely marker in the bottom right laughing at you and mocking you for having bad luck. That’s it. It feels arbitrary to the mind of a player since yes… he’s acquired it and should be reasonably be able to use it.

This wouldn’t be such a big mess if not all of your characters would loose all in that faction earned favor for switching. Still a glaring issue then… but at least sliiiightly alleviated. But still, it’s there and not good.

We can at best argue that their faction-based unique item bases are a limitation, which I would say 'That’s fine, they can only be acquired there and nowhere else and hence you’re enforced to stay aligned with them to do so.
But that’s not the case as for all other items… you’re not told to do so in general.

Imagine that:
You work for a company for a year and save up tons of money you get from them, because your reward for investing time into them is the payment you get.

Now you quit the company.

Now they say ‘Sorry, you aren’t allowed to use the money you got from us since you’re not aligned with us anymore, tough luck! Oh, and everything you bought with it? Yeah… give it to us’.

You take away the earnings. Not nice, not enjoyable, you ‘wasted your time’ after all.

Nonono… be clear here, that’s the important difference.
I have the results.
I enjoy the benefits only while being aligned with them.

That’s the vast difference.

Not the horror… it’s the whole point! You have a stop-gap anyway!
So the other limitation is arbitrary or at least badly implemented.
Once more, LP 2 Kestrel versus non-LP Wraithlord and the respective time during your playthrough you can acquisition it.
Is a limiter is built in that limiter needs to be in line with progression, not a completely unhinged one from that.

Results, not benefits.

But since you don’t know what that means:
Joining something and having a bonus ability is a ‘benefit’, you loose those when you quit.
Joining something and taking home your earnings through those’benefits’ before quitting is a ‘reward’. Because you own stuff, if you own stuff you don’t want it taken away from you.


A reward is something you can earn through a benefit.
A benefit is something you don’t own and is leased to you for time

Buying and item through any means makes you own it. Neither MG nor CoF give them to you for free, you have to put effort into it hence and earn it.

Since the progress is shared among alts, it would be absolutely OK if it took a little bit longer.

I knew this had come up somewhere but couldn’t remember where.

I tested last night and I got rep for buying. (I assume you meant rep)

They didn’t. CoF isn’t an SSF faction, it’s an RNG/non-deterministic faction. I know why people conflate the two, but that’s just wrong…

They, likely, wanted people to have an easier time of acquiring the build enabling items (uniques) without making the much more powerful chase versions (said uniques with LP or the legendary versions) quite as easy to acquire. Then the players can set the rarer uniques at a higher price if they want to.

Trading has always sped up the item acquisition rate regardless of how it’s been implemented. That’s why we have/like it, it make getting things that we want easier (you can have some of my spare corn & I’ll have some of your spare eggs/chicken/meat/whatever).