Merchant Guild ranking takes way too long

That is no different from CoF. Both factions get small amounts of reputation from killing.

Interacting with the faction mechanic in the faction hub is pretty sketchy with the zone transitions atm.

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the monoliths run like offline mode thou. everyone in chat is freaking out. im afraid to leave :smiley:

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I’m currently playing. A few minutes ago I was having the matchmaking error. So I browsed the forums for a couple minutes and tried again and it changed zone properly. So you can advance and play, just sometimes you have to wait longer or retry.

think im just going to unlock all the echos I can then maybe try the perilous journey to Arena. Maybe I can outrun LE-61! Would be cool if you could click the key and port there directly.

Just now I had an LE-61 after waiting for about 30s, tried to zone again and it was immediate. It’s a gamble, but if you’re not in a hurry and you don’t mind sometimes waiting a few minutes while zoning, it’s doable.

Kinda yes & no, if you didn’t have to portal to the Observatory to pick up the prophecies I’d agree, but I always felt that that breaks you from the playing.

Kinda of like going back to town to turn in daily quests and get new ones

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Yeah, not really a fan of that though, GW2 was ok.

Yeah, unfortunately, I’m also not a fan of the on-the-fly questing system(s) either. I’m not sure what a better method would be for that sort of thing.

My gripe with the MG is that the unlocks don’t align with your character progression, and no i don’t buy the “but it’s supposed to be used with multiple characters”. CoF players have access to the full spectrum of drops, regardless of level. in MG, when your character reaches lvl 90, you know, when you need exalted armor, accesories, etc. you just can’t get it. Killing monsters and grinding monos gives you only a pittance of reputation in rank 6+, the only meaningful way to level your rank is using what little favor you get (1k favor per 4 or 5 monos is just wrong), so you are obligated to gamble for items you won’t use or list a bunch of items so your favor gets expend. Maybe after getting my gear on my first character, I will go back and try MG again but unlocks should be faster or move them and give other incentives at higher ranks


So far after 3 days of nolifing the game I almost got to rank 8. But it’s literally nolifing the game. at this point I need around 100k favour to reach rank 8 and I don’t even want to think how long it will take to get to rank 10 to buy amulets with LP. It’s insane considering I am almost level 96. Meanwhile my friend playing CoF gets insane loot piñatas every run and it takes him 2-3 minutes to sort the loot. It just feels unfair.


I’m on rank 6 and my character is currently at level 90. So I guess I am somehow ahead of you. We must be doing things differently. By the way, I initially started CoF until rank 4 before switching over to MG. Had I not wasted my time on CoF, my MG would probably be at rank 7 at character level 90. It is my only character so far

If you have only one character
 it is.

And it showcases that the speed of leveling MG is very awful.

What do you drop at level 95? All boss drops already? Maybe you got the ones you need at LP 1 or as much as LP 2 by then?

One way or the other it’s not the place where MG should stand when reaching that far.

Access to the system is aspirational?

Acquisition should be, not friggin access.
That setup only serves to ruin any healthy economy and cause problems left and right.

CoF though provides constant upsides during the whole time, that’s why nobody complains about CoF rank progression but several people do about MG rank progression.

They’re set up to function similarly but the concept of them is just a vastly different thing.
Hence for MG the ‘10 Rank access system’ just doesn’t work, won’t be able to properly work and will always be detrimental.

Why you might ask?
Because it floods the market with worthless items for the enforced usage to remove favor.
Because it floods the market with items unobtainable by anyone which utterly demolishes prices.
Because when people can access it the majority already stopped actively interacting with it, causing scarcity in supply suddenly.

All in all it’s providing negatives beyond end
 what positive does the Rank system for MG bring to the table in comparison?
Before answering
 take into account that favor could also be tied to selling price with a much higher floor simply, so acquisition limitation is not a viable argument hence.

MG is solely viable for those people who play longer times since a fairly casual player won’t have any upsides outside of the initial unique access for the majority of the game. Scarcity in supply makes acquisition of exalted items and the higher LP items unlikely, needing more effort to access them.
This leaves only those people which play a lot using it
 and those generally have a large variety of characters which causes the market to be nigh empty all the time.

Access shouldn’t have to be levelled up at all is what I would argue.
Something else? Sure
 but not access.

Nah, Level 7 and 8 just take insane amounts of rep in comparison to the first 6 levels.
You’re right on track.

CoF rank 10 doubles prophecy rewards, that doesn’t make the prophecies ‘detrimental’ untill you reach that rank.

MG Rank 3 & 4 grant access to build enablers.
MG Rank 5 & 6 unlock LP weapon crafting, 7 & 8 the rest.
The latter are already a vast increase in gaining power with a build over anything CoF provides.
The last two ranks provide you with something CoF simply doesn’t ever do: guaranteed LP affixes on uniques.

On the contrary, MG provides a ton of accessibility for people without a lot of time, because they don’t need to farm bosses or rare drops for build enablers, that’s something they get from a few hours playing the game. What it doesn’t do for them is “finish” the gearing progress, but that’s a core part of the aRPG gameplay loop, play for upgrades.

 CoF should just get a boss-kill button to access their drops, right? I mean 
 accessing those drops should not require me to level!
Might as well make all characters instant 100, empowered monos unlocked and any corruption you want you can pick!

Or you know, play a game where unlocking access is part of the gameplay loop unlocking a character build’s potential. You’re not entitled to full access of the Trade system. Heck, you’re not even entitled to trade at all, nor to the Bazaar having any useful or reasonably priced items. But you do have the ability to unlock those options just like anyone else willing to work for them, or for their CoF ranks. (except the items part, that is 100% community driven and not something a company would risk to meddle in)

Especially Rank 3 is a major issue currently.
The ability to obtain - for quite cheap - boss-drop uniques only available roughly 30-40 levels later (since that’s when you get the rank) is not good.

That’s the other side of the coin there.

Providing a broken upside doesn’t make up for the broken downsides
 both aren’t supposed to exist in the first place

Weapon crafting is fine, 7 is nonsensically positioned and 8 is vastly too late

No, they aren’t. You don’t get power by access, you get power by acquisition you get through that access.

Hence the limitations need to be based on the acquisition itself and not the access before it.
Specifically since the pure access is vastly harder to properly balance.

True! My 6 pages of LP items until rank 7 CoF compared to my 2 pages of LP items until Rank 8 MG clearly showcase what we’re provided

It’s simply a disparity. Your argument is unfitting to the issue.
The issue is that MG progression isn’t aligned with core gameplay progression unlike CoF which enhances the core gameplay progression at every moment without fail.
Hence MG needs to do the same.
This can only be achieved by limitless access but limited acquisition speed based on play-time.
This limited acquisition speed is a more fitting way for favor usage compared to what it is now.

True! The base uniques are the sole exception. Which - once more - happens far too early and is the sole exception where MG shines.
Idols don’t fit into that anymore actually since the build-related idols now cost 1 mil+ after the market has a sort of baseline and hence is inaccessible for beginners
 as it should be for the strong items after all!

 false equivalence. You’ve utterly failed see what the meaning of my argument was and then failed to even answer in a proper manner.

So I’ll repeat it since you’re seemingly bad at seeing context and have basically no clue of how an economy works
 or at least you make it seem like that’s the case.
So the explanation:

An economy is based on free access and self-regulatory pricing by supply versus demand. If something is rare and wanted it gets a high price
 if not it plummets in price. This is a natural situation.
MG fails to provide this already, access-restrictions cause instead for the following things to happen:

