Merchant's Guild item search really needs work

this is about basic search functionality that doesn’t exist

Yeah, and not having to jump through a bunch of hoops just to filter out items I can’t buy is pretty basic search functionality that doesn’t exist.

Try to keep up.

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It’s one drop-down to filter out items you can’t buy based on your MG reputation level as opposed to functionality that doesn’t exist, like filtering or sorting by affix values.

Try to keep up.

Providing a ‘category’ is not a search menu.

The official pathofexile trade site allows for searching for items on all platforms. If you don’t know that, you’re arguing from ignorance, in which case, educate yourself and hush in the meantime. If you do know that, you’re arguing in bad faith, in which case, hush forever.

Saying that 2 things differ doesn’t deny the existence of either.

So maybe get off your high horse and write a bit more normally instead as if you’re disgruntled for running head-first against things the whole day long.

Which is functionality that doesn’t exist.

You’re trying really hard to be a smart ass, and it is absolutely not working. I recommend giving up. I’ve never had such a dumb fight with someone that agrees with me and for some reason thinks they don’t.


Yes, it does. It just takes the extra step of you actually engaging your brain and understanding what you can and cannot buy based on your MG reputation level and then filtering to that.

Only I didn’t claim that a search function was in equivalent to a category selection, and the official poe trade website provides a hell of a lot more functionality than just a category menu, so you making that statement was either just a random statement that didn’t apply to the conversation or, taken in context, was completely inaccurate to the reality of what search functionality is available on the trade site.

So were you making an out of context statement that added nothing to the conversation, or were you just spewing inaccurate information?

Neither/Nor in that case.

There’s categorization versus actual search function and the comment was in relation to the formerly made comments about search functionality of console PoE.

You can imagine a Category as a box. In that box there can be either stuff or more boxes.
In comparison a search is to sift the right stuff out from the content inside of those boxes.

So basically you have a main box which is ‘items’, inside of that are the respective boxes for ‘item type’ and in those are the respective boxes for ‘item base’.

That’s the Path of Exile Console system. No option to actively ‘search’, you’re only opening categories and sub-categories. No variables there, no mix-matching there, just the right box opened and then sifting through it madly without ever having the chance to find anything.

That’s categorization, you simply open another box in a box in a box which are basically layers to how a system is set up. Then you present everything inside there and that’s it. No searching, only a bit of sorted out stuff but the details of it are basically a ‘good luck’ moment to find.

Like boxes of scrap metal, each a different alloy… but inside you got rods, squares, sheets… all in different sizes as well, all thrown together. Good luck finding the one you personally need at that moment.

That’s when search functionality finally comes into play.
A search functionality is to mix and match comes into play, when you got several aspects which all fall into the same category.

These are our affixes, Legendary potential and so on.
They all exist in several of the categories, hence that’s the real first search since it takes into consideration all of those boxes. Is one of the affixes available with this base type? What about the other one?
It starts to work.

Now, proper search functionality is achieved, we have the framework, and it still baffles me to this day why EHG stopped just there at this point because it’s utterly and entirely embarrassing to do so.
I could’ve understood it happening as ‘we haven’t managed to finish it 100%’ and then in 1.0 it gets gradually expanded… or we have placeholders for some buttons and everything is planned out already.
Nah… instead they didn’t even get the idea to enhance the system despite having a friggin great example from PoE trade since years right in front of their noses, showcasing how that’s done.
Not to speak that the bazaar database itself is a mess because of it since it re-applies the search with every page to once again call on it rather the saving the search up-front (To be fair I don’t know if that’s been fixed by now, could be) by having it actively change results when you change the page while something new was listed.
The worst possible way to handle such a system in the backline, server-load without end. Anyone flipping a page caused a full-scale search-load onto it after all! No surprise it broke down so often at the beginning and never worked.

So, what needs to be done?