1.) Since to gain access we need to interact with the market the only viable solution to that is listing items. This causes valuable and non-valuable items to be listed at wrong price.
2.) With 1 in position and the access limitation for anything of higher rank this leads to early price-dumping to unreasonable levels. Nothing is sold hence the price gets lower and lower, making it unreasonable to list your valuables in the first place since the price isn’t representative of the actual supply/demand situation in the game. It’s artificaly limited.
3.) With the limitations in place, a flooded market and the access restrictions this causes the rewards for listing items to plummet massively while also providing the first ones reaching the respective ranks to be able to acquire items at a vastly underpriced state not equivalent to their rarity.
4.) As soon as a chunk of people have access to those items the market is swiftly emptied out, sales are extremely cheap until that point and the first people are able to fully outfit their character with 2-3 LP items below 3 mil gold total investment.
5.) Since favor costs aren’t equivalent to rarity of items but a shoddy disaster of a non-thought-through system it makes acquisition costs a non-issue where it should actually be system-limited.
6.) With that situation at hand already the prices suddenly rise to ridiculous levels. Early listing adopters see little rewards and a long road of ‘nothing’ ahead, averting their eyes from the system since it provides no upsides for them. This causes listing amounts to plummet heavily.
7.) By the time those people not inputting 5 hours a day reach the higher ranks giving finally access to exalted and LP unique items the market has adjusted. Their former rewards of a few 100k now are valued at 1 item, the majority of people have stopped using the market at all and diverged to CoF or stopped playing, the economy has stagnated and high-value items aren’t even existing, sold out.
8.) What we’ll probably see coming up - and this is guesswork from there - is that the stagnation reaches ridiculous levels, since not enough people invest time into the system the prices rise to 10-20 times their actual value, scarcity causes massive time investment needed to acquire an item, vastly more so then CoF suddenly provides but with no upsides during regular gameplay.
9.) The economy stagnates fully and dies off worst-case. You’ll not find listing of a majority of items, usage of the system becomes non-viable.

That’s the roadmap for MG, up to Stage 7 we have it currently visible in Legacy. Since it’s a first iteration as well we’ll see many more people using CoF next cycle since it gives higher rewards, causing that timeline to be sped up in cycle as well and adapting a similar pattern then legacy.

Hence the argument here is:
A limiting system by access is non-viable for a healthy economy
A limiting system by acquisition rate is a viable alternative

Which puts your whole argumentation already ad-absurdum by itself.

If a LP 2 boss item costs 250k favor to buy since the price of it is high and you’re limited to list a non-endless amount of items and you’re not tied to progression by favor usage for listing and you have a permanently existing upside similar to CoF for the rank system instead then the system has a equivalent functionality unless now.

Many many steps there since the whole system is just utterly
 wrong in so many places.

With the access restriction they do meddle in it though. That’s the whole point!
Instead tying items to a properly set up system which adjusts the favor cost accordingly is far more effective and non-intrusive. A LP 2 rare boss drop shouldn’t cost 15k favor
 let’s start with 250k or more depending on price. A garbage unique with 1 LP going through Julra shouldn’t cost 40k favor either
 that’s the flipside, 15k is already too much for that crap
 the system needs major adjustements.

If you would quote more than just one setence my statement makes a lot more sense.

I am talking about Rank 9 and 10 here.

Rank 8 is the only thing that is necessary to access all base item types and rarities.
Everything beyond that is aspirational and not mandatory.

Yes, but the point is at what level do you unlock Rank 8?
If you play from level 1 with a single character it’s around level 97 or so.
That unlocks the full base functionality of the system without being aspirational.

By that time though you’re faaaar past the point you should have access to exalted items in the market though, that’s
 85 or so which would need it latest.

We can argue about the power of T7 exalteds and double exalteds here, but that offers another can of worms.
All in all clumping together common, rare, boss-drop and rare boss-drop uniques at the same position was and still is a fairly bad design decision. As is clumping together T6, T7, double T6, T7 + T6 or even the fabled double T7 exalted items allowed to be acquired at the exact same time.
And then on top the current system makes odd distinctions between obtaining a weapon and other items, which often makes no sense actually as defensive measures are more valuable for ‘stable’ gameplay and offensive ones lead to glass-cannon builds which have been proven in the history of ARPGs of this type that they reduce the lifetime of a cycle (frustration from too many deaths ripping you out of the gameplay loop).

What is the broken downside, that you are too powerful too early?
Then we’ld need to scratch Trade all together.
Or is it a reasonable expectation that (outside of week 1) the prices of those boss drops will be above what a levelling character can gather and thus, the community will gate access to it organically?

Considering each rank needs to have its own value to attain, what would you do?
Swap non-weapons and weapons on the ranks?
Are you advocating for vastly faster rank unlocks for all factions instead? Or just MG and have CoF require vastly more grind before they get the same rank?

Access is the opportunity for acquisition. This is true for MG, CoF and even anyone not playing a faction at all. Access to Temporal Sanctum is the opportunity to craft. Access to Emperor of Dragons is the opportunity to get a Twisted Heart drop, access to higher MG ranks is the opportunity to buy things from other players. These are all attainable to the nearly anyone willing to put in the time.

I see how you could have misunderstood what I wrote now. I meant that, at higher ranks, MG has a certainty to acquire certain affixes on Legendary items. That is something a CoF player simply doesn’t have. Some unlucky sod out there will be farming Emperor of Corpses for the entire cycle and never manage to slam the correct affix onto a 1LP Twisted Heart. MG has the possibility to guarantee the ‘right’ affix.

And there is a link between MG and gameplay progression, it’s gold.
But the entire concept of a Trade mechanic in a game relies on other players balancing the value of acquisition vs time spent. What you are asking is for EHG to directly interfere in the player economy and set prices for them. That’s not only a lot of work on a constant basis, but also the real world equivalence of complete government control of the (no longer) free market. At that point, just remove the middle man, delete the option to sell items and let the game generate random stuff for the Bazaar and be done with it! (That would actually also solve gold sellers, so it has my vote!)

Which sort of prove my point 
 the market regulates organically. EHG did not intervene here. That is a core concept of player economy and what you are asking for is for EHG to interfer in that.

Hyperbole - yes, I thought that was especially obvious from the next sentence, which you forgot to quote.
False equivalence - If you’re gonna argue about acquisition vs access, I could say that killing the boss is access, the item dropping is acquisition. Being able to kill EoC requires some sort of effort on my part, just as getting the MG Rank would. To me, those are both alternate routes to access.

Bit of an ad hominem there.

Not gonna quote all the points, but 

  1. Incorrect, you can get Reputation, thus ranks or access from simply playing the game. You also can’t argue about “wrong price” if 2 sentences above you are saying the economy is based on self-regulatory pricing. The fact people were wrongfully assuming you needed to sell to gain reputation is probably what set off this entire chain of events.
  2. The supply isn’t artificially limited as they no longer require ranks to sell. Considering your argument about prices dropping, I’m assuming the demand is not limited either. In fact, the rank system locking out certain items would actually increase demand at lower levels, not lower it. (Because they are the only ones available as upgrades to certain players)
  3. People are free to list their items for 0 gold on a free market, especially when it is flooded. I agree that in the first weeks of a cycle, demand will be low, but this could also be solved by locking the supply side behind ranks, which was their original intent. (Yes, I know that’s even more restrictions)
  4. And the people that put up those items in the first days of the cycles are economic illiterates for selling so cheap when they can’t turn around and buy their own gear afterwards. Again, free market. Together with point 3, I think just buying random items at the vendor would have been more efficient use of their time, but that is their choice, not mine or yours. As this was the first contact with the MG for many players, maybe it won’t occur in the next cycle.
  5. So the Favor cost should be linked to its drop rate? If you’re arguing rarity, then it should not be linked to requested gold value, as that is the intrinsic value attributed to it by the player base, not by its actual rarity. It’s also rather dishonest to call something you disagree with as “non-thought-through”, especially considering they redid the entire design after 0.9 because they were not happy with their old system, of which neither of us know the details enough to call it a “'shoddy disaster”.
  6. Basically rampant inflation caused by supply dump. Free markets, amarite? (Yes, that was a joke) This was also the case in the few times I tried trading in PoE leagues, so from my experience, this is inherent to the Trade system, not to some sort of restrictions. I would argue it’s even worse there, because the supply keeps growing, as items are re-tradeable after use.
  7. Which is only a problem because they put in their items at a low time on the market and did not wait for prices to go up before selling. Again, free market, their choice. The amount of people active within that system is indeed a potential supply issue, but that is, again, a playstyle choice.
  8. It’s subjective to call the stagnant levels ‘ridiculous’, as it is completely driven by demand and buyer valuation. Not to mention that you are ignoring the fact that selling items at those prices also has 10-20x the income.
  9. That is the risk of joining any trade economy where not enough players are participating. This is not inherently new to MG or even game economies in general.

Overall, the initial item dump in the first days caused some big waves in the economy. I agree with you there. But the only relevance to higher MG ranks here is that people tried (incorrectly) to sell cheap to level up their Reputation. It would not have stopped people from flooding the lower ranks of the Bazaar with everything they could find if those people could buy items at higher ranks. I would even argue that this would increase their desire to sell, but that’s again a psychology debate and not really suitable for forums format, imho.

I don’t claim to have a crystal ball and know exactly what the next cycle will bring, but this argument seems to rely on a) people doing the exact same 0 gold item dump as before, and b) enough people chosing CoF over MG for it to differ, rather than people just tapering off towards PoE or Diablo seasons.

Acquisition rate is already locked behind gold, which is a value given to items by players.
Access is at best locked behind a one-time XP investment, just like getting a Stock Broker License is IRL.

If there was no access limitation, then, through the logic you used in point #4 (early bird gets the worm) it would potentially be even worse, because being able to buy the first ever 4LP Twisted Heart (or similar) in the cycle grants you compound interest in your investment. This then allows you to farm drops faster, giving you more gold / hour over time. This is especially an issue once you include the existence of bots and/or RMT. Allowing those that buy gold to swiftly get all the top gear they want, would probably pump prices even more, making those items as inaccessible to other players as they are now.

point 1: Assuming you want Favor to be the limiting factor, this would potentially dry up the supply of items. Why bother selling stuff when I have enough gold? I need to keep farming Favor instead!
point 2: You’re limited by Favor, and again, potential supply shortage when your stuff doesn’t sell and you can’t put up a better item.
point 3: You are not. You can use favor any way possible at that level. Including spending it on the vendor for random rares instead.
point 4: you can chose exactly which item you wish to acquire. That is the upside of Trade, as it always has been when comparing to drops.

The Favor cost is a baseline, like the 500g vendor price or the drop chance. That’s why gold needs to be the community driven currency. Because in your suggestion, either it a) solves nothing, (conversion rate too low) or b) makes favor the driver for purchase, so people stop putting stuff on the Bazaar as they no longer need gold (or don’t want to waste Favor listing it), thus drying up supply, which was one of the things you wanted to prevent.

The only things I agree with you in all of the above is

  1. People dumping items on Bazaar in the first days cause a cascade of issues we haven’t seen the end of yet.
  2. Favor cost of items, fixed or not, could be improved upon to reflect availability better.

I disagree with your arguments that increasing access to higher ranks would solve #1, and think that essentially allowing players to determine Favor cost of items themselves would help in the case of #2 and would actually hurt availability of items more. And before you make the argument that listing should then be free, see #1

Acquisition of Exalted items and LP uniques at the appropriate time. They happen too late to a vast degree.
Obviously not all of them, that’s the next issue, no differences despite vast power disparity in the groupings EHG created for the Ranks.

No, hasn’t been the case since the coming of the system, either in legacy or in cycle. So it’s not a reasonable expectation. This only entails uniques with LP as the baseline drops are too common.

I would say that’s fairly narrow-minded thinking there.
Why does it need to stay in the same extremely limiting range it currently is?