First of all EHG needs to properly streamline their database, it’s a mess, and simply being able to see it as a user is enough of a facepalm, because if the user can see the badly implemented optimization there then it’s really… reaaaaaaally bad.

As for the actual search functionality:

  • First of all… roll-range. The second you chose ‘T3 Health’ for example the available roll-range for it needs to pop up allowing you to choose that. For Chest Armor it’s ‘26’ as the minimum roll auto-selected and ‘40’ for the maximum roll auto-selected. We as the user need to have the option to adjust that at that moment.
  • Secondly, secondary affixes. As the user we need to choose as many affixes as we want at once. First handled? Plopp… a second line pops up for us to choose from. Free with the affix, the tier, the roll-range.
  • Thirdly, conditions. After the above mentioned parts are done we need conditional searches like ‘Count’ telling us we want to have for example ‘2 out of 7 searched affixes’, each with their specific roll-ranges. Also ‘Or’ commands, ‘And’ commands and whatever other conditions one wants. In the end it should be possible to prime down like a technical engineer doing a logical programming task of some kind.
    *Fourth, price-range needs to be included in the conditions. Hence allowing us to search from a minimum cost to a maximum cost. We have limited funds after all and the lower range is there to filter out the potentially worst listings if we have enough funds.
  • Fifth, Live-search. For the situation that nothing is listed at the current time it’s more then nice to have the option not to check manually over… and over… and over again. So… have it check it from time to time. Doesn’t need to be often. Hourly for example, which is much less strain then PoE’s actual live check-system which goes through the live-searches whenever something new is listed. So definitely feasable… given the architecture is done properly.

And if I didn’t have missed anything that’s the functionality such a system should have.

We’re not even talking about live price-checks from wherever you are to even decide if you should go and try to sell a specific item. Which would heavily cut down on area traversal and hence server load as well. A interface to allow us to choose the item-type or base-type (which one you want), affixes, FP and so on with simple clicks and hence check the market if something is already listed of that type and which price is the lowest available. That’s actually fairly mandatory since it allows informed decisions of using the market. Hence answering the question ‘should I even go there’.

So yes, tons and tons to do and failed to do, which is why I’m so heavily complaining about the system. I’m of the mind that ‘if you do something, do it right’, hence plan it at least out and showcase that you’ve thought about it… and MG? MG wasn’t thought about. Live-examples available in many versions and despite that EHG went along and just didn’t give a single shit, that’s what they presented us.

For the second time, this is completely false. You can go to the PoE official trade site and search for items by specific implicit or explicit affixes, by the values of those affixes, you can exclude items from the search with specific affixes, etc. You’re just saying something that’s ABSOLUTELY FALSE.

Link to the XBOX search: Path of Exile

Link to the PS search: Path of Exile

You’re just saying something that is categorically false, and you’re over-explaining how you think it works as opposed to what it actually is. You’re ignorant at best, and possibly even purposefully dishonest. Again, go educate yourself on what actually exists. I’m not going to read another word past this quote because it is, 100%, absolutely false.

Console doesn’t have this function.

Differ between PoE Desktop version and PoE console version.
They’re differently developed with different release dates for leagues as well as different functionality.

It was introduced with the chinese market in mind originally and since GGG is of the mind that asynchronous trade needs massive downsides to not completely destroy the economy in seconds they decided that the console version has/had no search function and only categorization instead
That was when it came out as I mentioned. Which I used as an example to showcase the difference between what search and what categorization is.
You can even look up the videos on Youtube still and how it functioned… it’s not rocket-science to find that.