Ignore ‘weapons’ or ‘all exalteds’ for now
 cut it up in other measurements which make more sense.
T6 exalteds, T7 exalteds, double.exalted
 common uniques, rare uniques, boss uniques, rare boss uniques

Suddenly it opens up a lot more in detail. But sure, if you create something on the wrong base premise and try to work around that things always seem impossible despite being fairly obvious.

Neither/nor, I advocate for a completely and utter re-haul of the whole darn system outside of the basic premise, since nigh everything building above the utterly basic functions has been done badly in one way or the other.
The ranking system is insufficient and also unfitting in positioning.
The favor system is also insufficient, stifling at parts and non-essential at others, each where it shouldn’t be the case.

So it’s a little bit more then just ‘switch numbers around’ there.

First of all the ‘access is opportunity’:
Not necessarily.
Access to the temporal sanctum is a multi-factor access system. You need 3 things for it: The key, the unique with LP and a exalted item. These 3 factors need to align together to have it.

The same holds true for MG. Access to acquisition itself has no meaning unless you own the relevant resources accordingly needed for the acquisition.
The other 2 factors are gold and favor.
Currently the limiting factor in MG is Rank to a vast degree, Rank is the equivalency of keys in the Temporal Sanctum. You nigh never lack a key, you commonly always lack the other 2 things.
The same baseline should be expected from MG to provide the functionality.
Gold is a factor which is highly variable in access, hence shouldn’t be taken as the main limiting factor either, a lucky drop or a high knowledge-base and good filter will aid vastly in acquisition rate there.
Leaves only the favor as a potentially functional mechanic to guarantee permanent access limitation to the amount which should be expected by the devs. Currently it fails at that task though.

For that also several factors have to align. Those are that someone puts that item with LP up and also has used the right affixes on it in combination which is useful to you.
For that the access to LP items would be needed beforehand to even attempt those crafts.
And for that the usage amount of the faction would also need to be high enough to guarantee high enough resource relocation between different people and builds to make it happen in the first place.

Which simply isn’t the state currently.

It could be and should be though.

Hence ‘no’, MG is no magical legendary generator, ‘some poor sod’ outside of you needs to create it first, which means those steps need to align with your need. Which currently is unlikely to happen.

As mentioned above, Gold is not a proper limiting factor since it’s a volatile one, only favor can realistically be.

Only in terms of time-based acquisition rate, which is already existing.
It’s an equivalent to creating a system with common or rare items. The chance to acquire one is different, this needs to be represented simply and is a 1 time effort without any further upkeep needed beyond that.

Hyperbole there, and a strawman.

If we relate it to ‘government control’ then there’s functioning examples available which align with that and function.
My country for example as enforced pricings for books, which means depending on the type of information conveyed (entertainment or knowledge material) it has fixed upper price limits to force a sped up rate of acquisition compared to a fully free market.

Context matters, and in terms of the game limitations are viable as we neither need a fully free market nor a completely stiffled one. It needs to work with the context of the overall acquisition rate to never make it too easy but still allow a steady flow of good according to perceived value.

It can and does only if the acquisition rate overall is in line to allow said regulation.
Non-LP uniques are too prevalent but have another limiter (progression stage) to have it function in that aspect.

This is incorrect, reputation is earned based un favor usage and only favor usage.

Also incorrect, demand is artificially influenced by access through ranks. Which causes the problems in point 2 after all in the first place. You can have endless demand and it’ll never show during that phase of the market since it can’t.

If instead of access limitation for acquisition we have access limitation for listing then the supply/demand chain would still be interrupted but in a more reasonable way. Since ranks raise with time investment it means only people which have already invested the respective time can even supply those items. The demand section isn’t affected and displays realistically which would work better.

So yes, this would be a viable ‘quick fix’ solution to take care of the worst issues right away.

True, but also expectation basis. No other market in any game or in reality provides this basis, hence without in-depth knowledge about the economic outcomes related to such mechanics in place a ‘normal’ person can’t reasonable depict the outcome.
Which is an issue simply.

Baseline: Rarity
If it goes beyond this baseline then the favor cost rises directly aligned to the price to represent the increased demand and hence scarcity.
This is solely a so called ‘floor’ to be provided, which is actually a pre-existing limiter mechanic to enforce things to never go below a certain threshold which is to be expected. It removes the option for market crashes.

And I call it not to be thought through since those things are economic 101
 and unless they have a specialist specifically in a position to overlook the creation of their economic systems (like for example Eve Online has, a person solely in their studio to look at economical repercussions for any change happening) then it’s likely that the responsible person hasn’t got the knowledge base and hence the ability to ‘think it through’ since it’s never been something they needed. It’s a lack of fitting competence at the right position. Which isn’t a negative but just something that happens naturally in any company or group.

Which is a direct result though from the shortcomings - intentionally said - of the system before this situation.
The needed time investment doesn’t warrant usage to this date as before you reach it you’ll even stop playing. Which comes from the system failing to offering rewards during that time. Which is entirely avoidable.

That’s why the respective incentive is imperative to it.
This the system currently lacks.

Actually removal the inherent ties to rep-gain through favor usage does exactly that.
Which is one of the main issues for the market. It screws over everyone at that situation is is also
 entirely avoidable.

Yes, since the turnover rate for new people is a high percentile in ARPGs like LE during season starts, thus meaning they won’t have the experience-based knowledge people from 1.0 have.
As for the MG to CoF ratio, those being ‘burned’ by the system will with a higher chance align with the other faction instead. Which makes the issues showcased more severe as the percentile of users will be lower.

By favor as well, and unlike gold it’s a vastly more stable resource since it’s directly tied to active play-time rather then being tied to luck-based factors.

Hence it makes more sense to use that as a overall baseline rather then Rank or Gold which entail direct usage of favor in the first place (hence redundant since favor is the baseline).

You don’t need a license to access the stock market, you can do it yourself at any time through a variety of means nowadays, those times are over.

Which would nonetheless be forcefully tied to a minimum favor acquisition which means you would need to nonetheless input the respective effort in pure time-investment.
Hence should you even have the gold-funds you wouldn’t have the favor funds required, needing more time-investment.

Since high gold prices would automatically rise the favor cost for acquisition this actually hampers RMT since to acquire the gold your buyer would need to invest the respective play-time into it. Which currently is not the case.

In the current system you can acquire 100 million gold by 200 favor.
In a system tying gold price directly to favor it would for example need
 100k favor. That’s a multitude of it, 500 times the time investment needed for it.
If that doesn’t limit RMT made possible through the market then nothing does.

Which wouldn’t be possible since it’s tied to favor. So the example isn’t existent in reality.

Yes! But we have a in-built solution for that in the game already actually.
Lightless Arbour.
Find yourself in the situation where you’re out of favor but got tons of gold? Let’s go for a massive loot drop chance there! A mechanic fully invalidated by the current systems in place since CoF needs the gold for stash tabs and MG makes it unreasonable to use it. Thus providing it a reason for existence again.
So selling a item would never be bad as the gold acquisition directly relates to drop-chances.

Which unless you require a exalted item on a specific base and hence not for legendary creation is a fairly nonsensical thing to do.

Only of supply is there, which it isn’t, hence not the case.

Legacy has exactly ‘0’ LP 2 Snowdrift available
 that’s not a rare item and still it’s gone, completely.
In the current state MG has a worse standing for the average user then CoF does
 and that’s baffling given the power of an economy under normal circumstances.

Non-issue since gold always has inherent value with the existing game mechanics.

Umm dont think so. U do also gain rep from favor u earned via killing mobs.

Rep gained by favor spent. Is how ever the quickest way to gain rep.

U gain 2 points of rep per point of favor gained from killing mobs. Same thing with favor spent. If u spend say 500 favor u gain 1k rep. If u gain 500 favor from killing mobs u also gain 1k rep