To be exact you can’t fault someone not playing console to not see that it’s been enabled since then. To be exact here:

So go ahead, read that up and then search for the old functionality. As someone only playing PC and not console I didn’t even realize that they changed their system… actually it showcases you have got fairly little information about PoE since that posts 1 1/2 years old, which in the lifetime of that game is barely growing up from toddler-stage.

it’s unbelievably stupid to force me to scroll through dozens of sold item history where it details every item ever sold every time I simply want to collect for the one I did sell instead of looking at the entire sale history every single time I try to do so, this just shows the people who made this UI/trade system don’t actually play the game, because even 30 minutes of personal experience would’ve shown clearly how many of the current “features” or lack of, is so horrid.
This is on top of the literally nonexistent filtering option for specifc idol type for example, if I put stronghold affix, nor can I specify the value of, something that could’ve and should’ve been done as far as the actual coding aspect of things, in less than a minute. but no, just don’t have the technology.


The are doing some updates to it this cycle, I’m pretty sure they’ve said. I don’t think they’ve gone into detail as to what they will fix but I’m assuming atleast a search bar (i.e not having to go through a list everytime) and an affix tier search with conditionals since those are the really basics missing here

See, the issue is that I provided you the links that prove that the search functionality does in fact exist on console. What you’re doing is apparently trying to suggest that because the search functionality cannot be done within the game client on a console, that the functionality doesn’t exist, which is patently false. The functionality does exist, but you have to access it via a web browser. You’re making an incredibly dishonest argument about the existence of a function because you’re claiming it doesn’t exist in one very specific way.

Yeah, we’re absolutely done here. You’re not an honest interlocutor.

Never said that.
Go ahead and quote where I said that.

Didn’t until 1 1/2 years ago, that was no thing there. I showcased the differences between those systems and what they entail and hence how a proper system-setup has to be done from the ground up, which EHG didn’t.

To be fair, you’re one of the most arrogant people which are at the same time dense as a brick, so I guess we don’t leave each other behind :wink:

I did when I replied to you. I’m quoting the exact words again.

So you concede that the functionality that you claimed didn’t exist, has existed for a year and a half?

“Accurately describing reality” is arrogant? And then you resort to name-calling?

You’re sad. You won’t receive further replies.

Sadly trading in LE is probably the worst experience I’ve ever had. There shouldn’t even be a MG. You shouldn’t have to time sink 100 hours and pushing corruption to get to Rank 12 to enable trading. You shouldn’t have to grind favor. There shouldn’t be tons of vendors you waste time running back and forth too and can’t search for what you want.

You shouldn’t have to list items for 0 gold just because of a badly implemented favor system.

  • It’s all bad. There should be CoF for SSF players and everyone else should have full trading unlocked when you select a normal character. No more favor, no more MG and just put everything at one single Auction House (with great search features). If we have enough Gold we can buy it. /fixed

I got 215 million gold but ohhh I’m out of favor again so I can’t do anything. Geez let me waste more time grinding favor just to buy and item or sell an item. This is a pointless timesink that ruins the most imporant End Game in an ARPG which is trading.

Dam it’s annoying. There is just so much that wastes your time instead of getting to enjoy the game.

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If you’re farming at/near 1k corruption, you’re gaining so much favor you can’t run out if you’re being at all judicious about posting items.

The favor system prevents bots from standing in the MG and just afk goblining all day, which I’m totally OK with as well.

I have issues with the system, but it’s not the favor. The reputation grind could use a little bit of a tweak to give more access sooner so you’re not double-gated, but I have no real issue with the favor system at all.

Multiple vendors and the lack of robust search are the largest issues, and seem quite easy to solve. The system, as-implemented, doesn’t need an overhaul, imo. It just needs a healthy dose of QoL.

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If you think that playing the game gets in the way of playing the market, then the devs disagree with you.

It’s not as cancerous as PoEs at least.

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It’s way easier in PoE to search for something you want. But I do agree the actual trade process itself in LE is so much better; especially since I personally don’t mind MG level requirements.

To be fair with this league and the implemented currency market in PoE that’s a thing of the past.

And also to be fair, the low-quantity amount of trading one does related to actual gear can be kept manual if the surrounding framework does the job.

Should be in-game for PoE as well… but at least works, unlike MG :stuck_out_tongue: